Fighting in the LoTA

In the LoTA a person must earn the xps then they will be awarded the dice. Earning xps in the LoTA is done by a variety of means. A person may win xps in spars, which are mock battles, matchs, which are not mock battles, healing the sick and injured, gathering intelligence, being a mercenary, preforming administrative duties for orgainzations, administering to the LoTA's members spiritual needs,owning a shop, tavern, inn, slave trading post, or running a school. All transactions must be properly logged and submitted to the authority which attends to those functions.
Dice Charts


d20=0 exp's d21=10exp's d22=20exp's d23=40exp's
d24=60exp's d25=80exp's d26=100exp's d27=125exp's
d28=150exp's d29=170exp's d30=200exp's 31=225exp's
d32=250exp's d33=275exp's d34=300exp's d35=400exp's
d36=450exp's d37=500exp's d38=550exp's d39=600exp's
d40=700exp's d41=800exp's d42=900exp's d43=1000exp's
d44=1500exp's d45=1750exp's d46=2000exp's d47=2500exp's
d48=3000exp's d49=3500exp's d50=4000exp's d51=4500exp's
d52=5000exp's d53=5500exp's d54=6000exp's d55=7500exp's
d56=8000exp's d57=8500exp's d58=9000exp's d59=9500exp's
d60=10,000exp's d61=11,000exp's d62=12,000exp's d63=13,000exp's
d64=14,000exp's d65=15,000exp's d66=16,000exp's d67=17,000exp's
d68=18,000exp's d69=19,000exp's d70=20,000exp's d71=22,500exp's
d72=25,000exp's d73=27,500exp's d74=30,000exp's d75=32,500exp's
d76=35,000exp's d77=37,500exp's d78=40,000exp's d79=45,000exp's
d80=50,000exp's d81=55,000exp's d82=60,000exp's d83=65,000exp's
d84=70,000exp's d85=75,000exp's d86=80,000exp's d87=85,000exp's
d88=90,000exp's d89=95,000exp's d90=100,000exp's d91=200,000exp's
d92=300,000exp's d93=400,000exp's d94=500,000exp's d95=600,000exp's
d96=700,000exp's d97=800,000exp's d98=900,000exp's d99=1,000,000exp's

Dice Scoring

1-14=0 15-19=1
20-24=2 25-29=3
30-34=4 35-39=5
40-44=6 45-49=7
50-54=8 55-59=9
60-64=10 65-69=11
70-74=12 75-79=13
80-84=14 85-89=15

Ranks for the military types

Private - d20 to d25

Corporal - d26 to d30

Sergeant - d31 to d35

Master Sergeant - d36 to d40

2nd Lieutenant - d41 to d45

Lieutenant - d46 to d50

Captain - d51 to d55

Major - d56 to d60

Lt. Colonel - d61 to d65

Colonel - d66 to d70

Lt. General - d71 to d75

Maj. General - d76 to d80

General - d81 to d85

Field marshal - d86 to d90

Grand Marshal - d91 to d100

Gaining Xp's In the LoTA

You Earn Xp's by - Fighting in; GM's, SM's, HM's, RM's, DM's, AA's, MS's, GS's, DS's, RS's, KA's, TA's, AADM's, SS's, HsS's, MPS's, PM's, Wars, and in the case of the Priest(ess)/Healer by certain acts or ceremonies. All must be logged. The logs MUST be turned in to your GCs or the person that the GCs have told you to submit them to. In the case of the Freelancers they must turn in their logs to the Chancellor of the Freelancers.
*Registered Proctors of the LoTA may earn xps by procotoring matchs or spars where multiple combatants are engaged in fighting.
In all MSes and GSes, the Proctor will get 25 percent of the spar gross. The proctor can not fight in the spar and gain this payment of xps.
* For stealing rosters and those rosters are nno less than one week old a member will get 150 xp's times the number of people on the roster plus a 100 xp's bonus just for stealing it.

Rolling the dice:

Any individual caught trying to manipulate the RNG (Random Number Generator, or "dice") in any way, shape or form, shall be considered to be cheating and will be subjected to the rulings of the Judge Advocates. The accepted dice commands for LoTA are:

//roll-diceX-sidesY OR

The difference between a spar and a match is, in a spar no healer is required as no true damage is incurred from the battle. In a match wounds may be mortal or serious. Injuries that are sustained in a Match require the services of a healer.

Set Dice and/or Sides
"Mismatched spars" in which the persons hit points differential in dice sides is within 5 pts are allowable. Greater than 5 hps are not allowed in the LoTA and both or all parties in the match or spar must use set dice no higher than the highest sides stated and no lower than the lowest dice sides stated.
The determination of what Hit points to use in a one on one is made by the number of dice the character has.
To keep things even in the case of multiple partisipants in sparring, the minimum is 40 hit points.

Acceptance of Spars

LoTA will accept most spar logs from other forums with exceptions. This applies to SMs, RMs, HMs, or DM's, which will be accepted. However, if not fought by the LoTA rules, those matchs will be counted as RS's or regular one on one spars.

Enhancers in the LoTA

Magical Articles

Generally speaking enhancers are available in LoTA may be no more than +4.
There are five types of enhancers allowed by the LoTA.
Hit ~ adds a dice side.
Damage ~ adds to the damage of the opponent.
Defense ~ subtracts from the hit of the opponent.
Stealth ~ subtracts from the hit from a target.
Perception ~ adds to the hit from a target.

Stealth and Perception enhancers may be no more than +2.
A +1 to hit, for example adds a 1 to the sides of a dice roll.
A +1 to damage adds a 1 to the damage of your hit points.
A +1 to defense takes away 1 point of damage
A person may use a combination of enhancers during a spar, match or AA.
All enhancers must be registered with the LoTA through the Chancellor of the Shoppes and Inns.
** See Shoppes and Inns for more information. **

Spell Casting
Each mage or magic user in the LoTA is entitled to Trade Mark their spells, incantations, or sacred grimiores. All ranks of abilities of the Mage characters must be listed in the characters profile. Spells may be created at the same rate as other magical items at +1 for every 20 dice of the creator per week. A maximum of +4 is allowed for any spell. If a mage casts a spell with a roll of a 1 in it, the spell is broken and may not be used again for 48 hours.
A "hit" must be achieved in order for the item to work. This hit is achieved by roll a 15 or better.

Hardened Items

Hardened items are available to any member of LoTA at a cost of 1000 gold that is tacked onto the original price of the weapon. Items that are hardened require extra to break them. To break a hardened item that is +1 or +2, the person must roll double 1's. To break a hardened item that is +3 or +4, triple 1's must be rolled. The hardened item and its enhancement must be stated in the characters profile.

Specialty Items

**See Rules in the Stoppes and Taverns section.**

Magical Items and Wills

Magical items of any sort may be willed to an individual, providing the item is a valid and registered magical tiem of the LoTA. A will or last testiment of the character must be written and turned into the Chancellor of Priests and Healers prior to death of the character and to the Chancellor of the Shoppes and Taverns for proper registration of the new owner.

Restrictions on Enhanced items:

No enhanced item of any kind may exceed +4 in strength. No item that renders the opponent automatically defenseless, dead, or allows the owner to become invulnerable is allowed. Each item may only have 1 effect; either defense or offense, not both but either a defense enhancer or an offense enhancer may be combined with a hit enhancer.


Regular Spars

When a character fights a regular spar, they will receive 10x the difference in Exp's as by how much they win by.
Example: The final score is 10-6, the character would earn 40 points. If the character loses a spar, they earn 10 points, even though they lost, they still LEARNED from the experience.
The maximum allowable dice side difference in a regular spar is 10, unless the combatants use set dice. In a RS, the participants will use no dice higher than the highest sided dice that is the legally earned dice of either character, provided the dice system used to acquire the dice is identical to the system used by the LoTA. No RS may be undertaken for any purpose other than amusement and/or educational purposes, with dice that are not the legal property of the parties in the battle fought.

*** Machining of Spars or Matches are forbidden in the LoTA.***

Spars and other forms of combat utilizing dice that are likely to cause damage in excess of 10 points may not be done in a format such as the following, for it is an example of "machining."

Example ~ Skeezix vs. Snooks
Spar Name
Dice Stated ~ 4d100
Terms are ~ To 10, No HS ( honor strike ) This is expressly forbidden in the LoTA and anyone caught in this act will be subjected to the judgements of the Judge Advocates.

Sparring for Child Characters

Child characters may not participate in the more serious sparring or serious matches until they reach the age of 12 mun years. This age must be stated in the profile of the character. Until then, they may spar in the types of spars and matches below to gain xps and level up. To have a child character that is one minute sucking on a lolly and the next minute dueling to the death in a DM is unreasonable. In order to see a child character develope its natural course into adulthood there has to be a way for them to practice and gain social skills in the day to day activities in Rhydin. The LoTA encourages those that have child characters to interact with other child characters and gain xps in process. Below are the descriptions of the types of spars and matches that a child character can use.

Sandlot Spitting Spar

This spar is for those who have characters whose age is below 11 mun years old. The spar is fought as follows ~
One on One ~
* Two characters
* Date and Time are stated.
* SSS is stated for type of spar
* Names and dice are stated
* Roll 1d6 for first strike
* Only one round is done. * In the case of a tie, another round is done until one character has spit further than the other.
* Distance is determine by the highest score.
Example ~ Deliquent1 rolls 15 20 for a score of 3
Deliquent2 rolls 21 23 for a score of 4
Deligquent2 wins the spar because they have the highest score.
Mass SSS's ~ * Must have 4 or more characters to be considered a MSSS.
* A MSSS is run exactly like a MS with the exception of how many rounds there are.
* In the case of a tie, those that are caught in the tie continue until there is a winner.

HopScotch Spar

The HoS is a spar for those who have characters that are age 11 and below. This spar may have as few as one character playing it or as many as a proc can handle. It is played out as a regular game of hopscotch like so ~
* Proc states all that a proc will state. (** See rules for proctoring**)
* Proc declares drawing hopscotch board.
Example of board:
* Home *
* D * E *
* C *
* A * B *

* 1d10 is rolled and depending on what number comes up that is where the rock will fall. If character rolls a 7 or greater, that character is out.
BeanieNCecil rolls a 5, the rock that Beanie tossed landed on "E". They are now standing on one leg in the E block. They can now roll again. The first one to make it to Home and back wins the spar.
** There will be no throwing the rocks at other characters in the LoTA Sandlot. For that one please see the rules on the RAA.**

Pinching Match

A PM is the ulitmate in child character matches. These matches cause may cause injuries that require the skills of a healer afterward. The PM is played out with child characters the same way that a DM is played out with adult characters. The exception to this is the child character's death. No one dies in a PM.

Rock Assassination Attempt
** see AAs in the LoTA for rules **

Mass Sparring

There are general rules for MSes and they are pretty much standard throughout the realms. The only exception is that all persons in the MS must have a valid RP profile and must list in that profile that they are role playing in Rhydin.
*The MS begins with either a registered proctor, who will be proctoring for xps, or with someone who will be active in the MS stating the Terms or conditions of the MS. All people in the MS must agree with the terms as stated.
*At no time will anyone interfere with the duties of the proctor. A proctor has the right to stop a MS at anytime and either call it no spar or move the MS to another place and not allow those who caused the disruption to follow.
*The log is official once the proctor states the LOG ON and then the date and time. Only those logs that have the LOG ON with the date and time on them will be accepted in the LoTA.
*In a standard MS, the use of specials, SIDS, and enhancers are not permitted.
After the first round is over no one is allowed an HS unless otherwise stated by the proctor.
The minimum number of people required for a MS is 4 with the maximum number of people being the amount that the place of the MS is being will hold.
*The 20/30/40 rule for HPs is used in the standard MS unless otherwise stated by the proctor that set sides will be use to prevent mortal bashing. In that case the HPs used for a LoTA will be 40 HPs for all persons in the MS.
*If anyone participating in the MS leaves the arena once the fighting phase of the MS has statrted, the Proctor will start the 5 minute clock, if they have gone off-line. However, if the player has merely left the place of the MS for whatever reason, the proctor give them one minute to return. This is stated in the log by the proctor. In order to keep MSes moving along the proctor may DQ the person that left the MS without telling the proctor why they are leaving and if they will be returning. This must be done in IM form. Excessive mun bubbles (()) are not allowed in any spar of the LoTA.
*In the event the person leaves the place of the MS twice for reasons other than being punted off-line, the proctor has the can remove them from further participation in that MS.
*The Proctor can remove ANYONE from the MS for the following reasons and those persons removed can be sent to the JAs for action on the behaviors:

  • Disruptive behavior
  • excessive talking
  • vulgarity
  • mun talking
*The Proctor must first give at least 2 cautionary warnings prior to the ejection. In addition, if the Proctor feels that someone has entered a MS for express purposes to hit another person, without any intention of staying to completion, the Proctor may null and void the strike.

Scoring the MS

A LoTA MS is scored by using the following formula.
Take the number of opponents and multiply that by 5 xps. Then multiply the result by the highest dice sides stated by the proctor. All those that did not win in the MS recieve 5 xps.
Example ~
* Four people in the MS
* Highest dice was d90
* Formula is 3 x 5xps x 90 = 1350 xps for the winner of the MS.

Team Mass Sparring

A TMS is run exactly like a MS with the following exceptions.
* There must be an equal amount of people in the TMS.
* Sides for the teams are chosen by rolling 1d*amount of people in the TMS*, ei: If there are 8 people in the TMS then the roll is 1d8 for choosing sides.
* All those that rolled an Even roll are on the Even Team.
* All those that rolled an Odd roll are on the Odd Team.
* If there are any tie rolls, those in the tie reroll until there are two equal teams.
* The average of all the peoples dice sides are used as the set dice for all team members.
* Set 40 HPs is used.
* If more than one team member is left standing at the end of the TMS, they split the amount of xps equally between them.

Gauntlet Spar

**This spar was devised by McCombsVmp and MsAurian of the AWoC forum.**
This spar is a tourney style spar, but may be used outside the arena of tournements.
One person (challenger) fights at least 3 other opponents in one spar. The opponents are called the gauntlet spar team or GST. The challanger will fight the GST members one at a time for as many rounds as it takes until either the challenger is out or the GST member is out. The GST members all roll INIT. of 1d6, or if its large enough 1d100, to determine the order in which they will fight the challenger.
*If it can not be determined who will be the challenger at the time of the GS, then all that wish to challenge will roll 1d100 or 1d6 and the highest roll will be challenger. The challenger will roll inits at once the line up of the GST is determined.
*Once the line up has been determined, the challenger and the first person in the line up will roll 1d6 for first strike.
*Now in all GSs, all GST members will use 50 HPs, and the challenger has 100 HPs.
*The challenger is the only one that is allowed to heal themselves and may only do so if they succeed in taking out a member of the GST. After each bout, the challenger will roll a 2d100 for healing. The members of the GST will not roll for healing at any time.
*The hit points rolled are deducted from the challengers hit points.
*Ex: if the challenger has 50/100 HPs and they roll a 2d100 for a score of 20, then the challenger would deduct 20 HPs from the 50 HPs leaving them 30 HPs to start in the next bout with next in line from the GST.
*To start the GS, the first GST member and the challenger roll init. of 1d6. There are no Honor Strikes in a GS. The challenger fights each member of the Gauntlet team, and once the team members have 50 hit points, they are out of the spar.
*Set Dice are used in the GS for the GST members. The set dice are figured by averaging the dice sides of all the GST members. No other set dice are allowed in a GS.
The challenger is out once he/she reaches 100 HPs.

Scoring the GS

The formula for calculating the GS is the number of all the persons in the GS including the challenger, times the highest dice sides, times 4, times 5xps. If the challenger defeats all members of the GST, they win all the xps and the GST will recieve 10% of the gross xps. If the challenger looses the GS and the GST wins the spar then the GST will split the gross xps calculated from the spar and the challenger gains only 10% of the gross xps.
*All contestants in a GS use set 4d. Your sides will be your LoTA sides.
The log for a Gauntlet Spar should start like this:


LoTA or All forum GS

Terms are no SIDS, HS, or enhancers

Healings for the challenger only

5 Minute punt rule is in effect, 1 minute to strike

All rulings by the proctor are final

Challenger state name, dice, guild/forum

All others are GST members

GST members state name, dice, guild/forum

GST will use 4d*Dice Average*

GST roll 1d6 or 1d100 for line up

Challenger and First person in line up roll 1d6 for FB

Begin GS~ The GS will continue from then on out as each bout is fought or the challenger is defeated. The first init. is done to determine if the challenger or the GST has the first strike for the first bout only

Slave Matchs

The xp's earned from SM's are 10 x the winner's HPs (win by 4, get 40 points) along with a new slave. The terms of the SM are stated before the start of the SM. ANY participant has the RIGHT to state they refuse to be a pleasure slave. There will not be SMs with auto release. The maximun allowed enslavement period will be ONE Month starting from the date and time of the SM.

Release Match

A RM is fought only to gain the release of a Slave or prisoner of War (POW.) The xp's earned from RM's are 20xps x the HP difference, ei: Person1 has 30 HP, Person2 has 40 HP. The difference is 10. Xps earned is 10 x 20xps = 200 xps for Person1.

Honor Match

Honor Matches are fought to restore one's honor or the honor of a person a person is standing up for. The xp's earned from HM's are 20 xps x the HP spread.


A DLM is fought when circumstances exist that do not warrant a DM but are more serious than fighting an HM and satisfaction is demanded from the alledged injured party. It is run exactly like a Duel in that both parties have seconds that stand up and take the place of the actual duelists and also act as witnesses. The DLM must be proctored by a non biased third party proctor and a healer must be in attendance of the DLM. All parties will use set dice of 2d50 and no more regardless of race or skill levels. The amount of xps earned for a DLM is 30 xps x HP spread.

Death Match

The Death Match is the ultimate spar, two people enter the arena of death, only one remains alive afterwards. The winner gets 40 xps times the HPs spread, and the loser DELETES their profile. (unless conditions of a resurrection rite are stated PRIOR to the Match). If you are foolhardy enough to jump into a DM, then live with the consequences. Mass DMs are allowed under the rules of LoTA. A standard LoTA DM goes to 100 hit points and or 10 rounds. Registered enhancers which may be used to a maximum of +12 totaled. A non biased, nuetral proctor must proctor a LoTA DM. In the Terms, it must be stated whether resurrection rites will be allowed. At the end of the match, the Proctor must ask the winner if they grant these rites. There are NO AUTO REZZes in the LoTA, this is what the Healers and Priest(ess) are for. If guild dice are stated in the Terms as the dice being used. Both opponents must be in a known forum or guild. Only what is listed in the persons profile for dice and registered enhancers at the time of the DM challenge is stated and terms are discussed will be allowed as valid for a LoTA DM. Should the question of Guild Dice arise, the guild/forum may be called on to offer up proof of the persons dice amounts and or registered enhancers to be considered Valid. Proof would be considered at least 3 prior rosters or an audit slip from the forum of the people in the DM and must come from the forum of the person in question.

***** Important: DM logs must be sent to the BoC Chancellor of the Military of LoTA for review in the case of a protest of a DM. The loser of the DM is required to add to their Profile "GHOST" until the official word comes down on whether the DM followed standard LoTA rules The "ghost" can not interact with anyone until a determination has been made that the DM is valid or not. If the decision is that the DM is valid the person must honor the terms of the DM. If the decision is that the DM did not follow the rules of a standard DM, it will be voided. All those involved will be notified of the findings and the findings are final. Both the combatants, the Proctor, all witnesses must log the DM and those logs are submitted to the BoC Chancellor of the Military. The loser removes "ghost" from their profile and life resumes as if nothing had happened. Logs containing any verbal abuse, any mun abuse, and reference to a DM being held in retaliation for an AA done by one of the combatants or directed at the proctor for any reason will not be validated and those persons who committed the misconduct will be sent to the JAs for judgement. The Proctor of any DM may dismiss or move a DM due to unruley or abusive non combatants. The Proctor may then resume the DM at a different place and the DM continues.
If for any reason one of the combatants leaves the room and refuses to return, he/she may be called on as an auto death and therefore forfeits their life. The only exception to this will be if the person is punted out of the realms.
At no time will the combatants proctor their own DM.

Remember: if NOT in stated in the profile they are NOT valid dice, always look at Profiles. All combatants in proctored required battles must remain in the place of the battle until the Proctor closes their log.

Remember: when using a proctor make sure they KNOW what they are doing. A proctor is NOT just there to keep score, they see to it that all the rules of the spars and or matches are followed. They attempt to monitor for the cheater and make sure that the spar or match runs smoothly and timely. It is their duty to keep the match a solemn event. To kick out disrupters, log the event and send copies to GCs of both guilds in question. They will send copies of a Resurrection Rite, ST, or DM to the BoCs involved so the events can be registered. A proctor should be unbiased and must be "agreed to" by both combatants prior to battle beginning.

If you suspect the opponent of being of questionable honor, it is always wise to request in the proctors log and use that log as your protest log to be sent in to the BoC of the LoTA.

The Proctor's log is the log they start AFTER the words:

~~~~~log on~~~~~

any words agreed to prior to that are unrecorded AND need to be re-stated. Do not let the heat of the moment trap you into false security. Your log that may have started pages ago might not be honored, in all cases, play it safe and make sure that all important terms, statements, etc. are included in the Proctor's log.

The Aggressor Rule:

This action can be between any individuals in an argument and terms are not stated or terms cannot be agreed to. The standard 20/30/40 rule is in effect and the fight becomes an ADM (Aggressor Death Match). The loser becomes a Ghost ) for 72 IRL hours and then may contact the healers and priests for a resurrection. No set dice may be used. This will hopefully cut down on the harassment of the spar halls and recruiting halls. All such logs will be sent to the Chancellor of the Military for verification and review.

Races - Battle Dice

Super naturals:

This implies that you are in fact immortal (such as God(dess), Spirits <including wraiths, ghosts, demons, lesser gods, angels, nymphs, or your basic Immortal) or you are not easily killed (such as Vampires, dragons, werewolf, minotaurs etc.). If you are included in any of the above you earn 4 dice (i.e.: 4d20). If your parents are both supernatural but not of the same race this will not apply to you (such as your father a god and your mother was a vampire thus making you a half vampire/half god i.e.: a half breed). The race you are must be in your profile to qualify.

Half Breeds of Supernaturals:

Any supernatural of any Mixed blood. If this applies to you you will have 3 dice (i.e.: 3d20). The race you are must be in your profile to qualify.


To be a vampire, both parents must be the vampire OR one must be sired. Once you are sired you are now a full vampire thus making you a full supernatural rolling with 4 dice (i.e.: 4d20). Either Vampire, Kindred/Clan/Gen or embraced must be in your profile to qualify.


War between guilds in the LoTA is allowed. Any GC interested in setting up a mock war please contact the Chancellor of Military. Any guild has the right to refuse a challange for a war from another Guild.


The guild declaring war needs to state their guild's name and list reasons for the declaration, what the the terms for the war are to all parties including the Chancellor of the Military. Then they must set up a date and time for the challenged guild to meet for a counil of war to discuss those terms.

1. Registered proctors or persons designated by the Chancellor of the Military to be proctors will be the only ones allowed to oversee the battle conflicts.
2. Logs of battles wil be sent to each side.
3. Each guild will be entitled to two sanctuaries. These must be stated in the agreed terms and must be sent to the Chancellor of the Military. No conflicts may take place in any room designated as a sanctuary and no challenges can be issued while them.
4. Registered guild or FL hospitals or places of worship are off limits to any kind of combat.
5. A loser of a POW or DM match must place this fact in their profile for the rest of war. In the case of being a POW, the character has to be "freed" by guildmates and then may once again become active in the war. All PoW camps (rooms where POWs must stay when they are online) must be sent to each of the guilds and to the Chancellor of the Military. No PoW Camp can be located in a private room on AOL.
6. Characters of any of the warring guilds that fail to participate or will not follow the rules will be considered "Dead" for the duration of the war. The tally sheet held by the Chancellor of the Military will list them as such in determining the final outcome. A log must indicate failure to respond to a challenge or profile check after a lost match. The profile check will occur after a 24 hour period. All members that do not have access to altering a profile MUST issue a statement in writing to their GC, the opponents GC, the Chancellor of the Military with valid reasons for not being able to alter their profiles prior to the war. Remember, if you can update your profile with your dice and gps, then you can update your profile with your war status. So the excuse better be solid.

PoWs or Prisoners of War

The loser of this match must place in their profile "PoW to *guild name here* until freed or until the end of the war.
A RM (release match) maybe fought in 72 hours (IRL)if a character is taken as a PoW. PoW's are then sent to the PoW Camp so designated and must remain there until freed by an escape, a PoW raid or the end of the war.
If an RM is not done, a PoW may attempt an EM or Escape Match. Only one person may attempt to escape from the PoW Camp.
PoW raids may be executed on the opposing guild's POW Camp.

The loser of a DM during the war and only during the war must place in their profile *Ghost to (guild)*. Ghosts are not allowed to have any contact with the war being that they are dead. When the war is over, ALL ghosts are granted Auto Rezz.  When you are a Ghost, You may not participate in ANY activities until you are no longer in Ghost status. For all intents and purposes, if you are a Ghost you cant do anything.

Victory of Wars

When one side of the war loses or concedes defeat, the winner receives the xps. based on the following formula:
Number of guild members in the winning guild minus the HC of the in defeated guild X 100 = the amount of the xps.
Xps are still gained for each match fought by all characters.
DM's fought are worth 25 x the HP difference.
The PoW Match is worth 10 x the HP difference.

Healers Role in Wars

Healers use their dice just as a fighter would they receive 5 exp's for each HP of healing.
Healing as with everything else must be logged and sent to Chancellor of Healers and Priests to get xp's.

War Rules

It takes two guilds minimum to start a war. Freelancers cannot start a war. But may hired themselves out as mercs. to the warring factions. The GC of each guild must state in writing their intent to go to war with another guild in a letter to the Chancellor of Military. This in no way means that a guild must agree to go to war with another guild.If the Chancellor of Military in one of the guilds then the letters will be sent to the JAs who is not in one of the warring guilds.

PoW vs. DM

If a DM was agreed to by both combatants, the winner may chose to spare the loser's life and make them a PoW.
If a PoW tries to escape, (an EM), and looses the EM they are considered dead for the remainder of the War and must state that status in their profile.

Treatment of PoW's

PoWs will not be executed while in a PoW Camp.   Execution of PoW will be considered a war crime and be charged by the JAs as such.
PoWs will not be subjected to torture or uncivilized acts as a means of extracting information on their guilds.
PoWs may only be interrogated once upon arrival at the PoW Camp and then may not be subjected to interrogation again.


Terms are up to the warring parties or may request that a representive from the Chancellor of the Office of Internal and Foreign Affairs step in to help diplomatically end the war. Current living GC's will submit the intent to end the war to the Chancellor of Military and the war is over.
Any battles fought after both letters have been sent need to be fought under standard spar/ rules and not the war rules.



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