Upcoming shows: (The ones I'm going to, at least.)

June 8th - The Disclaimers (Oh, Mario..)
June 15 - Ki, Falling Process, Non-Cents, Influence.
June 19th - Rebilt, The United, Coke is Better with Burbon, Los Losers, Klouse, The Visects, The Jackson 4.
June 20th - GIRL REPELLENT I haven't seen them since November!! Also playing, The Sovereign, Falling Process, Left Unsaid, and Klouse.
June 22nd - Time4Change, Dumbstruck, Second to Last.

OK, so...

ALLRIGHT!!!! Everyone applaud for Jeff from ...foLLow for being kick ass and offering to send me some of their lyrics!!!! Also, the site will be going through some major attitude changes within the next month... check the commentary page for more details.

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Quick note:
Don't email me and ask me to go to your 21+ show. If I were 21, I wouldn't have a site because I would have a life.


Random Lyric
I'd be anything, anything
other than the things I have been..
I slip out of my skin, so I don't have to do it again..
But just a passing thought,
and your filth is seeping in..

come scrub my hands, they won't come clean
come sit with me, while the walls press in on me
shut off that light
shame on you
shame on me...

Tapping the Vein, Butterfly.

Be good, or be good at it.