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Ghosts of the Night

They travel cross our land at night
From coast to coast they are a site
They're large and tall and long and sleek
Can travel coast to coast within a week

They work for their owners that have a need
They have a special job to do
They fill the needs of me and you

They travel both near and far from home
But they spend most of their time alone
They must leave their families behind
But they are definitely one of a kind

We never really learn to appreciate their skills
Or realize they're determined to conquer those hills
They are like the ghosts of the night
But oh they are such a beautiful site

Their lights twinkle as they travel the roads
Moving to deliver all of their loads
They are the giants that travel to your town and mine
They are the trucks of the highway, and one of them is mine
Copyright © 2001

This is a poem that I wrote about trucks and it is published in the International Library of Poetry in Washington DC

A Special Love

Once she was very special to me
I used to sit upon her knee
She would comb my golden hair of blonde
We had a very special bond

When I would have a problem you see
She said you can always come to me
If I had a terrbile fright at night
She would always assure me it would be alright

I would look up at her with glowing love
She would look down at me with a smile from above
When I would cry and I was sad
She would make me smile then make me glad

Then I grew up and moved far away
Not knowing that she would soon pass away
She was a special Mother to me and for now we are apart
But she will always remain in my dreams and my heart
Copyright © 2002

This is a poem I wrote and is dedicated to my Sister and my Mom

The Man Behind His Woman

He cooks and cleans without a fuss
Watches the kids and cleans and dusts
He dresses them in their best clothes
And even wipes their runny nose

When they need help he's there you see
'Cause that's the way that it has to be
He even gets them off to school
Then he's off the work in a carpool

When they come home he's ready again
To cook and clean and take care of them
He feeds and bathes and dresses them all
Then reads them a story at bedtime till asleep they all fall

He does all of this with unselfish pride
For he knows that his wife can't be by his side
She's out making a living with his blessing and love
He's letting her do what she knows and she loves

She's driving the highways of your land and mine
Doing her job with his support and peace of mind
She know's he's behind her and of her job you see
She's a trucker of the highways and always will be
Copyright © 2002

I wrote this to show a man's unselfish devotion to his wife to support her in her choice of professions.


Tho you're in a land far far away
I think of your smiling face every day.
You went to a land of desert and sand
You felt a great need to lend a helping hand.

A friend asked you to lend him a hand in deed
You felt you had to join him in this time of need.
Your unselfish quest is to help and protect
But you really didn't know what to expect.

You went over there and are willing to stay
To put your life on the line every day.
You're willing to make a Great Sacrifice
To help the young boys who are giving their lives.

You are willing to make a Great Sacrifice
Even if it means giving your own Life.
May the Angels look down upon you from high above
And protect and guard you and send down a Dove.

The Dove is a sign of Peace and Grace
To guide you and bring you home from this dangerous place.
This poem is for you my dearest friend
With wishes and hopes till you come home again.
Copyright © 2005


You are my Soldier who's far away
We met online one night in a special way
You stole my heart on that very day
Your words were sincere and kind
I just couldn't get you out of my mind.

Log onto the net hopeing to see you there
Who else is online I really don't care
My mind wanders to a special place
In my mind I see your smiling face
Hopeing one day for your warm embrace.

You have captured my heart tho just virtually
What life has to hold is still yet to see
Who knows what will be in our destiny
What treasures are hidden for you and me
Life is full of secrets for us yet to foresee.

Your mind and your heart I've yet to explore
Truely hopeing someday that you'll open that door
You are the one that I truely adore
Longing to experience all that you have to give
Life and a future are ours yet to possibly someday live.

One message from you one message from me
A hugzz and a kiss for us just to see
Who knows what life for us to share can be
One day at a time and well shall both see
If our virtual lives together become a reality.
Copyright © 2005

Thank you for your Love

Thank you for your Loving me
A Love I thought I'd never see
You show me just how much you care
Always just by being there.

You listen to the words I say
And make me feel wanted every day
Your Love you give unselfishly
Is also given unconditionally.

A Love that comes from deep within
Your heart and soul and wihout end
Every day you make me feel
This Love of yours that is so real.

Can't wait to feel your passion rise
As you stare deeply into my eyes
And as you kiss me passionately
I will feel your Love you've given me.

And as we stand there face to face
Our mutual Love we'll both embrace
The Love we've only expressed online
Will be felt by your heart and mine.

A Love that was always meant to be
Felt between only you and me
Our Love that is meant for all eternity
A reality that we will always see.

The day draws near when I will see
Within your eyes this Love for me
You'll draw me near and hold me tight
Make love to me throughout the night.
Copyright © 2005

Should Have Known

I should have known better right from the start
That You'd be the one that would break my heart
Conversations started out very innocently
Every day on the internet you would talk to me

Talking for hours and minutes day after day
Could always find things that we'd have to say
Exploring the world of your thoughts and mine
The never ending words were not hard to find

We would talk about you and would talk about me
Come from two different worlds we would soon see
You were a Soldier headed for desert and sand
I was a driver who traveled cross Our home land

The days turned to months but day after day
We'd sit here and talk to see what each had to say
You'd tell me of your life I'd tell you of mine
Talk and talk till you ran out of time

Conversations that started out very innocently
Turned into flitring with you and your flirting with me
Innocent words said online and travel through lines
Was I stealing your heart and were you stealing mine?

Turn on the computer both wishing, hopeing to see
Where each days conversation would take you and me
Conversations with meaning conversations without end
Hearts growing fonder and fonder with each push of send?

With each passing moment of the months that went by
Months of flirting and teasing between you and I
My heart fell in love more and more with each passing day
Never realizing but getting impressions you felt the same way

Impression and expressions of a future between you and me
Talk of life and happiniess start of a new life that will be
When you return home from that land where you have been
The future and reality of our new beginning that will never end

Thought that what you had told me and had made me feel
Would become our reality, our future and was totally real
For once in my life thought I had found the love of my life
My soul mate my equal maybe someday becoming a wife?

Suddenly and without an inkling or even a clue or idea
The words of future and happiness turned to unexpected fear
My soul mate my equal without words of compassion and care
Without feeling and concern said words I didn't want to hear

His heart and love and future happiness he could not return
When he returns home his life and future plans are his concern
I should have known better right from the start
That You'd be the one that would break my heart
Copyright © 2005

Hal Ketchum *** "Mama Knows the Highway"

Link To Page 7: **** MORE OF MY POEMS


  • Working on the computer
  • Writing poetry
  • Spending time with my Grandchildren

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