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!!Road to Avonlea Fan Site!!

Welcome!The TV series Avonlea inspiered lives, encouraged morals, and gave romantics(like me!)hope. Although I understand the reasons for canceling the show, I didn't want the magic to end. So I have decided to help it live on here on this page! There aren't many shows on TV that I drop everything for, but Avonlea kept me coming back for more and for one hour every Sunday night I escaped into a world where gentelmen flurished and women were expected to be ladies. So explore, relax, and slip into another world...

Here are some wonderful links on the web for Avonlea lovers!

RTA Romantiholics Relief Center
The creater of this page makes wonderful colages of Gus and Felicity Pike. WOW!

Tim's RTA page

An Era of Innocence
Another great site for pics!

Mickey's Road to Avonlea site

Little Bears Avonlea Site
This site has Music from the show you can download!! YES!!

Seema's Avonlea Page
Top Ten Reasons Gus loves Felicity...What a blast!!

Sullivan Ent. Official site
Write to them and beg for the Christmas special!!!

Prince Edward Island Home page
Wanna visit where it all started?

PEI/Road to Avonlea buildings...some are still standing...

Gus Pike Page!!

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