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Meet Spanky

Spanky is almost 10 years old. His birthdate 1-4-91. He has a heart murmur grade V. He has a condition called Bacterial Endocarditis. He has Spondylosis, and Mast Cell cancer.

He has had 2 tumors removed, but can no longer undergo anesthesia (his heart condition is too serious, and he almost died last tumor removal). He has been to all kinds of specialists, who 3 years ago, gave him 6 months to live. By the grace of God, he is still with me.

He is my buddy, my friend and my child. We have travelled all over the country with Spanky since he was a baby (he is a retired CH.) and spent a lot of time with him training him and going to classes. He is a smart old man...but it's hard to see him age.

He is a dog who has touched my heart, my life and my soul. My life will be dark and sad when he passes, he's become such a part of me.

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