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5374 Niagara-Carthage Rd, Southern Pines, NC  28327   (910)692-5593   Map, e-mail



Do I have your attention?  Most of us have experienced back pain.  Because it isn't a visible problem, we may have felt that people were not sympathetic.  Someone may have even suggested that it's all in your mind.  Far from it - even through it may be connected to the emotions.  What do I mean?  Can you ever remember a time when you were under a great deal of stress and your back spasms became unbearable?  Coincidence?  I don't believe so.

OK, let's talk first about where back pain begins.  We can have structural problems, i.e., injury causing compression on a disc, degenerative disc or vertebrae, twisting and tightening of the skeletal muscles.  Or, more commonly over a period of time, without relief from daily stress we shorten and tighten the supportive muscles creating a misalignment and pain.  Now we set up a pain cycle - it hurts so we tighten and as we tighten we increase the misalignment and therefore exacerbate the pain.  Gentle Yoga stretches and relaxation techniques help break this self-perpetuating cycle.

How can we correct these problems?  Being checked by your doctor or chiropractor is a good beginning.  Understanding what is going on inside takes away the fear of the unknown, which in and of itself is stressful...  Then, begin a Yoga program to eliminate the tension you are holding in the muscles.  Our brain recognizes muscles stretching as one of safety and well-being, and as we relax and lengthen our spine we relieve the pressure on the intervertebral discs.  You will also learn to strengthen the muscles which form a support belt for your back through the Yogic positions.

Another vital change that Yoga brings to your body is improvement in your posture,  whether you are sitting, standing or moving.  We lengthen and relax by the aide of visualization techniques - elongating the spine and the muscles, using the principal of balance to prevent gravity from adversely pulling on one part or the other and creating a problem.  This feeling of balance and comfort spills over into our feelings about yourself.  Your self-esteem is raised.  You will learn what I believe is the most compete program for daily living and the greatest BODY FEEDBACK SYSTEM I know.
