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*NSYNC's Got It Goin' On!

Welcome!!  Thanks for coming to our page! Enjoy your stay!

WELCOME TO OUR WORLD, Here is the long awaited *N Sync page blessed with mine and Sarbear's own brand of humor. We aren't the first and we won't be the last, but it's our look at the guys, the group, the legend that is *N Sync. Sarbear and I are HUGE fans, but we also can make fun of them! And we can say one thing... This is the ONLY *N Sync site that you can find that actually DOESN'T like Justin Timberlake. So if you can't already tell, this isn't the typical "WE LOVE *N SYNC AND ARE GOING TO HAVE THEIR CHILDREN" site. We don't worship them; they are 5 guys that are our age and have lots of talent and above average looks. But they are human, and we will point that out. So if you are a little girl that has adorned any surface with your first name and the last name of one of the fellows, then you might want to leave now. And don't you DARE tell us we don't like *NSYNC..... Remember, everything on here is written for fun, and should be taken as a JOKE!!! So i don't want any teenyboppers writing to me and telling me how we're stupid because we can't see how hot Justin is. Whew, now that that's over with...Let's get on with the fun! Take a look around!

I was hoping that this would never have to happen, but Here is our Disclaimer. Read it before you send us a hate mail. And while you're at it, read our Mail Policy and also read This before you make cuts at our spelling.

*1/6/2000*go to odds n ends and join mine (melissa's) new campaign to go kick some n sync booty...just go read all about it
*1/3/2000* OOOHHHH a new year! The first update of the new year! Small cheer from ME! We got a new sister site, We Can't Think of a Name and I wrote a section about it under sister site stuff. Check it OUT!
*12/29/99* WOW! The webmasters have finally added a new section. It's Sarah's Birthday tomorrow, so we're celebrating *NSYNC style--Just click under "SISTER SITE STUFF". Hope you all have a safe and Happy NEW YEAR! I know I'll be havin' fun ;-)
*12/26/99*hey. misty here again. i updated the sports equipment section, and i added something on bsb under other artists.
*12/12/99*hey. misty here. there's an actual update today!! woo-hoo!!! anyway, if u go to fun stuff, you'll find a section about what piece of sports equipment the guys are (don't ask, i'm psycho, and bored). check it out.

We Are Now ~*~SiStEr SiTeS~*~ With
Those Nsync Boys Drive Us Crazy!
Tar and Sus have the funniest page in the world, and I have thought so since they signed my guestbook months and months ago. As well as Tar being my best friend, she and Sus keep us in stiches every time we visit, which is daily :) Go check it out, you will be very glad you did.

These are Mine and Sar's "independent projects" as Tar calls them..These have little to no humor, just obessive teenybopper love, so if you can handle it, Go check them out, they are awesome, if I do say so myself.

Sarah's Picture Palace. Feel free to take anything you want!

[_ obsessive joey love page _]
No banner yet, but it's my baby!

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And after you are done with your card, Why don't you send one back?

Please vote for us *puppy eyes, with tears, much like darling JuJu*

It's Sarah's Birthday! Everybody, E-MAIL her or Sign our Guestbook and tell her how cool she is, and for those of you who have been there, tell her that 17 is an....awesome age. :-)

Want to win our AWARD? CLICK HERE For Details.

"It's the old, old story. If nobody knows you, you can do anything, and if everybody knows you, you can't do anything except what everyone approves." --Anonymous. VERY TRUE. This also applies to our read more about this issue, CLICK HERE

Music and Lyrics

The Boys

News and Views


SiStEr SiTe StUfF

Fun Stuff

Fun With Mail

Related Groups and Artists
Odds 'N' Ends

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Want your own Bop Pic of the Day? Click Here
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Shameless Self Promotion!

Buy all your *NSYNC stuff here..I buy it. I collect it. Don't be ashamed. You're paying for my college here (ok, maybe not..but at least my LUNCH!)

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Really though, Bravenet has tons of cool stuff, and it's all free. I rarely have trouble with it not working or whatever, and I would recomend it to anyone that has a webpage =0)

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I dunno Kids..But whatever it is, Vote Away!

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Yahoo pager: Nsync9801
AOL Instant Messanger: Nsync9801

~**~**~ We've been offending Justin lova's since November 6th, 1998 ~**~**~