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Sign Petitions

Here you will find many links to online electronic petitions. A petition is an excellent way not only to voice your opinions and concerns, but to get things changed as well. At these sites you will be able to view and read actual Internet petitions on many issues, and then sign them. Because online petitions don't carry nearly as much weight as paper petitions with actual signatures your voice may not necessarily be heard. If you believe in the cause I urge you to participate in any follow up activity the organization suggests such as printing a paper petition and helping to fill it out, volunteering or spreading the word about the cause.

Interactive Petitions for You to Sign...

Clean Energy
---Sign a petition sponsored by Greenpeace to convince the United States government to help make solar energy more cost competitive with other, less clean forms of energy.

Save The Rainforests
---Sign a petition, which is to be delivered to the United Nations this Fall 2000, to convince world leaders to commit more funds and resources to saving the Earth's rainforests. Provided by The Rainforest Site.

Gun Safety
---Sign a petition calling upon Congress to pass, and the President sign, without delay, common sense gun safety legislation that protects our children, enforces existing gun laws, closes loopholes that allow more guns on the streets, and makes our communities safer.

Toxic-Free America
---A request to congress to ban all toxic/carcinogenic ingredients from consumer products or label the products with a warning if they require suck toxins.

Arts Vote
---Sign a petition to increase funds to the national endowment for the arts.

Lou Gehrig's Disease
---Sign a petition to aid sufferers of Lou Gehrig's Disease.

American Jewish Congress
---Sign a petition to free the imprisoned Iranian Jews.

Animal Rights
---Sign a petition to end the gross mistreatment of the dogs and cats of South Korea.

Children's Justice
---Sign a petition to give children more rights in divorce trials.

Disability Benefits
---Sign a petition to protect the benefits of Americans with disabilities when they return to work.

Gas Prices
---Sign a petition to voice your concern about rising gas prices due to factors other than free market forces.

No Web Patents
---Sign a petition and join a boycott of, as they threaten to patent their "one click" shopping, thereby raising Internet taxes everywhere.

Petition Online
---Petition Online provides free online hosting of public petitions for responsible public advocacy. Petition Online currently hosts over 400 petitions.

E-The People
---Sign numerous Federal, State and Local petitions. Also, create your own petitions.

KOLA Action Group
---Sign numerous political and environmental petitions on many different topics.

Opinion Matters
---Featuring Petitions, Opinions, Polls, Speeches, Views, Perspectives and Moans. Updated every month.

Web Petitions
---Sign different petitions on many subjects or creat your own. One such petition at this site calls for the removal of Andrew Jackson from the twenty dollar bill.

---Sign many petitions on everything from drunk driving to the preservation of Zelda.TM

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