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Cure your gingivitis at home with this simple, low cost home remedy!
Warning: Bleeding gums could be a symptom of numerous ailments, and the remedy described herein should only be utilized for Gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease. If you are uncertain, seek medical advice.


I had put it off for as long as I could. I hadn't seen a dentist in literally 6 years. Frankly, I was afraid of what any dentist might tell me. My gums were bleeding so badly that every time I brushed my teeth I would spit out a mouthful of blood. Biting into an apple left bloody stains. Even Dracula would have been worried. Eating was often painful, and certain foods which I had previously enjoyed, were now out of the question. Cavities were really the last thing on my mind and of very little concern at that point.

Finally, I couldn't stand it any more. I decided it was time to "face the music." After all, as a professional woodwind player in my late 20s, I needed to make sure I'd still have my teeth many years down the road. It's hard to play the sax or the flute with dentures in your mouth. Also, both my parents had lost all their teeth due to gum disease, and I'd read or heard somewhere that this was usually an hereditary problem.


Since it had been so long since I'd seen a dentist (mine had subsequently retired!), I made a few phone calls and got a solid recommendation from another wind playing musician and set up an appointment. Not surprisingly, my worst fears were realized. At the exam, the dentist told me that I had "borderline gum disease," and that if I didn't do something immediately, I'd be looking at some serious periodontal surgery before long. And, on top of that, I discovered that I had 2 cavities that needed filling. What a nightmare! Was I really going to lose all my teeth just like my folks had? Honestly, he scared the daylights out of me!

Though my new dentist was quite gentle and expert, I proceeded to have the most painful and gory cleaning of my life. While he was working on me, he explained that most of the irritation in my gums was caused by food particles that were trapped beneath the gumline; that bacteria would build up there, and thus infect and destroy the gum tissue. All he could suggest was that if I really wanted to have any of my own teeth by the time I was 40, I needed to do a much better job of brushing and flossing. In addition, he wanted to see me again in 4 months instead of the usual 6.


To be completely honest, my oral hygiene habits had left much to be desired, and as brushing was so painful at that point, I did it even less than usual.That day though, I vowed to be a model of personal dental hygiene (whatever that is). Despite the fact that I had always hated brushing my teeth and despised flossing, I decided to dicipline and dedicate myself to the task of repairing my gums and saving my teeth. There was no doubt in my mind that I could do this.

I remembered that when I was growing up, my parents had tried for a few years to get the whole family to use a WaterPik (one of the first, if not the first oral irrigators sold in the U.S.) every night before going to sleep. This ingenious machine actually shoots a fine stream of water at your teeth and gums, and literally blows away the food particles. As pre-teens and adolescents, the potential benefits of this added "bedtime torture" were lost on me and my brothers, and in the end, even my parents stopped using it. The appliance was retired to the basement for storage and never used again.

In my current predicament though, it occurred to me that this device may have been a very effective way of cleansing beneath the gumline. Coincidentally, I had just read an interesting article in an health magazine about a revolutionary new plaque-fighting oral rinse which had just been introduced on the market. The product was called Viadent, and it contained an extract from the root of the sanguinaria plant. It was alleged in the article, that this extract had been proven to destroy the bacteria responsible for the build-up of dental plaque.*** see important note below***


The next day, I purchased a new Waterpik (for about $40) and a bottle of Viadent (about $7) at my neighborhood pharmacy. I had determined that if I added the Viadent to the water reservoir of the WaterPik, I might more effectively cleanse below my gumline, and at the same time protect against the harmful bacteria that was causing me so much pain and anxiety.

I started slowly at first. I would use the WaterPik on the softest setting after brushing my teeth in the morning and at bedtime. At the time, my gums still hurt too much to floss yet, and they were still bleeding. But after a few days, I was able to increase the water pressure on the WaterPik, and an amazing thing began to happen: MY GUMS HAD ALMOST COMPLETELY STOPPED BLEEDING! Not only that, but I could floss again and, while it still did hurt a little, it really wasn't too bad. My gums were actually healing.


When I returned to the dentist 4 months later, he was astonished and mystified by the progress I'd made. He said, "I don't know what you've been doing, but I've never seen anyone recover this fast from gum disease." My gums had been restored from the puffy red and bleeding mess they were when he'd seen me 4 months earlier, to their healthy normal pink color.

Needless to say, I continued my "treatment," and today at 43, my gums are healthier than those of just about anyone I know. Not only that, but I haven't had a cavity since.


Perhaps you're thinking that this was just a fluke; that I was lucky, and my gums weren't that bad to begin with. I remember that the dentist had even suggested that they'd healed quickly because of the cleaning he did.

Honestly, he did do a terrific job, and if you live in the New York metro area, I'd be happy to refer you to him should you need a dentist. But in reality, I'm absolutely certain that it was the intensive plaque fighting, oral irrigation treatment which ultimately cured my gum disease problem and has kept me cavity-free all these years.

And as for the original condition of my gums, it was truly frightening, especially since my teeth are particularly crooked and tend to trap all sorts of food particles between them. I can brush for 15 minutes, and particles will still come out of my mouth when I WaterPik.


How can I be so sure that it was this remedy that cured the problem so effectively? It's simple. I have several friends who have found themselves in the same situation as I was. Their gums were bleeding profusely, and their dentists were all recommending oral surgery.

Now, I have a hard time accepting unsolicited advice from most people, and therefore I usually do not offer advice to anyone who has not asked for it. But when I hear close friends tell me they are about to have root canal work, or other oral surgery done to cure their gum disease problem, I can't just stand by without sharing my experience and the "miracle" I had discovered quite by accident. One reason is that both my parents were subjected to years of costly and painful gum surgery, and the final result (as with most people I've talked to about this), was that they ended up losing all their teeth anyway.


"I should just give you $3,000," said my friend Jennifer (not her real name) when, after 3 months of using this remedy, I asked her how her teeth were doing. "That's what I was about to pay that [so and so] just so he could rip my mouth apart! And when I told him I cured it myself in just a few weeks, he said it was impossible. But I am cured... absolutely!"


If you think about it, many dental professionals, periodontists in particular, while proclaiming they're sworn to serve and heal their clients, have a lot to lose if people start to really cure their gingivitis (yes, that is the technical term for the early stages of gum disease, but toothpaste companies also have to soft-pedal it!) all by themselves. Millions of dollars a year are at stake. So if you're looking for confirmation of the validity of this treatment from your dentist or dental professional, you're most likely barking up the wrong tree. To be fair to these professionals though, they are only doing what they?ve been trained to do. If alternative dental care practices were taught in the schools, I?m sure dental professionals would be recommending this treatment to you.


Go ahead and ask your own dentist, if you like. The most positive and encouraging of them will probably tell you (as mine did) that "there is no conclusive evidence to support the fact that these things really work." That's because spending money to study the effectiveness of such cures is not in the best interest of the dental profession. If you have a negative dental professional who does not believe in any form of alternative dental hygene (and most are trained to believe this way), he or she is likely to tell you that not only are you wasting your time and money, but you might actually be doing yourself more harm than good. I find this comment particularly ironic in light of the fact that I was cured for under $50, while hundreds of thousands of innocent people pour half their life savings into an operation (or possibly several operations) only to lose their teeth after a short time.

I once had a dental hygienist tell me that I was risking serious injury by using an oral irrigator! When she had finished cleaning my teeth (without spilling one drop of my blood, mind you), I asked her how my gums looked. She said, "actually, they look pretty good... I don't see any real problems." So I said, "you should have seen them 2 years ago, when I first started using my Waterpik." She may not have been convinced, but I sure was. And so is everyone who knew about my problem all those years ago, as are the folks who have used this method to cure their own gum disease.


I've given up talking to my own dentist about how I keep my teeth clean. First of all, he'd never believe (and I don't recommend this for everyone) that I usually only brush my teeth once a day and not even every day! Nor would he believe that I floss my teeth at most 5 or 6 times a year! He wouldn't believe it because now, when I go for my periodic cleaning and check-up (once a year--maybe), he always finds my gums in perfect health. Generally, he needs never do more than a cursory cleaning of my teeth, and as I've said, I haven't had a cavity since I started my original treatment. That's almost 20 years!


I'll probably get irate letters from dental professionals contradicting everything I've said. This information is so simple yet cotroversial, that I wouldn?t be surprised by threats of lawsuits from the Dental Associations. However, I truly do not wish to cast aspersions on the entire dental profession. In fact, most dental professionals do an excellent job, and I'm sure the general dental health of our population is far better off for their work than without it. I sincerely believe that if the dental industry actually went to the trouble to study this method (or any other alternative dental care methods), they would recommend it as strongly as I am recommending it to you here.


Look, maybe you think your gums are too far gone to be cured this way. Or, who knows, maybe you'll be the one person who finds this method won't work for you at all (though I seriously doubt it). All I know is that everyone I've ever told about this treatment has been completely cured within a few months; no more painful, bleeding gums, no drugs, and no costly oral surgery!

So, if you're as scared about losing your teeth as I was, or if you're considering spending a small fortune to have someone operate on your mouth, what do you have to lose by giving this simple remedy a try first? Exactly nothing.

The fact is, everyone is frightened when they see blood coming out of their mouth, but hardly anyone ever talks about it! I've successfully solved this problem for myself and helped several of my friends, and I'm certain that this solution can work for just about anyone who really gives it a chance. That's why I've bothered to put this report in writing and have placed it on the NotePerfect Website.

I think I have stumbled across an incredibly inexpensive and relatively painless solution to a common problem that has for some reason not been properly addressed in this country. This remedy is not being made readily available to the public, and I believe it is high time someone did.

In fact, six months down the road, if you take my advice, you'll most likely have spent less than one tenth the amount of money you'd have spent on oral surgery, and by that time you'll be certain that you'll still have your teeth next year, and for many more years to come.


Obviously, if you've read this far, you or someone you know has a serious gum disease problem. Go out today and buy yourself (or your loved one) a Waterpik and a bottle of Viadent (I prefer the original mint flavor, but they also make a cinnamon flavored variety that works just as effectively). Then, follow to the letter, the instructions below.

If you haven?t seen a dental professional in a while, I recommend that you learn from my mistake and try this treatment for a few weeks before you go see your dentist. Here?s why-- your gums will be in much better shape; pinker, healthier, tighter, and probably not bleeding anymore by the time you show up for your checkup. This way your cleaning will be a lot less bloody and a lot less painful. Of course, if you choose to do it the way I did, your dentist will be witness to your ?miracle? cure much as mine was. Personally, I don?t think seeing his reaction was worth the pain of that first cleaning, but you do what you think best.


Before you begin the road back to healthy gums, there are a few things you should know, and a few myths that need to be disspelled.


Sorry, but this is absolutely false. Only thoroughly cleaning and keeping the crud out from under your gumline can repair your gums. Sure, there are certain foods you should avoid if you have gingivitis, ie: chips of any kind, especially salty kinds like potato chips, corn on the cob (notorious for getting stuck between teeth and under gums), popcorn, gristly meats, etc. If there are any foods that typically get caught in your teeth, it would be a good idea to avoid them for a while. If you want to improve your diet for other health reasons, fine. A healthy diet won't make your condition worse, but diet alone will not rectify this particular problem.


Nope, it won't. Brushing alone will remove some plaque from your teeths' surface, but food particles that get trapped between teeth and below the gums, where the brush can't reach, are the culprits you need to attack. Dental placque is only of secondary concern. In fact, brushing your teeth with infected gums could actually be making your condition worse! Imagine getting a splinter in your finger, and instead of pulling out the splinter with a tweezer and washing the area, you take a sugary creme, apply it to a wire brush, and scrub the infection with it.That?s pretty much what you?re doing when you brush and floss your infected gums. Getting those food particles out and keeping them out is the only way you'll reverse your condition.


Having your teeth professionally cleaned periodically is still a good idea, but if your gums and teeth are filled with pockets of decomposing food particles, 6 months is far too long to wait before getting it scraped out of there. Get it out now, keep it out regularly, and your gums will recover--- absolutely.


This is my all-time favorite quote from dental professionals. It seems that several years ago, a patient developed an embolism and died, apparently as a result of the air she had been given during her dental cleaning. Somehow, the story got twisted around and oral irrigators were implicated as having been the cause of this accident. Such a condition can only arise if air gets into the bloodstream. Oral irrigators such as the Waterpik clean with water--- not air.

In addition, when used properly, it is nearly impossible to force particles further into the gums. Since the jawbone itself acts as sort of a "backboard" rebounding water, germs and loosened food particles up into the main area of the mouth, they can then be easily rinsed and discarded.

Ask yourself though: if someone had really died as a result of having used an oral irrigator, wouldn't there have been a major lawsuit and investigation resulting in the recalling of all such appliances? Of course there would. Obviously, no such dabger has ever been proven in connection with these appliances.


Not!! As far as I know, the only products on the market today which contain the Sanguinaria root extract are made by Viadent. While there may be any number of other so called "plaque fighting" rinses available, this is the only one I would recommend. But do your homework. You may find something even more effective. Just don't believe every ad you see on T.V.-especially, don't believe the line in mouthwash ads that claim that rinsing with any mouthwash will control or prevent gingivitis--it can't and it won't.


One day, a few years after I started using Viadent, I noticed something very intersting. The Viadent bottle now had the name Colgate embossed along the bottom of it. Somewhere along the line, the Colgate-Palmolive Company acquired this product. Now why do suppose they would do that? They already had several different mouthwash and toothpaste products on the market, and for some reason they chose to add the Viadent products to their line. The only reason that makes sense to me is that the folks at Colgate-Palmolive were convinced, as I was, that the Viadent products work, and they didn't want to take the chance that they would be acquired by another company.

If you have another theory about this, or some first-hand knowledge of how and why this deal came about, I would be very interested to hear about it. Please write and tell me about it. I promise I will answer your letter. Now on to the business at hand.


Okay, so here's all you have to do:

Once you've purchased your WaterPik appliance and bottle(s) of Viadent , set yourself up for regular daily treatment. Both products are widely available at major pharmacy and drug chains, and oral irrigators can also be purchased in the housewares or small appliance sections in department stores. They are often advertised on sale, and you can save anywhere between $5 and $30 if you catch the right sale. But if you have a problem, don?t wait too long for the next sale. Just go out and buy one.

***NOTE: I regret to inform you that as of this writing, Colgate has entirely changed the formula for Viadent, and it no longer contains sanguinaria extract. Therefore, I can no longer recommend this product for use in this treatment. Unfortunately, at this time I am unaware of any other oral rinse or any oral product on the market today which has the beneficial ingredients that Viadent used to contain. Personally, I have been using any mouthwash as a substitute until something better comes along. If you know of a better product, please contact me and let me know so I can post it here.

1. Find an area next to your bathroom sink where you can keep your WaterPik. You'll need an electrical outlet nearby, unless you have a travel WaterPik (which will be discussed later), to plug it in. Make sure that the hose reaches comfortably over the sink.
2. Place your bottle of Viadent right next to your WaterPik, and leave it there. Always make sure you have a reserve supply on hand.
NOTE: Under no circumstances should you try to store your WaterPik or your Viadent in a cabinet or on a shelf after use. If you try to do this, you will shortly find all sorts of excuses for not using them faithfully. If you really want to save your teeth and gums, don't give yourself any excuses! This is easy!
3. Practice using your WaterPik. If you've never used one before, and most people haven't, it takes a little getting used to. Try it out on the softest setting without Viadent at first, making sure your mouth is over the sink. Follow the directions that came with your WaterPik, and aim the water stream at about a 70 degree angle towards your gumline. Make sure the water reservoir is seated properly in the base, and that there is adequate pressure coming from the hose. Now, as you practice, try adjusting the pressure level knob, to find the highest level that is comfortable for you.
NOTE: If every pressure level is painful, keep it at the lowest setting for the first few days. The pain will subside, and you will be able to increase the pressure shortly. On the other hand, if you are able to handle using the irrigator on the highest setting, you're probably not as bad off as you feared. I still recommend however, that you start off with a relatively low pressure setting, and increase it gradually to the maximum.
4. Once you have gotten the hang of it, you are ready to begin your treatment. Begin by filling your WaterPikTM to about three quarters full (about 24 ounces of water). I use warm water because I feel it is more comfortable, and it helps in the cleaning process. But water temperature is not critical (though hot or scalding water is definitely a bad idea), and you should find the temperature that is most comfortable for you. Add 2 to 3 capfuls of Viadent. The water should turn an orangish-red color. Turn on your WaterPik, aim the pik at your gumline, close your mouth, and watch the crud fall out of your mouth. Slowly move the pik over your gumline, making sure to concentrate more on areas of your mouth that tend to trap food. Turn off the machine when you have used about two thirds of the water. Do not rinse your mouth yet. Now brush your teeth thoroughly. You can use toothpaste if you like, however, I've found that the residual Viadent acts as an excellent cleanser, making teeth shiny and smooth. Now that you have cleaned the plaque and any stuck food particles from your teeth's surface, instead of rinsing your mouth with water, turn on your WaterPik and use the remainder of the water in the reservoir to do a final rinse of your teeth and gums. Your mouth should now feel tingly and fresh, and your teeth should feel clean, smooth and shiny.
5. The Viadent people used to recommend that you do not rinse out the residual viadent for a few minutes to allow the Sanguinaria extract to work on the plaque in your mouth. This is a good idea.

That's it. That's all there is to it.

Depending on the severity of your case, repeat this treatment once in the morning and again before bed. If your gums are bleeding profusely, you may want to consider using the WaterPik without brushing for a week or two. This will allow your gums to heal without further irritation. You may find that the surface of your teeth feel rough without brushing, but as long as you are using the Viadent, this should not be a problem. You can resume brushing when the bleeding subsides and the infection has healed.

As mentioed earlier, I generally WaterPik once a day. If I go out of town for any length of time (3 days or more), I take my travel WaterPik. This is a smaller, rechargable, battery operated version of the Personal model, which comes with a travel case and charging adaptor. The reservoir is smaller, so that it doesn?t hold as much fluid and the home models, but I find it indispensible for traveling.

If you have any comments or questions about this treatment, please feel free to email me, and I will try to respond when I can. Serious inquiries only, please.

Good luck, and best wishes for healthy teeth & gums.

Ethan Bauch
Palisades Park, NJ 8/23/98


WaterPik is a registered trademark of Teledyne WaterPik, and Viadent, is a registered trademark of Colgate-Palmolive Company.