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"Where are my peanuts?" JC asked on the plane.
"They don't actually serve you peanuts." Stephanie answered.
"But the tv said..."
"The tv was wrong."
"But..." He whined.
"OK, so whatcha you doing?" He looked over her shoulder onto her laptop.
"I'm typing our report for our science project."
"Have you thought of our title yet?"
"Yeah, Katie helped me."
"Oh boy."
"There's like three of them, but they're all along the same basis."
"OK shoot."
"Does the rainforest need a blanket?"
"I don't get it."
"Warming? It needs to be warm."
"Do you actually know what global warming is?"
"Yes, warming the global area."
"Actually, it's the warming of the surface and lower atmosphere of a planet that is caused by conversion of solar radiation into heat in a process involving selective transmission of short wave solar radiation by the atmosphere, its absorption by the planet's surface, and reradiation as infrared which is absorbed and partly reradiated back to the surface by atmospheric gases." She returned to her typing. JC turned to her dad.
"Whatcha you doing?"
"I'm writing my article on college football."
"Who was playing?"
"Nebraska and Florida."
"Who won?"
"Good, I don't like Florida."
"That's good to hear, but if you don't mind I'm trying to work."
"OK." He turned back towards Stephanie. "I'm bored." He whined resting his head on her shoulder.
"Why don't you watch the movie?"
"What is it?" She looked up at the screen.
"Looks like Beauty and the Beast."
"I don't want to watch that."
"That movie scares me."
"When he takes her dad prisoner, it's sad and scary."
"That's so sweet."
"You're sensitive."
"I have an occasional cry every now and then."
"It really shows you're in touch with your feminine side."
"Whoa, don't know what you're talking bout there."
"So, is there anything else I can do, to help?"
"Um, actually no."
"But, I brought you something in case you got bored."
"What?" He said, dully.
"Sports Illustrated!" She shouted pulling a couple of issues out of her bag.
"The swimsuit issue!"
"Ew no." She put it back in her bag. "Look the Bob Knight saga." She pointed to the cover.
"That could be cool." He took it from her and began to read.
"That should keep him busy." She returned to her typing.


Justin rode his bike over to Lisa's house, he had to talk to her before he went onto Dani's.
"Justin, what are you doing here?" She asked opening the door.
"I was just on my way over to Dani's and I was thinking. You know how you said you would do anything for me?"
"I was being sarcastic."
"Oh, then nevermind."
"What were you going to ask me?"
"Since you're my new girlfriend, if you wouldn't mind breaking the news to my old one."
"Oh I would, but you and me, we're a secret no one is supposed to know about us. I guess I can't help you out."
"So, you just want me to go over there and tell her I don't want to be with her anymore."
"To her face?"
"I'm sure you're an expert on breaking up with girls, you've probably done it many times in you're young 13 year old life."
"That's true, I try to give every girl an opportunity to at least have a taste at what it's like to be with me."
"You're so generous."
"Breaking up with Dani will be a piece of cake, I don't even care about her anymore, she wore out her welcome months ago."
"So are you going to do it?"
"Yeah, thanks for the advice." He left riding his bike over to Dani's.


"So how was NASA with your dad?" Lance asked at Chris's and his slumber party.
"It was pretty cool, they put me in a space simulator. What about going to the Senate with your dad?"
"It was kinda boring, except when they let us go around the white house."
"I wonder what Lisa's doing."
"Me too."
"Really? I thought you hated her?"
"I do, I just really like her too. Can't I do both?"
"No, do you wanna call her and invite her over?"
"Yeah." Lance picked up the phone and dialed Lisa's number.
"Hello." She answered.
"Hey Lisa, it's me I was wondering if you would want to come spend the night over at Chris's place with me and him."
"Sorry, I can't."
"Why not?"
"My mom told me not to go anywhere."
"That doesn't sound like your mom, why don't you just come on ov..."
"Cause I don't want to. I can't hang out with you anymore, and don't even ask me why." She hung up the phone. Lance turned to Chris.
"Must be one of those feminine things."


"Whoa! Check out this place!" JC shouted as the three walked into their hotel suite.
"Nice huh?" Stephanie's dad asked.
"Nice? This is awesome. Hey Stephanie look at this." He opened a can of nuts. "Macadamia."
"Now we have to pay for those nuts."
"Nu-huh, all expenses paid."
"Yeah, Daddy. So we can do anything we want."
"Let's play video games." He put the nuts down.
"Do you even like those?" She asked.
"No." They each grabbed a controller to the Nintendo 64 sitting by the tv and sat on the bed.
"Mario Kart?"
"Yeah, but don't think I'm gonna let you win again. Last time I just felt sorry for you, cause you're a girl."
"You didn't let me win. I beat you."
"Just keep telling yourself that."
"Shut up and race."


Justin rode up Dani's sidewalk, he parked his bike outside her porch. He walked up to the door and rang the bell. Her mom came to the door.
"Hello there Justin."
"Hi, Dani's mom. Can I talk to Dani?"
"Sure come on in."
"Actually I rather stay outside."
"Oh, by all means. I'll go get her." She left and Justin made himself comfortable on the bench that set near to door. A couple of minutes later Dani came outside.
"You wanted to talk to me?"
"Yeah, come sit down." He patted to the spot next to him and she obediently sat down. "Dani..."
"Oh, have I got some news for you. Apparently Jenny McCoy wasn't skating with Scottie Thompson at the party cause she liked him, it's because Jenny's best friend, Rachel was bugging her abou..."
"Dani, I really need to talk to you."
"What's wrong?"
"I like you, I like you a lot. You're a swell girl, but there comes a time in a man's life when he just needs a change of scenery. What I'm saying is it's time to turn you in for a someone new. We've had our fun, and frankly it lasted longer than any of the others, but like everything it's gonna end. So the sun has set on our day in the sun and I bid you a fond farew..."
"You have some nerve. Coming over hear in the middle of the night to dump me."
"When would have been a more convient time for you?"
"I'm happy for you. I'm happy you found someone else, and I hope she gets to see what a jerk you are and give you a real change of scenery, by dumping you. I'm sure she's real special, like you said about me, and you're going to make this one work, but it wouldn't surprise me if in the end she turns out to be a swell girl." She got up and slammed the door behind her.
"That went pretty well, if I do say so myself." He got off the bench and went to his bike to ride home.


"I'm bored." Lance whined as he stretched himself on his bed.
"Well, I don't know what to do, why don't we go visit Lisa?"
"We can't just sneak out."
"Why not, her house isn't that far away. Just a couple of blocks."
"How do we plan to get out?"
"The window, see." He opened his window. "There's a tree that leads right to the ground. It's really easy to climb down."
"It's still not right, something could happen to us."
"Well, I'm going. You can stay here if you want. Just don't touch anything." He started putting his shoes on.
"Bye." He put on his jacket and started for the window.
"OK, I'll go." He put on his shoes and jacket and headed for the window.


Lisa was watching a movie and eating popcorn when her doorbell rang. She got up to answer it. She opened her door and saw Lance and Chris standing in their pajamas.
"Cute jammies Lance."
"Shut up."
"What are you doing here?"
"It got boring over at my house so we thought we'd stop by."
"I don't think you can stay. My mom is working late again."
"That's good, so the place is all to ourselves."
"Cool." Chris invited himself in and Lance followed. They walked down the entry hall into here living room.
"You guys can't stay." She said as they made themselves comfortable on the couch.
"Right, we know. You can't hang out with us." Chris took some popcorn. "Why is that again?"
"It's none of your business."
"See, when it involves us it is our business. So tell us what's up." Lance said through bites of his popcorn.
"If you must know, it's cause you're dorks."
"Well, now I'm offended."
"It's nothing personal. I'm not allowed to hang out with you."
"Who says?"
"Yeah who?"
"No one."
"It must be someone."
"It was no one important."
"Was it your mom?" Chris asked.
"No, it's not my mom, she loves you two. I'm not going to tell you."
"Why not? We're all friends here."
"Cause if I tell you, you'll laugh and think I'm lying."
"No, we won't."
"You promise?"
"We promise." Lance reassured.
"Justin who?"
"Justin Timberlake."
"He talked to you?"
"Yeah is that so unbelievable?"
"Yeah, but when does him talking to you allow him to tell you what to do?"
"We didn't just talk, we're kinda going out."
"What!?" Lance stood up. "No, that's not how it works."
"I got rid of that Joey guy so I could have my chan..." He realized what he was about to say.
"Have what?"
"Have you go out with Justin." He paused. "I have to go." He headed for the door.
"What's wrong with him?"
"I don't know, but I better get going too."
"Chris, if you want I can get my stuff and we can go have a slumber party at your house."
"OK, but hurry up."
"OK." She ran upstairs. Chris quickly caught up with Lance.
"What is the matter with you?"
"Don't you see the significance of Lisa going out with Justin?"
"We should be happy for her, cause now she'll be friends with Stephanie and then I can, you know."
"That is so selfish."
"I can't help it. It's my nature."
"Well, it's not fair. I've known her longer and all he has to do is flash that cheesy grin and he's got her. That's not how it's supposed to be."
"I'm sure he had to do more than that."
"That's not the point."
"OK, I'm ready." Lisa came walking out with her stuff in her arms.
"You're coming?"
"Did you not call earlier begging me to come?"
"OK, fine." The three of them headed for Chris's house.


"Just one more game, please."
"No, JC I'm tired of winning and plus I'm just tired period."
"You're just afraid you're gonna lose."
"Why would I be afraid I've beaten you every time?"
"Then why don't you play if you're not afraid?"
"Fine one more." She picked up her controller and after about 5 minutes she beat him again. "Now, let's go to bed."
"But, just one more." She turned out the lights.
"Go to bed." She crawled under the covers off her bed as he walked over to his.
"I'll beat you in the morning."
"OK. Goodnight." She yawned and closed her eyes. An hour passed and JC couldn't get to sleep. He walked over to Stephanie's bed.
"Stephanie." He whispered and shook her a little. "Wake up."
"Did you hear that noise?"
"What noise?"
"Listen." He was silent.
"It's probably just the wind."
"That's what they all say. Stephanie, I'm scared and you don't care."
"What can I do?" She turned on the lamp and sat up.
"Can I sleep in there with you?"
"No, you can't."
"My dad will kill you."
"If I sleep in my own bed this thing outside will kill me."
"Fine." She moved over and he crawled in next to her.
"No problem, just please try and get some sleep."
"OK." He turned out the lamp and quickly fell asleep.