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Welcome to Dewey's Virtual Media Center Tour!

Hi!  I'm Dewey, the Swift Creek Media Center mascot.  Since I live in the Media Center, I am the perfect choice to be your virtual tour guide.  Come with me for a "visit" to the Media Center!

My Home is one of the first things that you will see when you enter the Media Center.  Since I came to Swift Creek, I have been treated like a king!  The students here feed me, take care of me, and even read to me!  Every week, a different book is featured as "Dewey's Pick of the Week."  When a student comes to visit me, he or she may read my "Pick of the Week" book or read their own book or magazine, but they must read to me - I just can't get enough stories!

The Media Center is a very busy, dynamic place!  We serve over 420 students and 56 members of the faculty and staff.  In this age of information, we want to teach students how to locate, analyze, and utilize all of the information to which they have access.  In addtion, we hope to instill in our students a life-long love of reading and learning.  Towards that goal, we offer at the Media Center:

In addition to their classes' regularly scheduled circulation time, students are welcome to come to the Media Center to check out materials, do research, or simply enjoy reading a good book in a quiet corner.  Lessons given in the Media Center are designed to integrate information literacy skills, literature appreciation, and curriculum objectives.  These lessons are scheduled by the classroom teacher with the Media Coordinator.

Stephanie Fiedler is the Media Coordinator at Swift Creek.  She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from VA Tech and her Master's Degree in Library Science from UNC Chapel Hill.  Before coming to Swift Creek in 1998, Mrs. Fiedler worked as a reference librarian at Durham Tech for two years, a legal librarian in New York for one year, and a medical librarian in Illinois for four years.  Her favorite children's book is Betsy and the Great World, by Maud Hart Lovelace.

Cynthia Gunter is the Media Assistant at Swift Creek.  She worked as a Teacher Assistant on the Kindergarten level at Swift Creek since 1987. This is her second year as a Media Assistant. A native of Raleigh, Mrs. Gunter has two children in college and one in high school. She is currently taking computer science classes at Wake Tech. Her favorite children's book is Robert the Rose Horse, by Joan Heilbroner.

We have over 30 industrious volunteers.  In addition to working at the circulation desk for 21 classes per week, our volunteers:

The students at Swift Creek are very excited about Accelerated Reader. AR is an automated reading incentive program.  It's fun and as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Based on their reading level and interests, a student selects and reads an AR book.  We have most of the AR books available at the Media Center, but you may have to go to the public library to find others.
  2. The student takes a short quiz on the computer in his or her classroom.
  3. The student and teacher get information.  Both the student and teacher get immediate, individualized constructive feedback to direct ongoing reading practice.

We have several copies of our AR test list in the Media Center and in each classroom.  In addition, there are copies of our list on file at the downtown Cary and Eva Perry branches of the Wake County Public Library System.

This just in!  In an effort to make our collection current and appealing, we are always adding new books and materials to our collection.  
I hope that you enjoyed "visiting" our Media Center.  The next time that you are at Swift Creek, please stop by and read to me! --Dewey

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Last updated: November 17, 2002 

Do you have questions or comments about the Media Center or this site?  
Please email Stephanie Fiedler at
or call her at (919) 233-4327.