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William Larkin Kivett is my great grandfather. He was a well known and prosperous farmer. He was developing a frost-resistant cabbage at the time of his tragic death. He and his 10 year old son, Bryne, were killed in a dynamite explosion while blasting tree stumps at the homeplace. The local headline read "W. L. KIVETT AND YOUNG SON BLOWN TO PIECES BY DYNAMITE". The article was quite graphic, giving an account of "fragments of the body" "scattered over a wide space". Later the article states that the "remains of the two victims were gathered up in a basket by a local undertaker and prepared for burial".

A more poignant reminiscence of William Larkin was found among his niece's momentos. I do not know the source or the author of this article, but it reads as follows:
" The funeral was held in the First Baptist church, of which both were faithful members, the son having joined last spring. The father was one of the best and most active members of the church. Though he lived three miles from the city at his beautiful country home, he was regularly found at his place in the church and was liberal in his support of his church and all our denominational enterprises.

My first acquaintance with him was when I was trying to build the Lord's house at Duke. He sent me a check for ten dollars, assuring me of his interest in our struggle. When I was trying to build at Coats, he sent ten dollars. Up to this time, I had never met him. Later he came to Buie's Creek to bring a son and a daughter to place in school. He worshipped with us at Coats on Sunday in the house he helped to build. He helped to build our dormitory for girls and not long before his death sent me a check to help in our Buie's Creek church building. He was a successful business man and said in his last letter: 'I hope some time to do something worthwhile for your great work.'

Such a crowd as attended the funeral! Two Methodist pastors and four Baptist preachers spoke words of highest praise about the good man and his devoted son. Byrne was always with his father, if possible, so devoted were they to each other. Four sons and four daughters and a devoted companion mourn the loss of the father and husband and the child and brother. The whole city seemed to turn out to do honor to the memory of the good man and to share in the grief of the family."