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This page is a recreation of the one I had before. Here I have attempted to put together as many of the pagan chants I know as possible so people can find the ones that speak to them. None of these are mine, unless they are marked specifically. There is no attempt to diminish copyright here, as far as I know, they are not copyrighted. If no name is given credit, it means I do not know who wrote it. All that said, enjoy!

Elemental Invocations

God, Goddess, Moon Chants
Harvest Time Chants
Yule Chants
Miscellaneous Chants

Air I am

Air I am, Fire I am,
Water, Earth and Spirit I am.

Breeze I am, sun I am
Brook, mountain and Goddess I am!

Maiden I am, Mother I am
Sister lover crone I am!

Sam I am! Sam I am!
I do not like green eggs and ham!

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Air Moves Us

Air moves us,
Fire transforms us,
Water shapes us,
Earth heals us.

And the balance of the wheel
Goes 'round and 'round,
And the balance of the wheel goes 'round.

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Celebrating the Circle
by Wolfe and Sue Woodbury

We celebrate a circle of air,
Living breath of our planet so fair,
From your home in the east,
Come and witness our feast,
As we celebrate the Circle of Life.

We celebrate a circle of Fire
The flames that give warmth and inspire
From your home in the South,
Come and bless every house,
As we celebrate the Circle of Life.

We celebrate a circle of water
Living womb for each son and each daughter
From your home in the West,
Give life to our quest,
As we celebrate the Circle of Life.

We celebrate a circle of Earth
The body that gave us our birth
From you home in the North,
Give us strength to go forth,
As we celebrate the Circle of Life.

We celebrate the circle we share
Earth, Water, Fire and Air
From below as above,
What we share is our love,
As we celebrate the Circle of Life.
And we celebrate the Circle of Life.

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Fire, Fire, Fire

Fire, fire, fire,
Work my desire
Higher and higher
Fire, fire fire

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Fire (of Freedom)

We can rise with the fire of Freedom
Truth is the fire that burns our chains
And we can stop the fires of destruction
Healing is the fire running through our veins

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River is Flowing

The river is flowing, flowing and growing
The river is flowing, back to the sea

Mother Earth carry me, your child I will always be
Mother Earth carry me, back to the sea

The Moon she is changing, waxing and waning,
The Moon she is changing, high above me.

Sister Moon, challenge me, a child I will always be,
Sister Moon, wait for me, until I am free.

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Spirits Come

Spirits of the east, Spirits of the East
Come, come, come.
Spirits of the east, Spirits of the East
Come, come, come.
Take us to our place of vision,
Come Eagle come, Come Eagle come.

Spirits of the South, Spirits of the South,
Come, come, come.
Spirits of the South, Spiritis of the South,
Come, come, come.
Take us to our place of trusting,
Come, Dragon come. Come  Dragon, come.

Spirits of the West, Spirits of the West,
Come, come, come.
Spirits of the West, Spirits of the West,
Come, come, come.
Take us to our place of dreaming,
Come Dolphin, come. Come Dolphin, come.

Spirits of the North, Spirits of the North,
Come, come, come.
Spirits of the North, Spirits of the North,
Come, come, come.
Take us to our place of knowing,
Come, Turtle, come. Come, Turtle, come.

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