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Meet Gossip

Gossip (CH Windkist Paisley's Girl Talk, CGC,TT,TDI,HIC,VC) was born on March 3, 1989. She is honestly the sweetest dog that I have ever had. She is the grand old lady in our house, ruling over 6 year old Lucy and 9 month old Ted. All three are smooth collies.

On December 22, 1999, I noticed her limping slightly. I assumed she was becoming arthritic..she was almost 11 and by then the weather, even here in Florida, had turned cooler. On Christmas Day, my mother pointed out a slight lump on her back left leg. I have a wonderful vet, who agreed to see her the next morning, even though it was the Sunday after Christmas and they were closed.

It was obvious from the first X Ray that it was bone cancer. A biopsy confirmed the initial diagnosis. Gossip's health, other than the cancer, was good. After many a sleepless night and a lot of reading and talking to others who had been down this path already, I opted for amputation and chemo. It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life.

It's been 4 months now and she is doing well. Her activity level is back to what it was before the surgery. She is happy, very, very spoiled and most importantly, pain-free.

And she uses this to her advantage! She will beat the other two dogs into the kitchen if she hears the word cookie. She can run as fast as Lucy and Ted to chase squirrels. But, when it's bath time, she reverts into a crippled dog who can't move very fast at all :-)

You never know what life will hand you and with cancer you cannot predict anything. I have always tried to second guess things, but with this disease, I have had to learn to appreciate the here and now.

I am so grateful for every day that Gossip is with us. She has truly taught me so many things over our time together and especially these last few months. It's an odd thing to want to be like your dog, but I only hope I can have her dignity and sense of self when I am "her age".

Lovingly submitted by Beth. To write to Gossip, click here.

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