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Chinese Horseshoes is played with six small metal disks or pucks and two playing surfaces called pits with three scoring holes per pit. There are three pucks to a side, or team, and they are made a certain color to distinguish the pucks of one team from the three pucks of the opposing team. A coin or puck toss will determine which will toss first. A member having won the coin toss to start the game tosses out the first set of pucks. When the first team member exhausts the first three pucks then the second team will toss their three pucks. A team has the option of rolling, throwing, bouncing, banking, etc. its puck toward the pit provided it hits the top of the playing surface or the player does not commit a foul by not keeping his or her feet atop the playing surface at the time of the toss. A player also has the option of "spanking" or hitting out any puck in play in trying to obtain a point, or decreasing the opposing team's points. At the end of each "frame" (when both teams have exhausted 3 pucks each), a designated official under the scrutiny of the captain/ or designee of each team, will determine the points scored. Points are determined by the pucks that land in the scoring holes or on top of the playing surface. In the event that two pucks from each of the teams land in the same scoring hole, no points will be awarded. An instant win can be obtained one of two ways. One way is by scoring a "YAHK-A-POOH". (See scoring for details) This is awarded by tossing all 3 pucks into all 3 of the scoring holes in no particular order. The only way to cancel a "YAHK-A-POOH" is the opposing team must also throw a " YAHK-A-POOH" of there own. The second way to score an instant win is to skunk the opposing team. (See scoring for details)



  • Teams are made up of 2 players per team.
  • One player stands at each end of each pit.
  • Best 2-out-of-3 games.
  • Team one starts by throwing all three pucks in succession, one at a time. After all three pucks have been tossed; Team 2 throws three pucks in same order.
  • Points are scored accordingly (see scoring).
  • Player must keep both feet on playing board at all times.
  • Player must throw pucks underhand when throwing.
  • Pucks may be tossed, bounced, rolled, banked etc., onto the playing surface.


Play Baby Sports Inc. Omaha NE 68113