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Lisa walked into her empty house. It had been empty ever since her parents seperated. She walked into the kitchen and got herself a snack. She was just about to sit down and watch tv when the doorbell rang. She looked in the peep hole to see Justin. She opened the door.
"May I help you?"
"You're Lisa right?"
"I'm Justin."
"I know."
"Let me just get to the point. You friends with that dork, Stephanie, you know who she is?"
"Anyway that dork Stephanie was hanging out with for a while?"
"Yeah Chris."
"See we have History together, you, me, and that Chris guy. Since you guys sit together I figured you were friends."
"We're friends, what's the deal?" She was utterly confused.
"You must be smart then."
"Cause I'm friends with him?"
"It's not that hard to follow, if you just listen to what I'm trying to say to you."
"Do you wanna come in?" She knew it would take a long time to figure out what he was trying to say.
"Sure I guess it won't hurt too much." He walked in. "You got this place all to yourself?"
"Yes, and on weekends I own a local grocery store, no I live here with my mom. What are you here for again? I think I missed the point to your visit."
"I'm here cause I need a smart person's help."
"With what?"
"There's this guy, I'm sure you heard of him, Joey 'the bone'."
"Yeah I know him."
"He humiliated me in lunch, and I need your help to get back at him."
"My help?" She picked up her snack and put it back into the kitchen as he followed her.
"Yeah, would you do it?"
"I would do it, if you needed help with someone like Lance."
"Lance who?"
"Nevermind, I can't help you."
"Why not?"
"Cause first of all, I'm a girl and there's no way I could beat up Joey and second I like Joey."
"You like him?"
"Yes he's one of my best friends."
"No, you can't be."
"You've known me for what? 5 minutes and you're already telling me who I can and can't be friends with."
"Hello? Do you know who you're talking with here?"
"Yes, Justin Timberlake. Am I suppose to be impressed?"
"Not just Justin Timberlake. The Justin Timberlake. You're just going to be rude to me like that. You are buying yourself a one way ticket back to loserville."
"I don't think you dropping by my house so I would help you get revenge on someone constitutes a visit out of loserville."
"You're fiesty. I like that."
"Oh my gosh. The Justin Timberlake likes that I'm fiesty." She said sarcastically. "I'm not fiesty I'm fed up. Now get out of my house."
"Fine, but I like you. You got potential." She started pushing him towards the door.
"Oh really?" She opened the door. "You just made my day." She pushed him out and closed the door behind him.


"Mr. Thomas, your vacation this weekend is all booked."
"Ah, thank you Ms. Evans." The principal thanked his secretary.
"You leave Friday morning."
"Friday? I wanted it Saturday. I have school Friday."
"You can take a day off school sir."
"Wait, I'll give the whole school a day off. I'll have to think of a holiday, but yet educational. Career Day!"
"Very good sir."
"Fetch me my PA system I'll make the announcement."
"I can't carry it sir."
"Then I'll just get up then." He walked towards the PA system. "Attention, attention. May I have your attention? May I have your attention for an announcement? This Friday I would like you all to take a day off from school, and go to your parent's work. You will be asked to have the parent sign the letter we are giving later in the day. You may all get back to work."


"I can't believe it we have to go to work with our parents." Justin said at lunch.
"At least your dad's got a cool job."
"I can't go with him. His team is in New York playing the Knicks."
"Oh. I'll stay at home and work with my mom." JC said.
"Isn't your mom a homemaker?" Dani asked.
"Homemaker isn't a career."
"Sure it is."
"No the paper says it's not." Stephanie informed him. "JC your dad has an awesome job."
"No he doesn't he works for like the EJT."
"Doesn't he work for the FBI?"
"No, that's just what they want you to think he works for the EJT."
"What is the EJT?"
"I don't know, it's very hush hush."
"Anyway at least none of you have to go to Atlanta."
"Why are you going to Atlanta?" Dani asked.
"My dad has to cover some dumb baseball game for the station."
"Is this some dumb baseball game the World Series?" JC asked.
"Could be."
"I'm there."
"You have to go with your dad to the EJT."
"They never said you had to go with your own parents. I'm going with your dad to the World Series."
"OK, maybe it'll be better with you there." Justin remained silent.
"What's wrong?" Dani asked.
"You're jealous you don't get to the World Series."
"Then what is it?"
"It's something."
"I said it was nothing, now would you leave me alone?" He picked at his peas. He noticed Lisa walk in the cafeteria. "I'll be right back." He got up and ran to her. "Hi."
"Hi. You scared me."
"How you doing?"
"Pretty good."
"Are you as upset about this whole parent career thing as I am?"
"Actually I think it would be fun."
"Really? I think so too."
"But you said..."
"Forget what I said, so where are you going for your career?"
"I don't know yet, I may go to the hospital with my dad or to the..."
"Did you say hospital?"
"Yeah my dad is an obstetrician."
"Really? So is my mom."
"At the D.C. Mercy hospital?"
"That is so cool."
"I may just go there."
"So will I. I gotta get going."
"OK, it was nice talking to you again."


"Dad, dad, dad!" JC shouted at the dinner table that night.
"You don't have to shout son, I'm right here."
"Oh, I need you to sign this parent thing."
"What is it for?"
"You just sign it and I give it back."
"What is it for?"
"It's so I can go with Stephanie and her dad to the World Series."
"I need to sign a permission slip for that?"
"No, it'll just get me out of going to work with you."
"I take offense to that!"
"It's not that your job is boring it's just not the World Series."
"I work for the FBI."
"No, dad that's just what they want you to think you work for the EJT."
"Don't you know what that stands for?" Katie jumped in.
"Yes, Entire Jumbous Taffy. Dad works with taffy."
"No I don't."
"Yeah you do."
"I think I know where I work!!"
"Calm down Jack, they don't know what they're saying."
"Fine, you can go to the World Series with Stephanie and her sportcaster dad."
"Thanks dad."
"He'll go to the World Series and I'll play at the taffy factory."


Justin and Lisa were talking in the doctor's lounge at the hospital, when Justin's mom walked in.
"Justin, you have a phone call."
"I do?" He got up and went to the phone.
"H-i J-u-s-t-i-n."
"Why are you spelling everything?"
"You don't have to spell it."
"I'm trying to be smarter."
"If you must know, the other day at lunch I saw you talking to a geek, and I figured you really dig the smart chicks. So that's what I'm becoming."
"I wasn't talking to her, I mean I was technically, but it wasn't for pleasure. She ran into me and she was apologizing and I wouldn't accept it."
"But you had a smile on your face, like you enjoyed it."
"I enjoyed turning her apology down."
"Oh, now it makes sense. That sounds more like the Justin I know."
"Yeah, so how has your day been?"
"My dad let drive this car around the lot."
"Really? Your dad let you drive the merchandise?"
"Yeah, he says this family already paid for it and they were going to pick it up later and if it gets in a wreck there's nothing my dad can do about it."
"Oh, that's sounds fun."
"So has anyone died yet."
"Yeah, actually this one lady had these twins the girl died."
"That so sad, you're going to make me cry. I'm going to hang up now."
"OK, bye."
"Bye." He hung up the phone and return to Lisa.
"Who was that?"
"Oh that, that was nobody."
"Wrong number."
"It's wierd how you can carry a conversation on that long with nobody."
"OK you caught me, it was Dani."
"Oh, and why couldn't you tell me that?"
"I don't know, you know what she gets on my nerves and stuff."
"She gets on your nerves and stuff? Since when did you feel this way."
"Since forever, she's really stupid."
"Oh, and you're really smart." She said sarcastically.
"I know, she doesn't fit in. Ever since I've been broading my horizions, with you and all, I've noticed that I don't really like her, like her."
"I see."
"I'm gonna dump her."
"Yeah, she doesn't intrest me anymore. I need someone who I can have a stimulating comversation with."
"You can't have a stimulating conversation with anyone no matter how smart they are."
"You and me talk really good together. That's why I was thinking that you and me..."
"No, I'm not going to go out with you."
"That's not what I was gonna say, you and me should secretly go out."
"Secretly? That's just the way of saying you're ashamed of me."
"No I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"OK, I am, but I really like you, you're just a geek."
"I don't have to be a geek."
"Let's say I stop hanging out with my geeky friends."
"You would do that for me?"
"You're the Justin Timberlake I would do anything for you." She said sarcastically.
