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[Parasite Eve Memories]

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This is a really fun game, if u aint got it, u should go out and buy it(symbolical message) or go out and rent it, its worth the time and money, have fun.mehehe.

Parasite Eve Memories
is apart of the
parasite eve network webring.

Parasite Eve webring

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I'm Aya!
Which Parasite Eve Character are you?
by Tera
[Parasite Eve Memories]

Been up since January 2, 2002

The Resident Evil Killer!!


February 22, 2008
It's been 4 years before i did anything with my site but it still up and i still get comments about how kick ass it is and how helpful it is and how it is really the only site up anymore. But i got some news, Square has announced the third installment to the PE series, only its not call Parasite Eve 3, its called "The 3rd Birthday". Its not supposed to be part of the PE series but fans are still calling it PE3. Its gonna be released for mobile phones tho its for the NTT DoCoMo. So its not gonna be on any Video systems which in my opinion is dissapointing. I will keep you updated when i find more out about this game.

January 16, 2004
Today i got the message board up, so go cheack it out and add some shit in there

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. I've got alot more stuff coming so check back once in a while.

January 13, 2004
I was wondering if anyone would like to help me understand on how to make new layouts, it would appreciate it alot

January 08, 2004
I guess from what im reading on other websites is that square may or may not make a 3rd instalment of the parasite eve generation, but if they do, its supposed to come out for PS2 and gamecube i believe, but it wont be called Parasite Eve 3, it will be titled Rebirth, so all we can do is cross our fingers and hope.

October 13, 2003
I got the new layout put up, still needs a lot of work, but just wanna see how it looks.

Parasite Eve

- prologue
- the cast
- Screen shots
- art
- cheats
- walkthrough
- gameshark
- weapons
- armor
-somnia memorias
- pe energies
- beastiary

Parasite Eve 2
- Story
-Gameshark Codes
-Key Items
- Armor
- Parasite Energy
