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*Chapter 6*

Jc and Teri walked out of the hospital. "Wait up, Teri & Jc," Roxie said. They stopped and turned around waiting for her to come toward them. "Can you guys take me home?" Roxie asked. "You know it Rox," Jc said. "So what was that with you and Justin?" Teri asked. "what do you mean?" Roxie asked. "You two looked so cozy together. Like that there was more there than friends," Jc said. "He's one of my best friends. He has been forever. Once upon a time I was his 'happy ending', but I'm not now. I dunno why. I'm just not. I know it's not Kristin either. That girl doesn't desreve to breathe the same air as him," Roxie said getting herself worked up. No one said a word until they were in the car.
"Rox, I know Sweeti since Justin and Kristin started seeing each other, you realized what he meant to you. You love the boy. Please don't lie about that. He's your happy ending. Your his. You can tell the way you two look at each other," Teri said. "She's rite Rox. You can tell these things with Justin. He knows he was a fool to get with Kristin. He's told me about this happy ending stuff.I remember him telling me that at one point you were his happy ending. He missed that," Jc said. "Guys, I don't wanna talk about that. You know Justin with relationships. Breaking them off his hard. Took him 3 months to decide to break up with me. All I know is I'm glad he's okay," Roxie said.
The rest of the way home was complete silence. Teri sat in the passenger side and thought of Jc and what she would do if she lost him. She loved him so much.
They finally got to the dorm. When they all walked in Kristin was there sitting on the couch.

Justin and his Mom had been talking forever. Justin's mind was floating back and forth between Kristin and then Roxie. "So son, what's going on with you and Rox? Dumped Kristin yet?" Lynn asked.
"What you mean?" Justin asked. "You two I always thought were the couple. I know you still love her. You have siince you were a lil one. She loves you. Once you said 'she's my happy ending' you believed that then. I know it's still true. She is your happy ending. Maybe this accident woke both of you up. Realize that you belong together and you are each others happy endings," Lynn ssaid. Justin couldn't believe his mom knew what he thought.

"Kristin, what are you doing here?" Jc asked. "I wanted to tell Roxie ain't no way she's getting my baby," Kristing. "You really think he loves you? HUh? You treat him like crap. He deserves better," Roxie said. "Whatever," she said walking out the door.
"I'm gonna take a shower, you two. I hope I don't see any naked bodies when I come out of here," Roxie said.
"I love you, Jc," Teri said once Roxie left. "I love you, too," he said. "Jc, will you sing to me and hold me?" Teri asked. Just rite then wanted to be in his arms.

*Chapter 7*

JC and Teri were laying on the couch, and JC was singin softly in her
ear, while stroking her hair. "Still In Love" by Brian McKnight. She never
ceased to amaze him...It had been almost two years, and she still took his
breath away every time she walked into the room. Sometimes the heat between
them was so unbearable that they couldn't stay in the same room together,
without pouncing *lack of a better word lol* on each other. He stopped
singing and started nibbling on her earlobe. She moaned of approval. He
picked her up and started up the stairs to her bedroom.
Roxie just laid on her bed, staring at a picture of her and Justin. It
was from this carnival when they were 9 years old. He had cotton candy all
around his mouth, and he was shoving a big piece into her mouth. She closed
her eyes, and remembered. She could remember the exact moment that picture
was taken. Or the time that they were 11 and she climbed too high up in the
tree, and she was scared to come down. So he climbed up and got her. And she
remembered the time when they were 12, and were sitting on the dock, and he
leaned over and kissed her. Their first kiss. Roxie opened her eyes, and
wiped the tears away. 'Why does he have to have Kristin?!Why?'she thought to
***At The Hospital***
"But Mom. I've been dating Kristin for a long time. And me and Rox have
been friends forever. I just don't know if she feels that way about me
anymore." Just then, Kristin walked in the room. "Hi, Mrs. Lynn." She said
sweetly, smiling. "Hi Kristin," she replied. Kristin went up to Justin and
gave him a kiss on the cheek. She moved to his mouth, starting to insert her
tongue into it, when he stopped her. She got angry and sat down in the
corner of the room. About 15 minutes later, Lynn left to go home, promising
Justin she'd bring Jon up in the morning. When she left, Kristin started
yelling. "Justin WHY in God's name did you not want to kiss me?!" "KRIS, my
MOTHER was in the room!" "So?! That's not what it was. You're cheating on
me..arent you?!" "Kris! I've told you 3 MILLION TIMES that I'm not.." "Save
it, Justin. I've seen the way Roxie looks at you, and the way you look at
her. Well, you know what? You two can have each other. Because I'm OUT of
this relationship." She said, and stormed out. He started smiling. "Oh
no..Kristin come back.."he whispered softly, snickering. He picked up the
phone, dialing the number to Rox's house. There was something he wanted to
talk to her about.
***Teri's room***
JC slowly undid Teri's pants, and stuck his hand in. He began kneading
at her. ", don't tease.."She whispered. He backed her onto the bed,
and tore off her shirt. "Does my baby want it rough tonight?" He ask
devilishly, his eyes flickering with passion..

*Chapter 8*

***Teri's Room***
Teri and Jc were stuck in that moment staring into each others eyes.. They both wanted each other so bad. Nothing more than to lay their lips upon each others. Jc leaned down and kissed her passionately. Jc moved his hands cupping her breasts through her bra. "Uh baby? You want it rough?" he asked again telling she was just lost in the moment. "You know it ba......." She began, but her words were cut off by Roxie walking in. "Oh shit, sorry," Roxie said.
"No, it's okay. Did you need something?" Teri asked. "Um, I'm going back to the hospital there's something I need to do. So get back to what you two were doing like I never even interuppted you two," Roxie said walking out the door.
Teri let a little giggle out. "Baby, make love to me," Teri said into Jc's eyes. Jc didn't answer he just put his lips firmly on hers. He slowly slid his tongue in making her moan.
Teri moved her hands to Jc's pants and undid them sliding them off. Jc slowly entered her. She began to moan loudly. He then proceeded to take off her bra. And as he pumped himself into her he sucked on her nipples making her moan. As it came closer to their orgasms Jc sped up pushing Teri over the edge and that pushed Jc over his. As their orgasms faded Jc crashed his head landing on Teri's chest. He slowly pulled out and rolled off laying next to her. He held her in his arms.
"I love you, Josh," Teri said as she began to drift off to sleep. "I love you, too, my angel," he whispered as she fell asleep.
Jc was tired, but couldn't fall asleep. He just laid there holding Teri, the love of his life, his angel, his soul mate. Feeling and seeing her chest move up and down he knew what he wanted, what he had to do.

Roxie made her way up tp Justin's room. She walked in to find Justin awake still. He looked up and saw her, smiled. "Rox, babe what are you doing here this late?" Justin said. She looked at him. "I dunno," she said. Roxie walked over to the chair next to him.
"So has Kristin been up here?" Roxie asked.
"Yep, she broke up with me," Justin said. Deep inside she was relieved. "I'm sorry Justin," Roxie said. "It's okay. I'm glad," Justin said.
"You'll never guess what I just witnessed at the dorm?" Roxie said laughing. "Let me think. I dunno what?" Justin said. "I go to tell Teri I was coming up here. I didn't know Jc was still there. They were about to um get it on," Roxie said. "What's new?" Justin laughed. Roxie laughed and brought her hand up to Justin's leg. "No, it was different. I thought I heard I bang like minutes before. He had pushed her up against the wall. She looked like she was enjoying it," Roxie laughed. She suddenly stopped. "Justin, you know how pissed I would have been if you would have died?" Roxie asked. He put her head on his shoulder letting her cry. He lifted her chin up their lips only inches away. Their lips met passionately. They both lingered the kiss on. They both after moments pulled away. "Justin," Roxie breathed.
"Roxie, babe. I dunno what to say, but I love you. My happy ending girl. You have always been that. I want that again. I want us," Justin said with tears in his eyes. "I love you too," Roxie said. They kissed once again. "I wanna hold you in my arms all nite long. Can I?" Justin asked. Roxie climbed into bed next to him cuddling up to him. She had been in that postion so many times, but was really with Justin this time. Justin's mouth was rite next to her ear and he began to softly sing 'This I Promise You.' "...........................I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope, Keeping your strength when it's gone, The one you should call, Was standing here all along......................"
They both fell asleep shortly in each others arms.

***Next Day***
Jc woke up early and went in and fixed Teri breakfast. He put it on a little tray with a flower and took in to her in bed.
"Wake up, Honey," Jc said to a sleeping Teri. She slowly woke up. "Good morning, Sweeti. Oh you fixed breakfast for me.. I love you," she said kissing him. "I love you, too. Oh you gotta start with the one on your left then work your way to the others in order, but you can drink with everything," Jc said. Teri ate fast like she usually did. Came to the last bowl and it was covered by a plate. Teri lifted off the plate seeing cereal and a box in it. "Marry me, Teri Jo Randolph?" Jc said to his girlfriend, soul mate, angel, best friend, lover of two years.
"Jc, i love you and I will," she said kissing him passionately. She moved the tray and began to kiss him. He pulled away and whispered in her ear, "Let's take a shower," he said. Teri followed Jc into the bathroom. Jc kissed her and undressed her as the shower ran.

*Chapter 9*

Justin got out of the hospital the next week. Things were much the same
with Roxie. They acted like friends. They hadn't kissed or
anything since that night that they told each other how they felt. Justin
was dying to ask her out, but for some reason, he just couldn't. It was like
he just got too nervous. Which was unsual for him, because he hardly ever
got nervous when it came to girls. He was out shopping with Teri one day,
when the subject was brought up. "So Jus. I was wondering..were you planning
on asking Rox out? Like, on an official date?" "Well. Yes, I was..I just
can't, man. I just clam up whenever I start to. I mean, what if we date and
this hurts our friendship? Or what if she says no? Or what if we have a
horrible time and then we don't speak to each other anymore? Or what if.."
"J! MAN! Calm down, bro. Take it easy. You know that Rox loves you just as
much as you love her. And she's been dying this past week *laugh* because
she thought she had done something wrong." "Aww..noooo she hasn't done
anything wrong. Hmm. I'll ask her out for tomorrow night then?" Teri smiled.
"Perfect, J." They continued shopping.
SLEEP HERE!!!!!!!" Josh screamed at the top of his lungs. Roxie had been
playing her Lit cd for the past 2 hours straight, and Josh was getting just
a tad annoyed. "Well aren't WE just Mr. Grumpy?!?!" Roxie threw a pillow at
him. "Ohhhh...NOW you're gonna get it.." Josh said, jumping up. He threw a
pillow at her. Just then, Chris came running into the room. "Hey have yall
seen Bus.." the pillow missed Roxie and hit Chris straight in the face.
"Ohhh I SEE HOW IT'S GONNA BE!!!" Chris said, running into the bathroom.
Josh and Roxie glanced at each other, questioning looks on their faces. Then
Chris ran out, sporting two tubes of toothpaste. He grinned evilly. "Do you
feel lucky? Do ya?" Josh and Roxie ran out the room, Chris close behind.
Justin and Teri entered the house. Pillows were strewn everywhere, and
Whip cream and toothpaste were strung all over everything. "Oh Good Lord.."
Teri said. She heard noises in the kitchen. As Justin and Teri entered the
kitchen, they saw Josh dumping flour all over Roxie, and Chris was shoving
ice down Josh's back. Justin sighed and said in a deep voice, "Children!!!
We leave you alone for 2 hours and THIS is what you do?!?! What are we gonna
do with you?! No self-control, no.." he was interrupted by flour. "AHH! MY
NAUTICA SHIRT! THAT'S IT, WOMAN! NO MERCY!" He chased after Roxie. Josh came
up to Teri, smiling slyly. "Hey baby.." He said, shoving ice down her back.
"JOSHUA SCOTT CHASEZ! YOU BETTER RUN!" she said, chasing after him. "Well.
All Alone," Chris said. Busta ran into the room. "Heh."

*Chapter 10*

Justin has chased Roxie into her room. "Get away, Timberlake or I'll ruin your shirt!" Roxie yelled. "Well, well," Justin said standing there with a smirk on his face. Justin made a dash for Roxie grabbing her. He then began to tickle her. "Quit, Justin please," Roxie cried. Their lips where now only inches away from each other.
Roxie leaned up and Justin leaned down their lips met with passion. Passion that they both had yearned for.
Justin pulled away, which confused Roxie.
"Did I do something wrong?" she asked beginning to cry. Her mind was saying he didn't love her anymore.
"No, baby, no," Justin said holding her in his arms. "Then what? I'm so confused, Justin. Two weeks ago you said you loved me and we kissed. Then you go on as if it never happened," Roxie said. Justin couldn't find the words to tell her what he was going through. "Okay, don't talk I gotta lot to say. Okay, then we kissed again and you pull away. What's going on? Do you not love me anymore?" Roxie got out in between sobs. "Hold it. What makes you think that? I do love you, Rox. I could never stop loving you, baby. No matter what nothing could make me stop. I'm just scared, that I'll screw everything up," Justin said fighting the tears in his eyes.
"God, Justin is that the only reason? You don't think I'm not scared because dammit I am. I'm so afraid of losing you. Justin, we've known each other forever. We've been best friends forever. You are my everything. My soul mate. Best friend. Angel. Protector. Confidant. My happy ending, all in one. You were my first guy friend. My first kiss. My first boyfriend. My first and last happy ending. My first love. Plainly you were my first," Roxie said letting all the emotion out with it.
Justin saw the tears that were beginning to fall from Roxie's cheeks. What had he done? He made his best friend, that he loved make her think he didn't love her anymore.
**Jc & Teri**
Jc and Teri had kept their engagement a secret for two weeks. They were planning on announcing it at the party they were throwing tomorrow nite at Justin's and Jc's place. They had been listening to Roxie and Justin confess everything. Teri was crying by then. She started to cry when Roxie asked, 'Did I do something wrong?' and hearing her cry.
The happy ending got her every time. "Baby, are you okay?" Jc asked he was holding her in his arms. "Yep, I just wish they would just be together," Teri said. "I know baby. I know," he said. "Josh, you are my everything. Remember that always," Teri said. She got this nauseous feeling and took off towards the bathroom. Josh followed her towards the bathroom. "Are you okay, honey?" Jc asked. "Yes, I am. I'm good," Teri said. "Can we go to bed early tonite?" Teri asked with a devilish smile. Jc could never resist a smile from Teri ever. "As long as you promise me you are feeling okay," Jc said. "I promise," Teri said kissing him.

**Justin & Roxie**
The words she said stung him. "God, Rox. I wanna be with you. Only you. You are everything that I want and need. I never meant to hurt you, but I did and I can't change that. Please be with me. My girlfriend. My happy ending again," Justin said leaning down and kissing him. Justin felt her ease up. he didn't know where this kiss was leading until it was already happening.
After they made love he laid holding her in his arms. "I love you, Rox," "I love you, too, Justin. Forever and always," Roxie said.
