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26. Hypno's Naptime

The group arrives into a town where POKeMON Drowsee and Hypno help put to the people to sleep easily. The problem is, all of the children there have started to ack like POKeMON. Then Misty gets hypnotized by Hypno and she starts acting like a POKeMON.

Then the poeple understand that it's Hypno that's causing the children to act strange. So, the group goes there and and Drowsee unhypnotizes the people there.

Rocket arrives, but Hypno beats them ^_^. Then the group conitues on there adventure.

27. Pokemon Fashion Flash

One of my favorite episodes ^_^. The group arrives in another town, ehich is filled with all sorts of fashion stuff. Brock remember that a POKeMON breeder he has heard of has a salon here. On the way to the salon, the group passes a salon with very long line in front of it.

It turns out to be Team Rocket, up to their latest scam. They dress up POKeMON all pretty, covering them with makeup and dresses and such.

The group arrives at the salon, where Misty sees a cute little fox-like POKeMO, Vulpix. She picks the precious little POKeMON up, and it scorches her with fire breath. The the girl (Who's name I forget) comes in and introduces herself.

Later, the girl is giving a talk to a small crowd of people, and she talks about caring for POKeMON. She gives Ash's Pikachu a facial massage, and Pikachu is happy. Afterward, Brock and the girl talk as a content Piakchu has a snack with Vulpix, as prepared by Brock. The girl comments on how good Brock must be at food if Vulpix is eating it, because Vulpix is very fickle.

Meanwhile, Misty goes to Rocket's salon. She get all kinds of makeup and then she discovers that it's actually Rocket. Then Rocket ties her up. Psyduck escapes, and goes to Ash and Brock, who rush over.

When they get there, the salon turns into a big stage. Pikachu and Geodude engage Koffing and Ekans. But, with all of the decorative junk on them, they can't fight. Then, Vulpix sweeps Rocket away with a Flame Spin. The girl explains that a POKeMON's inner beauty is what counts, not what make-up they wear.

The girl gives Vulpix to Brock, saying that Vulpix needs to get out of town in order to grow.

28. The Punchy Pokemon

The group encounters a boxing POKeMON, Hitmonchan. Pikachu battles him, but he doesn't stand a chance, boxing-wise. Then the trainer arrives, and he talks to Hitmonchan. Afterward, the group meets the trainers daughter, who says that the trainer is never home because he's out fighting so much. So she asks Ash to beat him in an upcoming tournament, the P-1.

So, the group heads for the tournament, with Ash entering Primeape and Brokc entering Geodude. Meanwhile, Team Rcoket is there, and they steal Hitmonlee from a trainer, and enter the tournament.

After a few rounds of battling, it's Ash's Primeape against Hitmonlee. Meowth sets a trap of some sort. Unfortunately, I missed the rest of the episode, but I'd suppose that Ash wins and because something happens to the trap ^_^. Anyway, the group continues on their quest.

29. Sparks Fly for Magnemite

The group arrives in some sort of industrial town, which is covered in grunge and oil. As they get there, Pikachu gets sick, and he's in discomfort. Also, there's a little POKeMON flying around, but the group can't see it. They get to the POKeCENTER, which is full of sick POKeMON. Then, the power goes out. Nurse Joy tell the group to get rush to the power plant and see if they can help.

The group gets there, but they can here something. Finally, they see a little POKeMON, Magnemite, following them around. They suppose that it's the Magnemite that's making Pikachu sick, and they shoo it away.

Eventually,they get to the control room, and bump into the workers. They say that sludge POKeMON called Grimers are blocking the gate that runs the generator. Just then, some Grimers appear, and chase the group around. The corner them in a room. Pikachu zaps a few of them, but it can't handle the dozens of Grimers that are appearing. Also, a super-sized Grimer, Muk appears, and the situation appears grim. Then Magnemites, and Magnetons fill the room, and they throughly zap the Grimers and Muks. Ash catches a Muk, but the POKeBALL it is in smells.

After that, Pikachu feels better. One of the power plant attendants explains that Pikachu got sick because he hadn't used his electric attakc in a long time. Now that he has, though, he feels fine.Then the scene turns to Prof. Oak, who, along with Krabby, is excited that Ash is sending him a new POKeMON. Unfortunately for Prof. Oak, it's the Muk! Eew! And thusly the epsiode ends, and the quest continues.

30. Dig Those Diglett
A town has a prblem with Digletts, and Gary, Ash's popular rival, tries to solve it, but Ash does. I'm not sure how... ^_^

The creature on the POKeMON page are from the game POKeMON, and they are creatured by Nintendo, Creatures, and/or Game Freak, and are their property. The layout of the GOMF site, as well as much of the content, is made by me Tim Reilly/Moogle/GOMF and is copyright 1997,1998,1999