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Updated June 27, 2001

List of Apprenticeship Programs for Soldiers

If you do not know which apprenticeship program you are eligible, press View the Eligible MOS's.

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The following table will show what apprenticeship programs in which a Fort Bragg soldier may enroll provided he has an eligible MOS (Use the number bar below to more quickly locate your pamphlet number):

(View the Work Processes by clicking on the Pamphlet Number)

Table 2: Apprenticeship Programs for Soldiers
Pamphlet Numbers Program Name Aims Code** DOT Code****** Program Hours Related Instruction MOS's
Top 58; 70; 80;90; 100; 110;120; 130; 140; Bottom
58 Marine Hull Repairer, Iron Worker (boatbuilder, Steel 0513 806.381.046 8000 576 61F
59 Radio Communications Technician 0465 823.261.018 8000 576 29E;29M;29V;29Y
60 Sheet Metal Worker (Aircraft) 0510 804.281.010 6000 432 68G
61 Electrical Mechanic (Air Craft) XX0160XX 825.261.018 6000 432 68F
62 Marine Heavy Duty Mechanic (Hvy Duty Mech Diesel) 0124 625.281.010 8000 576 88L
63 Central Office Telephone Installer and Repairer 0076 822.361.014 8000 576 29N;36L
64 Aircraft Electrical Mechanic 0003 825.381.010 8000 576 35K;35L;35M;68N
65 Cook 0663 313.381.018 6000 432 92G;94B;94F
66 Automobile Mechanic 0023 620.261.010 8000 576 63B;63D;63E;63H;63N;63S;63T;63W;63Y;63Z
67 Truck Mechanic 0153 620.281.050 8000 576 63B;63D;63E;63H;63N;63S;63T;63W;63Y;63Z
68 Machinist 0296 600.280.022 8000 576 44B;44E
69 Sewing Machine Repairer 0508 639.281.018 6000 432 63J
Top 58; 70; 80;90; 100; 110;120; 130; 140; Bottom
70 Automobile Body Repairer and Painter 0024 807.381.010 8000 576 44B;44E
71 Industrial Welder 0627 819.361.010 6000 432 44B
72 Small Weapons Repairer 0229 632.281.010 8000 576 45B;45Z
73 Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic 0336 620.261.022 8000 576 63B;63D;63E;63H;63N;63S;63T;63W;63Y;63Z
74 Artillery Repairer XX0863XX 632.131.010 8000 576 45K;45L;45Z
75 Laboratory Technician (Petroleum) 0956 029.261.022 6000 432 77L
76 Plant Equipment Operator 0872 853.782.014 6000 432 62G;62H
77 Grading and Paving Equipment Operator 0872 853.663.010 6000 432 62E;62H;62J
78 Heavy Duty Repairman (Construction Equipment) XX0022XX 620.281.046 6000 432 62B
79 Universal Equipment Operator (Construction Equipment) XX0014XX 921.663.022 6000 432 62F
Top 58; 70; 80;90; 100; 110;120; 130; 140; Bottom
80 Airplane Mechanic 0005 621.281.014 6000 432 67G;67H
81 Electrical-Instrument Repairer 0157 729.281.026 7000 504 21L;24H;24J;24K;24L;27B;27E;27F;27G;27L;27M;27N;35H;46N
82 Hydraulic Equipment Mechanic 0651 638.281.022 6000 432 24L;27L;27M;46N
83 Electronics Technician (Radar) XX0169XX 720.281.010 7000 504 21L;24J;24K;27N;27T
84 Carpenter 0067 860.381.026 8000 576 51B
85 Plumber/Pipefitter 0432 862.381.030 8000 576 51K
86 Electrician 0159 824.261.010 8000 576 51R
87 Cable Splicer 0058 829.361.010 8000 576 31L
88 Automatic Equipment Technician XX0021XX 822.281.010 8000 576 29J
89 Radio and Television Repairer 0565 720.281.018 8000 576 29E;26T;29F
Top 58; 70; 80;90; 100; 110;120; 130; 140; Bottom
90 Surveyor (Artillery) XX0551XX 018.167.018 8000 576 82C
91 Helicopter Mechanic 0005 621.281.014 6000 432 67N;67R;67S;67T;67U;67V;67Y
92 Ordnance Artificer 0372 632.261.018 6000 432 45E;45N;45T
93 Office Machine Servicer 0085 633.281.014 6000 432 34B
94 Radio Operator 0952 193.262.026 8000 576 31C;31D;31K;31M
95 Instrument Repairer (Electronic) 0775 710.261.010 8000 576 35H;39E
96 Photographer, Still 0403 143.062.030 6000 432 84B
97 Electronics Mechanic (Computer) 0170 828.281.010 8000 576 39D;39K;39L;39T;39Y
98 Line Installer/Repairer 0282 822.381.014 8000 576 31L;36M
99 Electrician, Radio 0164 823.281.014 8000 576 29E;29V;35L
Top 58; 70; 80;90; 100; 110;120; 130; 140; Bottom
100 Telegraphic-Teletypewriter Operator 0951 203.582.050 6000 432 31C;72E;72G
101 Radio Mechanic 0465 822.261.018 6000 432 31D;31V
102 Photographic Equipment Maintenance Technician 0563 714.281.026 6000 432 41E
103 Photographer, Motion Pictures 0955 143.062.022 6000 432 84C;84F
105 Electronic Technician (Radar) 0169 003.161.014 8000 576 24C;24G;24T;25L;24E;24P;24Q;25J;26H
106 Electronic Technician (Radio/TV) 0466 720.281.010 8000 576 24C;24G;24T;24E;24P;24Q;25D;25G;25H;25J;25K;26H
107 Surveyor (Engineering) 0551 018.167.034 8000 576 82B;82D
108 Electro-Mechanical Technician (Weapons Systems) 0167 710.281.018 8000 576 24C;24M;24N;24U
109 Aircraft Mechanic, Armament 0863 632.261.010 8000 576 68J;68M
Top 58; 70; 80;90; 100; 110;120; 130; 140; Bottom
110 Aircraft Engine Mechanic (Turbine) 0425 621.281.030 8000 576 68B
111 Maintenance Mechanic Hydraulic Equipment (Aircraft) 0308 638.281.014 6000 432 68H
112 Lithographer (Offset Press Operator) 0361 651.382.042 8000 576 83F
113 Drafter (Architectural) 0126 001.261.010 8000 576 81B
114 Field Engineer (Microwave) 0960 193.262.018 8000 576 29M;29V;31Q
115 Refrigeration/Air-Conditioning Repairer/Servicer 0637 637.261.014 8000 576 52C
116 Firefighter 0195 373.364.010 6000 432 51M
117 Industrial Electrician/Repairer 0166 820.261.018 8000 576 52E
118 Power House Electrician/Repairer 0166 820.261.018 8000 576 52E
119 Electronic Mechanic 0170 828.261.022 8000 576 21G;31V;39C;39L;39Y
Top 58; 70; 80;90; 100; 110;120; 130; 140; Bottom
120 Electronic Communication Technician 0942 822.281.026 7000 504 33M;33P;33Q;33R;33T;33V;33Z
122 Electronic Technician (Communication) 0942 822.281.026 8000 576 29G;29H;29N;31F;36L
123 Rigger 0474 921.260.010 6000 432 12B;12C;51H
125 Pumper-Gauger (Petro-Chemical) 0950 914.382.014 6000 432 76W;92C;
126 Electronic Technician (Radar) 0169 003.161.014 6000 432 26C
127 Aerial Photograph Interpreter XX0109XX 018.261.026 6000 432 96D
128 Production Coordinator (Television and Radio Broadcasting) 0913 962.167.014 6000 432 84C;84F
129 Control Room Technician (Radio and Television Broadcasting) 0879 194.262.010 4000 288 25P;25R;26T;84F
Top 58; 70; 80;90; 100; 110;120; 130; 140; Bottom
130 Electronics Mechanic (Radar) 0170 828.281.010 8000 576 35R;39C;93D
131 Television-Cable Installer 0566 821.281.010 2000 144 26T;31L
132 Electrical Repairer XX0643XX 829.281.018 8000 576 29E;29F;29S;31K
133 Electronic Technician 0155 003.161.010 6000 432 27B;55G
134 Electronic Technician (Radio/TV) 0466 720.281.010 8000 576 21L;24H;24J;24K;24L;27B;27G;27N;46N
135 Illustrator 0240 141.061.022 4000 288 81E
136 Station Installer and Repairer 0647 822.261.022 8000 576 31L
137 Automotive Electrical Systems Repairer 0161 825.281.022 8000 576 52D;63G
138 Fuel Systems Repairer 0922 625.281.022 8000 576 36M;63G
139 Fire Control Systems Repairer 0193 033.167.010 8000 576 45G
Top 58; 70; 80;90; 100; 110;120; 130; 140; Bottom
140 Fire Control Instrument Repairer 0193 632.261.014 3000 216 41C
141 Stripper, Photolithographic 0064 972.381.022 7000 504 83E
142 Lithographic Platemaker 0063 972.381.010 7000 504 83E
143 Photographer, Lithographic 0685 972.382.014 7500 540 83E
144MT Motor Transport Operator 0980 905.663.014 6000 432 88H;88M
144CS Cargo Specialist 0014 921.663.062 6000 432 88H;88M
BP Programmer, Business (Professional and Kindred) XX0811XX 030.162.010 4000 288 74F
176 Water Treatment Plant Operator 0619 954.382.014 6000 432 77W
TL Trouble Locator, Test Desk 0805 822.361.030 4000 288 31N;32D
IC Investigator Counterintelligence CI Agent XXXX 378.267.010 6000 432 Check with Office
BL Bricklayer 0052 861.381.018 6000 432 51B, 51H

If you do not know which of the above program(s) you are eligible, press

View the Eligible MOS's.

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