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5374 Niagara-Carthage Rd, Southern Pines, NC  28327   (910)692-5593   Map, e-mail



This treatment was used in china, India, Tibet, Egypt, the Mayan, Aztec and American Indian cultures.  There has been a variance in what materials were used.  It was originally called "coning".  glazed pottery cones were used, sometimes smoke was just blown into the ear canal through a cone shaped object.

The process or device has varied but the intent is the same.  The warm smoke circling into the ear canal warms and loosens the wax, and or Candida, or Fungus growth.  Then, because of the heart and shape of the candle (cone), a vacuum is created which removed the blockage.  This is gentle, safe and relaxing as opposed to digging into the ear with a !-tip or using a loop to reach in and draw the wax out where you could, in fact, puncture your ear drum.

How would you know that you would benefit?  If you have Allergies, pressure in the ear, ear aches, "Swimmers Ear" then ear candling will most often relieve the discomfort and often allow you to hear better.

Best of all my clients report it is very relaxing.  As they are able to lie down on their side, listen to soft music and be cared for while they feel only warmth in their ear.
