Lost Libarary (demo)

NOTE: First half of walk through goes for both Alternate Level and regular levels.

Shoot vase to Lara's right and kill the bug and get the shot gun shells that come out of it. Walk to the gate in front of you and it will open for you. Stop and combine the REVOLVER and the LASER SIGHT to shoot the heads off of the skeletons (or if she jumps down below they won't follow her) The NPC below will light the torches on the wall for Lara to see better. Go to the crank and use the CTRL key to raise the gate. When the gate is raised quickly run (or sprint) through it. Climb the ladder (or poll in alternate level) into the next area.

When you enter the next area run to the left and proceed to the last door. Use the CTRL key to make Lara push open the door (already open in altetnate level). Run down the hallway into the big area. Kill the skeletons using the REVOLVER/LASER SIGHT combo or use shot gun and shoot them in the spikes, and make your way to the right. You should see a pulley mechanism next to a gate. Using the REVOLVER/LASER SIGHT combo shoot the ball on the pulley device to open the door. Go through the door, kill the next skeleton and climb the pillar that will raise before you. From this pillar you can jump/grab a ledge and obtain the Gemstone from the wall by using the crow bar.

Run back into the main room (where the spike pit is) and find the small block up against the back wall. Climb this block and you'll notice a switch up on the wall. Lara needs to jump and grab this switch to raise the pillars so she can climb out of this area. Climb out of the area and go into the next room. Near the stairway out you'll notice a gate to your left. Use the Gemstone next to the gate to open it. Go inside and pick up the next puzzle piece.

Go down the stairs and push open the next set of doors. You'll notice you're on the 2nd level now. Run to the opposite side and push open the last set of doors. Go through the gate. You'll notice some plywood nailed in front of an opening. You can shoot out this wood to pickup the goodies inside. Walk into the main part of the room and you'll notice 2 flame spells will start chasing Lara. As soon as they appear run (sprint!) down the hallway and jump into the water. The flame spells will chase Lara into the water and extinguish themselves. Climb out of the water and push/pull the black/orange vase onto the black/orange tile in the corner of the room. Doing this will open the gate. Lara can now pick up the other half of the item she picked up earlier. Go into your inventory and combine the 2 halves into the Owl Coin.

Go back into the main room, shoot both the vases w/ the REVOLVER/LASER SIGHT COMBO and get the pickups.(Click here for rest of walk through for Alternate Level) Use the Owl Coin to open the gate and finish the demo.

Alternate Level

From fire sprit room: Leave the way you came and jump back to the first floor. Open the door below the one you came out of and look around in the new room. Shoot out the boards and get the pick up in there. Follow the passage until you come to a room with 2 vases and a skeleton, kill the skeleton with any method you prefer, then plug the owl coin in to the hole beside the gate and the Gate will open.

Go in to the next area and shoot out the boards and get the pick up when you see it. You will eventually see a room to you left with 2 small statue things that look like a water fountain or a bird bath or some thing, and when you step on the grates in the ground to the far left and right, the corrisponding statue will burst in to flames (WARNING: you can catch on fire!!!) Go back to the entrance of this room and pick up the unnoticed stick in the ground. VERY CARFULLY walk close to one of the statues while they are burning and push CTRL (action) to make Lara wave the stick in the fire and make it burn (don't worry, the stick won't go out and will not catch you on fire).

Leave the room and proceed down the hall and down the stairs with the torch in hand. You will come to a room with a hole in the middle of the room, patched up with boards that you can't shoot out, so you will have to burn the boards with the tourch by pushing space bar. It is hard to aim and may take a few tries, but once the boards are flamming, stay back until the flames are out and the boards are gone, then jump down.

In this new room find a passage and open the door at the end to kinda end the level (accually you can keep playing, so there is no real end to the level. In the full game this is where a cut scene may take place. I think that the alternate level will be the accual level in the ful game but the regular demo was cut short to avoid this bug.)