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5374 Niagara-Carthage Rd, Southern Pines, NC  28327   (910)692-5593   Map, e-mail



Sandra Thomas-Oakely, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist State License #663 has practiced the Art of Massage since 1996.  Since becoming certified she has continued to take classes in a variety of modalities including Myofacial Therapy, Healing Touch, Accupressure, CranioSacral, Phoenix Rising Therapy.

Prior to becoming a Massage Therapist, Sandra practiced and taught YogaYoga is bodywork, teaching people to take care of the body from the inside out, and frequently this is an assist to massage where i work from the outside in.  Both are healing and a means to relaxation.

In describing what kind of massage you would receive, which techniques would be used-- that would depend on what your body feels and needs that day.  I believe in listening to my intuition, assessing each person each and every visit.  You may need deep work one time and more fluid relaxing or assisted stretching another.  Treating you the same each time would be as if you just sat in an automated massage chair!

Our hands are an extension of our Heart, as we assist another by touch, to relax and let go, we are participating in their healing.
