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Things you'll find here / lo que encontrara en esta pagina / ce que vous allez trouver ici (I promise to make a multilingual version of this site, for now, most of the lines are in English)

To make full use of this portal you will need:
Para emplear todos los recursos de este portal necesitara:
Pour obtenir tous les benefices de ce portal vous aurez besoin de:
Software Use
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Use it for:
Reading .pdf documents.
Real Player
Use it for:
Viewing streaming videos in realvideo format.
Windows Media Player
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Viewing streaming videos in realvideo format.
Nullsoft Winamp
Use it for:
Listening to quality sound files in MP3 format.
Use it for:
Opening and reading archive (.zip) files.
Macromedia Flash Player
Use it for:
Playing Flash demos.
Adobe's Acrobat Reader
Use it for:
Acrobat reader documents (PDF).
Apple's Quicktime Player
Use it for:
Multimedia Player (diverse audio and video formats).


Purpose of this page

I'd like this site to be an Interactive place where my friends, all visitors, and myself can express ourselves, share ideas, find new interests (or develop the own ones), meet others, etc. by taking, as a departure point, the subjects I here propose and by following an "arborescent" approach (a point leads to several others which, in turn, do the same) so that you don't have to go through all the paragraphs, pages, and links to find something interesting that could justify your visit. The scope will primarily be cultural and I will try to include as much Internet technology as possible.

About me

Well, let me start by telling you my full name: Lucio Gayosso Sanchez (considering how a FULL name is formed in Mexico: First Name, Middle Name(s)-which I don't have-, Father's Last Name, and Mother's Last name); if you're mexican and are planning to go to a foreign country take this cultural difference into account! (de veras que uno puede evitarse algunos malos entendidos) . I'm a Communications and Electronics Engineer graduated from the "Instituto Politecnico Nacional" (National Politechnic Institute in Mexico City) with a Communications specialty and have always worked with computers, in fact, Computers have -somehow- determined the last years of my life.

I was born in 1970 in Mexico City and lived there all the time until I was 26 and got a job in the US. I have several interests (most of them more than mere hobbies), among the most importants are:

If you want to know more about me (Hollywood may not consider making a movie about me yet :) but there have been some interesting things in my life that I share here and I have also included my RESUME) or to get more info on these interests click on the following link:

About OBSYDIAN, Cool: Plex, Advantage Plex, AllFusion Plex, Crystal Reports and Related Technology

ADVANTAGE PLEX (formerly known as Cool: Plex and OBSYDIAN before that) is an application development environment used to generate multiplatform Client/Server applications and one of the best tools in the market for development of e-business solutions. ADVANTAGE PLEX covers the whole life cycle of these systems: analysis, design, code generation, implementation, maintenance.

To know more about this tool (and related technologies) click on the following link to visit PLEX WORLD.

Cool Internet Tips

For many people the Internet is a fancy magazine where they can "surf" and read some articles, for some others it is like a virtual brochure for services or a shopping catalog... I've found it can be much much more than that. The following page provides several tips, techniques, links, thoughts, and, reflections to help you get the most out of your Information Superhighway experience... enjoy!!! (don't miss the section "Radio and TV stations on the net")
Internet Tips


I love music and have been listening to it since I can remember. Despite always being in the look for diversity I have had a hard time time finding good radiostations as most mainstream media is limited to a reduced number of artists and almost entirely based on ratings so I decided to create my own station which is a proposal for diversity in styles based on rock music, hope you enjoy it and support this project:

My favorite people

The following link will take you to a page I've dedicated to them and to some of their thoughts, reflections, and works... come on in!
about -and from- my favorite people

My favorite links

Here you will find cool (and when I say cool I mean C O O L!) links to get more details on what is mentioned on the other pages and links you can explore just for fun. take a look at them, I bet you will find something interesting.
cool links

Guest Book.

Please, don't forget to sign it!
Read My Guestbook! | Sign My Guestbook!



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Background Music: Opuses from master Johann Sebastian Bach

Use the controls to Stop, Start, Play the music

Listen to: R@DIO DIMENSION and let your mind fly...
Escucha: R@DIO DIMENSION y deja a tu mente volar...