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Tribute to Dogs with Cancer - Page 19

02/1991 - 07/11/2003
Mast Cell Tumor
Date Of Diagnosis 07/10/2003

"Ode To Bear"

You came into our lives for a reason during a time of sorrow
You helped us look forward to tomorrow
You brought us joy and happiness when we felt sad
You showed us how to play when we were mad.

You filled our hearts with joy
when you met us at the door
You loved the times when Grandpap would come with treats
for you and you always wanted more.

You were our friend you were not just our dog
You were sent to us from Heaven
Now you are back with God.

Sadly Missed By Mom And Dad
And Everyone Else Who Loved Him
Rest In Peace Till We Are Together Again

Kilkerran London Moon o’Gold, NA
05/04/1998 - 08/21/2002
Lymphosarcoma, Mediastinal T-Cell
My beloved collie; you will never be forgotten.
Lovingly remembered by Barbara and baby Crockett

Top Ten Things I’ll Remember About London

10) London was born on my husband Tim’s birthday! London - May 4, 1998; Tim - May 4, 1947. We always celebrated their special day together.

9)London was “Mr. Social”. He never met a human or an animal that he didn’t think of as his very best friend in the whole world. Even at a dog show, where there would be hundreds of dogs, and even collies were well-represented, London could get the most stand-offish person to give him the attention he was sure he was due.

8) London was a big barky-boy. It didn’t sit well with the dog club folks. But, in Agility, he wasn’t necessarily penalized for it. The only way to stop his barking was to preoccupy him or feed him!

7) London’s first three nights in our home as a 9 week old puppy were spent yelping at the top of his lungs in his crate. Tim moved into a different bedroom. On the third night, London was hoarse from the constant yelping, but continued in a raspy “whisper”. Beginning on the 4th day, I layed on the floor with my fingers through the crate door, so he could touch me until he fell asleep. This satisfied him, and he very quickly after that learned to settle down when put into his crate.

6)London was bored with the repetition of Obedience training, but he came ALIVE when introduced to Agility. Most of the obstacles were treated as if they were his favorite things in the whole world. He earned his AKC Novice Standard title, and had two legs toward the three needed for Novice Jumpers with Weaves when he was stricken with T-cell Mediastinal Lymphoma.

5) London didn’t have any Alpha genes in his system. When another dog was visiting, or boarding with us, London let the visitor have all the toys and bones, and allowed the visitor to go in and out of the house first. He loved running and romping until he was exhausted, but never quarreled with any of them.

4) When London took a stubborn fit and refused to come when called, the best enticement was to call out, “We’ve got company!” He would come at a dead run! Also, London worshipped the ground that my daughter, Andi walked on. Even though he never actually lived in the same house with her, he would get so excited to see her. He knew her name, and if we said, “Andi’s here” he would go berserk with excitement. Andi, who graduated from Vet School this June, is pursuing a specialty in Oncology, as London’s Legacy.

3) When a doorbell would ring on TV, I would say, “It’s on TV”. Now, London didn’t know exactly what that phrase meant, but he knew not to go running down the hall to the front door. After he learned this, whenever he heard a doorbell (even our REAL one), London would look at me first, to get his “instructions!”

2) London loved to go down the road to get the mail with Daddy/Tim. He learned what the word “Mail” meant. If he heard the word, he would gasp, freeze in his tracks, then erupt into a frenzy. So, if we wanted to use the word out loud, we started spelling it. London learned what “M-A-I-L” meant. So, we started referring to going to get the mail as “Going to Red Rock”. And of course, London learned what THAT meant! What a smart boy!

1) The number one thing I will always have a vivid memory of is London’s sparkly dark brown, Chocolate-kiss eyes. They fairly talked with emotion. Looking into his eyes was always a delight. London survived a near-death episode at Ohio State University Vet Clinic, due to an overdose with his chemotherapy. When he miraculously survived, even after we had decided to stop the heroics, that next month (his last), whenever those spirited, flashing eyes met mine, I simply had to smile and be thankful for one more day with him.

09/25/1993 - 08/01/2003
Thymoma, diagnosed 4/08/03
Lymphosarcoma Stage IVb, diagnosed 4/10/03
(Photo taken May 2, 2003)

Our sweet little Holly, you brought such joy to our lives. We miss you but know that you are now free from pain and sickness. You were such a trooper through all of your treatments, we humans can learn from you. You were such a good girl for all of your doctors during your many, many visits. Thank you for telling me, that last day, that it was time. I think you could sense that I was having a difficult time making that decision. You will always be remembered, our precious Puppy-Girl.

With love, Mommy(Becky), Daddy(Chris), Tramara, and Whitney

Diagnosed 08/21/2003
11/1993 - 08/29/2003

Mr. Cooper Doo- Mama’s little love bug
What a special friend you’ve been to me.
You’ve been my naptime partner
You’ve been my bath time buddy.

You are an angel sent from up above
Showing me nothing, but unconditional love.
So loyal to me, you’ve never let me down
Throughout all the good and bad times
You never once showed a frown.

Every time I had to leave and say good-bye
You kissed me away with your sad brown eyes.
Upon the moment of my return
You would greet me with the biggest smile
To see you wagging tail-was worth all the while.

How much will I miss you?
You shall never know.
I just need to tell you
Just how much you have meant to me
Before you have to go.

Cooper- you will never stray afar from me.
Because a very special place in my heart
You will ALWAYS be.


Lovingly Remembered by Tracy & Shelby

Sweatgland adenocarcinoma
Born 12-30-90
Diagnosed in July 2001

My 3 legged baby Kodi was diagnosed with sweatgland adenocarcinoma and it wasn't really caught early enough. She was diagnosed in July 2001 and started radiation at the U of I small animal clinic Veterinary teaching school and her last treatment was on 09/11/2001.

On 09/22/2003, she had her last checkup and it's been in remission for 2 years now and has been released from them!! At the age of about 2 she lost her back left leg, had gotten into someone's trap and right after that got pancreatitis and has been on I/D dog food ever since.

Special thanks to my two Vet's who made her remission and her wonderful care possible. They are Dr. Larry Woodcock & Dr. Amy Wiedemann.

Lovingly submitted by Karen

Diagnosed on 8/6/03
Went to the Rainbow Bridge on 8/12/03
Martha was about 4 or 5 years old

"Martha, our little Buddha, we will always love you. We miss you terribly."

Lovingly submitted by Catherine


Lovingly remembered by Brenna and Jason

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