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The Town


Rosebud Village, in all its splendor. Notice the large town square at the top left.
Flower Bud Village. It's a simple name for a very complex town. This bustling rural village is home to many people, each with distinct personalities, whom you'll get to meet and know. There are your five potential wives, the friendly mayor, the town fool, several over-excited children, the inn-keeper, and plenty more. Each citizen of Flower Bud Village you'll meet and interact with on several occasions during the year. Character interaction in this game is much more complex than any other. Each character has a memory of how you've acted towards them, and what you've said to them in the past. This memory of you governs their behavior towards you. If you've been especially nice to them, they might give you a gift, or even help you out on your farm!

Most stores in town are open 9:00am to

5:00pm, and are closed on Sundays. Some, like

the drug store, are closed all weekend long.

Make sure you plan your schedule accordingly.

The simple solution of being nice to everybody all the time isn't the best answer, however. Each person has their own interests and agendas, and you'll make enemies if you stand in their way. For instance, if you chose to spend time with a young lady named Maria, the local mailman will grow jealous... and just may end up "accidentally" losing your daily mail quite often!

Flower Bud village is the center of commerce for the Harvest Moon 64 world. You'll find yourself visiting often to purchase potions, seeds, and tools. Livestock, unlike the first game, is purchased outside of the village (See A New World section).

Ah, the church. Used for Sunday worship

services, town events, and if you're

lucky... MARRIGE!

Strolling into town, the first store you'll see is "Lilia's Flower Shop" on your right. Here you'll purchase the material to meet all your botanical needs. You'll visit this store often in each season to stock up on vegetable seeds, grass seeds, and even purchase some flowers for a special someone. (See Farm Life section for seed prices) You can even purchase flower seeds to grow in the comfort of your own farm.

Another important store in town is "Rick's Tool Shop & Craft Store". Located in the center of town, the tool shop carries all types of gizmos and gadgets to help you on your farm. Things you can buy range from as tame as a brush for cows, to as unusual as a mystical ocarina! The tool shop is open 9:00am to 5:00pm, and is closed on Sundays. As time passes in the game, crazy Rick will invent new and interesting things. So check back often; a new item may just have gone up for sale.

The potion shop. The owner looks a

little squirilly, but hey, you'd have to be

nuts to sell quality potions at prices like


Here's a list of things available for sale at "Rick's" early in the game. Many more items become available later on in the game.

Item Cost
Cow Brush 600 Gold
Milking Machine 1000 Gold
Wool Shears 800 Gold
Ocarina (purchased next door) 1200 Gold
Across a river, and in a quiet part of town lies the Midwife's house. Should you get married, and you and your wife are blessed with a child, you'll need the Midwife's services to ease the birthing process. Before your wife is due to bear child, visit the Midwife to ensure she's at hand to lend her expertise.

The rotund Mayor lives in a large mansion at the edge of town. Visit his house; he's only happy to invite you in to chat with him, his wife, and his daughter Maria, while he treats you to his extensive knowledge of the town.

The Inn and the Bakery (also known as the "Cake Shop") can be found near the center of town. They are a gathering place for the many villagers, as well as stores that carry useful products, such as stamina giving foods, cakes for presents, and storable drinks.

Here's what both the Bakery and the Inn have to offer:

The Bakery

The Inn



Pie 350 Gold
Cookies 300 Gold
Cake 300 Gold
Water FREE!



Beer 350 Gold
Wine 300 Gold
Whiskey 300 Gold
Water FREE!
The library is a great place for you to read up on what it takes to make a good farmer. The library has specific times it is opened and closed. Although you can't actually "read" the books there, you can talk with Maria and bring her gifts. Some important events also take place there from time to time.

At one end of the village is a large town common, complete with lovely trees and a large fountain. Here the village people have picnics, stroll about about, and chat. The town square is also a place where the many events and festivals take place.

The farming life sure would be lonely without a mate. That's why in Harvest Moon 64, you can court one of the village girls.. if you get to know each other really well, and give the young lady many gifts and much attention, it can lead to marriage! To tie the knot, you must first propose to your dream girl. Afterwards, comes home to live in the house on your farm. But remember to be a good husband; don't stay out late too many times, or your disintrested wife will leave you. Here's a list of potential love interests:






- Daughter of local botanist and town flower-seller - Mayor's Daughter - Daughter of the village baker. - Daughter of the "Livestock Man" - Daughter of the owners of the "Vineyard"
- Can be found working the counter at the flower shop, or in the fields surrounding the village. - Often found working at the counter in the library, in the mayor's house, or at church. - Most of her time is spent working at the Bakery counter, but she can also be found at the inn. - She's often found hanging around Green Ranch, where her father works. - Karen works at the Inn, and she can be found lazing around the vineyard and beach.
- Likes: Gifts of flowers (bought at her store), seeing flowers planted at your farm. - Likes: Intelligent conversation, many books, and religion. - Likes: For you to buy cakes from her at the bakery. She likes eggs and milk, also. - Likes: Caring for animals, seeing you take care of your horse and dog. - Likes: Berrys and fruit found in the wild. She also likes it if you befriend the vineyard workers.
- Dislikes: Flowers picked out of the earth (you cruel, cruel, man). - Dislikes: Ignorance, and skipping chruch on Sundays - Dislikes: Skinny men, leaving the town. - Dislikes: Cruelty to animals, not seeing any livestock on your farm. - Dislikes: Comitment, going long periods without getting gifts.
- Be on your best behavior around her parents! Popuri is very family-oriented. - Beware the mailman! You'll have to compete with him for the affection of this lovely lady. - The amount you buy from her is proportional to her affection for you. Hardly seems fair, doesn't it?!? - Ann knows her stuff when it comes to animals; she has some important information she'll give you from time to time. - Karen's somewhat of a harpy.. if you want to date her, you'll have to get used to her sarcasm.

Curious about whether or not the lady your chose returns your affection? When you speak with the woman of your dreams, you can see a heart at the lower-right hand corner. This heart reflects her interest in you! Here are what the different colors mean:

WHITE Indifferent; all girls start out feeling this toward you. Frankly, they couldn't care less about you at this point.
BLUE Friendly; the girl thinks of your fondly, but only as a friend.
GREEN Flirtatious; at this point, your girl is beginning to have feelings toward you, even a little bit of a crush.
YELLOW Enamored; your girl is really warming up! She likes you quite a bit, and thinks often of you.
RED Truly in love; this girl has fallen deeply in love with you. It's time for marriage!

After a girl has a red heart, she is ripe for marriage! To propose to her, you will need a blue feather, the ancient symbol of love in the Harvest Moon 64 world. To get it, you must stop by Rick's Tool Shop everyday it is open. Eventually, he will put this coveted item up for sale. Once you obtain it, simply use it as a tool in your girl's direction to pop the question. If she agrees, you will automatically be married the next Sunday!!

