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The Sheild Of The Buteo' Hawk Tribe of North Carolina ® ~ ©
**Logo Created By J.Blackfeather & Designed By L.Dancing Horse.
® A Registered Trademark ~ © Copyright**

~Tribal Council~

Principal Chief: Joseph Blackfeather

Buteo' Hawk Tribe

Vice Chief: Jeremy Bear

Peace Chief: Danyell Talking Spirits
Talking Spirits

Secretary: Deborah Windancer

Tribal Herbalist: Leigh Dancing Horse


The reason each of us has joined the

Métis Nation of the United States is that there
is either little written proof available as to our
Indian Ancestry or First Nation Tribal Membership
rolls have been closed.

Our purpose therefore, is to live our Indian Culture
on a daily basis. Constantly embellishing ourselves
in the history and customs of our Indian Ancestors.

Identifying ourselves as Métis people in all instances
so that others will identify us as Métis people.

To promote the overall goals and objectives of the
Buteo'Hawk Tribe and the Métis Nation of the U.S.
To insure that for the individual people of the
Buteo'Hawk Tribe of N.C. this is a way of life
NOT a social club.

You may be wondering why we say "Tribe".

I would be more then happy to explain this to
you but first I would like to say that we use the term
"Tribe" with Honor and the highest Respect
and in NO WAY do we mean ANY Disrespect
to our First Nation brothers and sisters.
The name "Métis" has not gotten the status as
many First Nation names, as of Yet.
So we do not use the term "Band" because
when you tell someone the name of your "Band".
The first thing that comes out of most peoples
mouth is "Oh Yeah!, What Instrument Do You Play?"
and there is no reason to try and explain this
to a person that does not care or does not
want to hear what you have to say in the first place.
We do not use the term "Clan" because in the
area that we reside in, there are some
organizations that we are not apart of nor
associate with and when you tell someone the
name of your "Clan" this is the ONLY
word that they hear. I hope this will help to
explain our reason for the term "Tribe".

In the state of North Carolina and just over the

state line, there are other groups that are members of the
Métis Nation of the United States.
Here is a list of our neighboring brothers and sisters

Eagle River Band~VA.

Wolf Band~VA.
Mountain Willow Tribe~N.C.
Moon Tribe~VA.

Here are a couple of Métis Singing Groups

Two World Singers

Native Blue Singers

More About The Buteo'Hawk Tribe

Code Of Ethics

Read our code of ethics and learn more about who we are, what we believe and how we live

Logo Symbols

Our logo, what it represents and the spirit within it

Artwork Of Our Members

Some art work by a few of our members

Gatherings, Events & Announcements

**Monthly Updates **

Last Update 12~28~01

Monthly updates. Learn about what we've done, what we are doing and will do

Yes your right, the next few pages have

NotHiNg to do with the Buteo' Hawk Tribe
but our members wanted to share them
with you. We hope that you will enjoy
them and remember them

Métis Celebrities

Visit some of our famous Métis brothers and sisters

More Celebrities

Visit some more of our famous brothers and sisters

Mascot's and Boycott's

Help fight against American Indian Mascot's

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