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Audrey opened the door to her apartment. She threw her keys on the kitchen table and set her grocery bags on the counter. She walked back to her room to hang up her coat only to find JC asleep on her bed. She slowly walked up to him and gently blew on the back of his ear. He stirred a little causing his shoulder to rise to cover his ear. Then she hit his side with her fist.
"Ow!" He immediately put his hand over his wound.
"Get up!"
"I've missed that."
"Missed what?"
"Your accent, I made the guys talk in fake British accents to remind me of you."
"That was sweet of them."
"They didn't do it."
"I got your mail!"
"Thanks." She took the stack of envelopes from his hand and starting out to the kitchen. He followed her. She put the mail on the counter and started putting away the groceries. JC followed her every move, from the counter to the refrigerator, to the cabinets and back. "Will you please stop doing that?"
"Not until I get a welcome back hug."
"You want a hug?"
"Yes, please."
"All right. I guess it won't hurt to much." Before she could finish her sentence he already had embraced her. "I'd like to stay this way forever, but I have to breath."
"If you have to then I guess it's OK." He quickly released her. "Can I have a kiss?"
"Don't press your luck."
"You know I've been gone for three months I figured you would have been a little happier to see me."
"I am, it may not have been the obvious happiness you expected, but inside I'm full of joy."
"That's good to hear. You know what I was thinking?"
"Do I ever?"
"Maybe, we could make some dinner, watch some TV, have the guys over, and then we cou..."
"Hold it right there, what did you say?"
"Make some dinner?"
"About the guys coming over?"
"I thought maybe the guys could come over."
"You said maybe right? Then, no."
"Please I know they missed you."
"No, you can have a little guy together thing at your own place cause they're not coming over here."
"But I wanna be with you."
"I'm not stopping you, just don't invite them too."
"But I wanna be with them too."
"You spent three months with them, aren't you getting sick of them?"
"I like them."
"You can have three of them over."
"OK, if I can have three then it'll be Justin, Chris, and Joey. Never did like Lance."
"But you said..."
"Three that I like."
"Oh, so does Joey not get to come?"
"Righty O."
"Nah, they're all coming to my place, and so are you. Cause I said so."
"You can't tell me what to do."
"Funny, funny I think I just did."
"Fine, I'll go, doesn't mean I have to be pleasant."
"Thank you."


Audrey approached JC's door, in dread of the night to come. She wanted to spend time with him it's just if you dating one of them you get them all. She wouldn't mind that except she didn't like them all. She knocked on the door.
"Hey come on in, I've been waiting." She was greeted by JC with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Well, I haven't."
"You said you would be pleasant."
"I know, and if you weren't so adorable I would break my promise, but I've grown fond of you and I would like to keep you."
"You say that really nice."
"Cause of my accent?"
"You know I'm not the one with the accent, you are."
"Yes, you talk awfully strange."
"You are about the only person I would let get away with that one."
"I know, I have you whipped."
"That indeed."
"Ew, very proper."
"Well, I try." They walked in a little further to find 'the guys'.
"What are you doing here?" Was the first response from the group, given by none other than Joey.
"I was asked here and do you have a problem with that?"
"You know I do. I'm leaving." He started for the door.
"No, wait." JC pleaded.
"Let em go, no scratch that. Landlords don't like trash in the halls." He turned around.
"Listen missy..."
"Oh I'm bored of you now, I'm going to have to cut you off." She pushed him out of the way and went to sit down next to Justin.
"You know you're rude."
"I find you a bit grouty myself."
"Hey, don't use those fancy British words with me."
"Right, I forgot who I was talking to."
"Now, looky here..."
"Please stop, please stop now. I will not have this going on in my place." JC took a stand.
"That's OK, I was just leaving anyway."
"Don't let the door hit you on the way out you can't afford to lose any more brain cells." He left 'the place'. She turned to all the others. "I have fun with him."
"Don't have so much fun with him." JC said.
"No it's funny, she's so good at coming up with insults."
"It's not fun for me, I'm in the middle. I feel like Stretch Armstrong."
"Was that suppose to be joke, cause it wasn't funny?"
"Nevermind." JC plopped himself on the couch next to her. "Why can't you just get along?"
"I try, but he's so difficult."
"You do not try, you were the one to pop off the insults."
"It's funny."
"Do you see me laughing?"
"They did." She pointed to the others. "Anyway, he has his good shots too. Although not tonight I was on fire."
"Can't you try a little harder." He stuck out his bottom lip.
"Oh, don't do that." She turned away from him.
"Pwease." She buried her head in Justin.
"Get him away please."
"Pwetty pwetty pwease with sugar on top." He was sitting right next to her now.
"I can't look. Shield me." He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her back.
"With a cherry?"
"Oh, all right I'll do it, but you can't use that for like a year."
"I won't."
"So what do you want to do?" Justin asked.
"I don't know I just want to go home." She replied.
"But you just got here."
"I'm only came down here for two reasons, one because you asked me too, and two to make fun of what's his name."
"You can't leave." JC begged.
"Why don't you come with me?"
"Oh I like that." He grasped her hand and pulled her up on the couch. They walked towards the door, JC grabbing his jacket on the way out.
"Hey what about us!?" Chris yelled as the door closed.


Audrey figeted with her keys trying to find the right one as JC wrapped his arms tightly around her. He rested his head on her shoulder.
"Come on, open the door already."
"Just be patient."
"I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't."
"Ah here it is." She held the key up in triumph
"Open it!"
"Hold your horses, don't get your knickers in a twist." She placed the key in the knob and turned it. JC quickly pushed her in. "Why are you so excited to get here?"
"You know." He raised his eyebrows at her.
"We'll have none of that tonight, I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Besides in England men have respect for women."
"I respect you." She walked over to the counter and picked up her mail.
"I never did check this." He came over and took it from her.
"Check it later." He dropped it in the trash can.
"But JC that could be import..."
"Ah, ah, ah." He shook his finger at her. "It's my first night back now let's celebrate." He took her hand and started for her room.
"You, can celebrate on the couch." She released herself from him and closed the door.
"Don't I even get a good night kiss?" He asked through the door.


Audrey walked out of her room and into the kitchen. JC was taking a shower. She opened the refridgerator and got out the orange juice. She was pouring herself a cup when she noticed the un-opened mail on top of the trash. She bent down and picked it up. She shuffled through the enevelopes, one caught her eye.
"The Department of Immigration?" She pulled it out of the stack. "That does not sound good."
"Hey!" JC came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "I thought I said check that later."
"It is later." He started to shake his head to get the water out. "You getting this all wet."
"Oh lighten up it's morning." He started to pour himself a glass of orange juice. She opened the enevelope and began to read it carefully. She slowly walked over to the couch and sat down.
"Oh my gosh."
"What?" He took a drink of his juice.
"I'm being deported." He immediatly spat out the juice.
"I'm being deported."
"Apparently my green card has expired."
"It's been nice knowing ya."
"Oh right, we can hide you."
"You can't hide me, I'm a person not a bloody sock."
"OK, so how long do you have?"
"Two weeks."
"Our last two weeks together."
"Don't make this harder than it is."
"Sorry, but what can you do?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know! You've been through this before!"
"No I have not been through this before!"
"Well, don't yell at me!"
"You're yelling at m... wait let's just calm down here. There's no need to get stuffy. We have to think of something."
"I'm sure 'the guys' will know what to do."
"You're positive?" She asked as if unbelieving.
"Yeah, when you put them all together they can come up with some crazy stuff."
"It's worth a shot."


"So let me get this straight, you're being deported and you came to us for help." Joey said in mock sarcasm.
"Well, you just shut up. I didn't ask for your help I asked for their help. You couldn't help me even if I was trying to figure out what 2+2 was." Joey just looked away.
"I got it!" Justin stood up. "We could hide you."
"She's not a bloody sock." JC said. "You say it much better."
"OK, I was watching this movie once..." Groans circled the room. "Hey come on it was a good movie. Anyway this girl was get deported so she got married and they let her stay."
"Get married?"
"Yeah you and JC could get married and pretend to know everything about each other."
"We can't just 'get married' some people call that illegal."
"Are any of those people here?" He asked the room when no one spoke up. "All right then."
"I have a problem with it." JC raised his hand. Justin rolled his eyes.
"Yes JC?"
"I'm not getting married."
"I'm just not ready for that kind of a commitment."
"It's a fake marriage."
"It's not a fake marriage if you're getting married. I'm not doing it."
"Don't you love me?"
"Oh, I'm not talking to you." She turned away from him.
"Hey, that's OK, someone else can marry her." Justin wanted his plan to be a success. He looked around the room.
"Don't look at us, we're not that stupid." Joey said.
"I take offense to that." She stood up.
"You take offense to everything."
"If you weren't bigger than me I'd have the right mind to thug you."
"What is 'thug'?"
"Would you like me to show you?"
"I would love for you to show me." She reeled back and 'thugged' him in the stomach. He winced in pain.
"Perfect!" Justin shouted.
"What?" Joey asked through his pain.
"You two can get married."
"You got to be kidding me?"
"No, look you already fight like you've been married."
"JC, aren't you going to say anything?"
"If you actually think that I'm..." She looked at Joey. "I rather go back to England." She headed for the door. Justin chased after her.
"Now how can say that?" He pulled her back. "Look at that face." He then noticed the scowl on Joey's face. "OK, don't look at that face, look at the face." He referred to JC. "Could you really leave him?"
"I don't know, he's making it easier by the second."
"No, you promised."
"Hey, you promised me a lot of stuff too."
"All right I'll do it."
"Yes!" Justin shouted.
"Who said I would do it?"
"No one, we figured you would."
"You figured wrong, I'm not marrying that British chippy."
"Oh I'm sorry 'you take offense that'."
"Pwease." JC looked towards him.
"That ain't even working on me. I ain't a pushover."
"Are you calling me a pushover?"
"If the shoe fits."
"Oh...well... takes one to know one."
"Good one."
"Why do I feel like I'm in the first grade?" Lance pondered to the room.
"Stop please." Justin interrupted their argument. "I want my plan to work, so you gotta do this."
"No I don't." Joey said.
"Yes you do. Just do it."
"Oh, oh I'm convinced."
"Y'all heard that right? He's convinced, he's doing it."
"I was being sarcastic."
"How am I suppose to know the difference between sarcasm and realism? You two are getting hitched."
