Jump Starts

Choose a start and just start writing!
One thing for sure....
He clapped his hands...
She listened to the...
He put it down quickly...
It's my experience that...
Nobody will understand...
They walk away...
In some cases you may...
His mother-in-law...
It didn't work...
She held it in her hand....
You'll never get it...
It was a stunning...
She set the pencil down...
As for me...
In the evening they sat...
I'm supposed to be...
I found one of my...
I knew she had...
Can I help you find...
It all started when...
What are you doing...
She picked it up...
He called after me...
There is one book...
I'm looking forward to...
She dropped to the floor...
I am still looking for...
I decided to be...
He looked up...
A midnight conversation....
It slithered around...
Once I knew...
The man had a...
She was rich in...
You may have noticed...
I have quite a few...
I have to remember...
When I have time...
If only there was time for...

Dont cut and paste

Special thanks to Snogirl and M design studio for linkware graphics used on this page.

Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.