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The numerics in Theloskrit are based on the number 7, with compounded multiplication in alternating sets of 7 and 5.
The numbers themselves are represented by columns of dots.  Each column represents a range of numbers, and is in this manner somewhat of a layered binary system.  The columns go from right to left, the first column representing 1-7, the second, 7-35, the third, 35-245, and so on.  For example, here is the Theloskrit numeric representation for the number 144,000:

And here, though arranged backwards for easier learning, are the numbers represented by the dots in each column, from right to left.

So, using the above chart as a guide, this would be the explanation of the numeric.


Whereas the basic units in most numeral systems are 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc., the basic units in the Theloskrit numeral system are 1, 7, 35, 245, 1225, 8575, 52875, etc.  The unit of a column can be found by multiplying the unit of the preceding column by 7 or 5, depending on if it is a balek or somek, respectively.  The first column is a balek, the second is a somek, and so on in an alternating fashion.
