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Welcome Lords and Ladies

Hi!! Welcome to my Home page! There is so much here now! Where do I start? Well I'd check out the friends and family page..more people are appearing there each day. Then on to my different much little time! The pages represent a little piece of me...what I like...whom I like ;) The last page...the Links page is great...just because it's not a themed page don't skip it please!! Well I better be going...need some rest so I can keep improving this site! Thanks for stopping by!

My Friends and Family page....are you on it?

For Rennisance Fans only! Huzzah!

Christian Page

Beatles still are the BEST!!

A page with ballet links and a spot for a very special someone....

Dedicated to a wonderful show!! Avonlea lives on!!

Misc. Link page....a favorite!!

Look for more sites to come!!
Well that's all for now...E-mail me if you liked, disliked, or basically had no feelings what so ever about this page.

Til we meet again...

Sign my guestbook!
