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About Me



Birthday: May 26

Sign: Gemini

Home: New Jersey, USA

Personality: According to the Keirsey Temperment and Character Website I am a Counselor: iNFj.   Counselor iNFj's make up only only 2 percent of the population.  So, I guess you could say we're endangered ;)  As far as what being a Couselor iNFj means - basically that I am a private person, who is sensitive and in tune with other people's thoughts and feelings.

Interests: Gillian Anderson and The X-Files aside, my interests stem from cats and dogs to criminal justice, forensic pathology, psychology and Ancient Egypt (as evidenced by the background).  I love writing, and have dabbled in X-Files fanfic.  Other shows that I enjoy are "Profiler" and "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit."  Music wise some of my favorite artists include Tori Amos, Moby, Sarah McLachlan, Sheryl Crow, and Natalie Merchant.  Movie wise I adore Jodie Foster and Gillian Anderson, and my favorite films contain a lot of their work. ;-)  Some all time favorite movies include Silence of the Lambs, The X-Files: Fight the Future, Anna and the King, Playing by Heart, Fluke, The Dead Zone, City of Angels, and Field of Dreams.  If you would like to hear many more of my favorites, or talk about the ones that I have named then drop me a line and I will be glad to discuss them! :-)

Pets: Two cats (Josie  &   Freya), one dog, (Jake) and two horses, (Battle Clip and Sierra).  On a side note please visit a page dedicated to the loving memory of my dog, Max. And please also visit a page dedicated to the loving memory of my cat, Nina.

Here is a link to a page of causes I support.



Fox Guardian

Cat Guardian

Owl Guardian




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