Account Book for Melchior's Store ( Oct 1792- )
John Melchior Papers
Private Collection 1531, Cabarrus County NC
North Carolina State Archives

Born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, John Melchoir/Melcher removed with others to North Carolina where he operated a Gristmill on the Rocky River in northern Cabarrus County. In 1800, neighbors petitioned the General Assembly of North Carolina in relation to John Melcher's mill. He also ran a store in the late 1700's that was located near present day Mt. Pleasant. John sold course German fabrics called "Tecklenburg" and "Osnaburg." Back in Germany, these were the names of two industrial towns located across a river from each other. Each specialized in the making of a particular type of cloth. While Osnnaburg was course and creamy white, Tecklenburg was heavy duty and known by its blue striping. It later became known as tecking or ticking, and was the choice material for making feather "ticks."

John also sold "Naels, Iron, Brimstone, Buttons, Pins, Shue Buckles, Copperas, Thread" and many more every day supplies. He left a large account book that included names of people who lived in now Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Stanly, Rowan, and Union Counties. The book was bound with covers made of recyled paper. Tears in the binding indicate the layers within the cover may have once been old books printed in German. The following image is a closeup of the front cover.

Dating back to 1792, the accounts ledger covers years through 1798 and then skips to 1818. Earlier entries indicate the existence of yet an earlier book. John Melcher indexed his ledger. The index for names beginning with F, G, and H is missing from the original ledger. To the best of my ability, the following is a corrected index. (*) refer to names of people mentioned within the account. The person may have paid for or received merchadise on behalf of the account holder. This person might also have provided labor or service on behalf of the account holder.

I learned of this account ledger from a fellow searcher named John Hagler. He lives in Raleigh NC. This ledger has provided me with the only "unofficial" record I have been able to find for my early ancester. I hope that you too will take the opportunity to learn more about the lives or your early ancesters. This ledger is held in private collections at the North Carolina Archives in Raleigh, North Carolina. It is also available on microfilm.


NAME PAGE-YEAR NAME PAGE-YEAR Atkins James 5-1792 Almond Nathan 9-1792 Almond Richard 19-1793 Adams William 41-1793 Allen Thomas 54-1793 *"Died for the poor" Almond Edmond 124-1818 Adlemond John Senr. 124-1818 *Mathis Herkey Almond Richard 129-1818 Almond John 133-1819 Addleman John 138-1819 Almond Edmond 142-1819 Adleman John 160-1819 Almond Martin 167-1819 Alexander William S. 169-1819 Addleman John Junr. 183-1820 *Lucas Almond Killis 185-1824 *Supreme Court Almond Richard 187-1820 Almond Martin 188-1820 Almond Killis 189-1821 Almond Lacek 192-1821 Alexander Wl. S. 208-1822 *"wife"


Brower George              1-1792     Bankson Andrew             7-1792
    *contra: William Gurley               *William Johnston
Bonds Samuel              13-1793     Brooks Widow              18-1793
Boloson Isack             15-1793         *Mr. Harburd Suggs
    *Major Smith                      Berry School Master       24-1793
    *Joseph Cooper                    John Paul Barringers Negro27-1793
Beaver Daniel             32-1793     Banzer Godfrey            38-1793
Bush Richard              44-1793         *Settled by his death
    *Delivered to Constable           Bast Elias                48-1793
Bush John junior          58-1792     Barringer Paul Senior     59-1793
    *Esq. Williams                         *Michael Weaver
Boger Daniel              69-1793     Bost Jacob                76-
    *Joseph Howel Junior              Boger Peter               87-
Bast Jacob                76-1794     Boger Peter               77-1794
    *for Bargaretha Bast to Daniel Little       
Bernhardt Charles         79-1794     Benninger Assumus         81-1794
    *"Jacob"                          Paid by Constable
Berre Mathew              81-1794     Bast Elias                91-1794
Bryant William            95-1794         *Paul Bleiler
    *Charles Starns                       *Major Smith
Berre Adam               102-1795         *Jacob Hegler 
Brooks William Senr.     109-1795     Berringer John 1794      118-1794
                                          *Andrew Bankson
Barringer Mathias        124-1818     Barger John Senr.        125-1818
Blackwelder Martin       126-1818     Barringer John Junr.     127-1818
Barringer Jacob "Little Jacob" 127-
    *John Dry                         Bus_sharatt Jacob          129-1818
Barringer Daniel         130-1818     Bird Andy                130-1818
    *Henry Lipe                           *Payment of John Hartsel
Burlesson William        135-1819     Burleson David           135-1819
    *George Miller                    Biggers Joseph           136-1819
Bost Caty                138-1819     Bost John (Widow John)   139-1819
Bost Daniel              140-1817     Barnhardt (Farmer)       141-1819
    *Martin Starnes                   Barringer Mathias        143-1819
    *John Starnes                         *"his son"
    *Lowder                               *John Bost
Blackwelder Isaac        144-1819         *Frederick Side
    *Isaac Blackwelder Junior         Barringer Widow (Paul's Widow)  146-1819
Barringer John (Blacksmith) 147-1819  Barnhardt John Farmer    147-1819
Barringer Paul (Farmer)  148-1819     Barringer Jacob          149-1819
Biggers Johnson          151-1819     Barger John Senr         151-1819
Beaver Henry             153-1819     Barringer Jacob          156-1819
Barringer John (Miller)  157-1819     Barranger George         158-1819
    *Pott P. Roney                    Bushardt George          158-1819
    *Jas Harkey                       Bost George              159-1819
Bost George              159-1822     Beaver Christopher       160-1819
Biggers Joseph           166-1819     Barringer John (Mathias's son)  168
Boger Peter              171-1820     Burrels William          171-1820     
    *Isom Honeycut                        *"my wife"                            
Banger John              172-1820     Barnhardt Charles        173-1820
Blackwelder Charles      177-1820         *"At Superior Court"
    *Mathias                              *"By Mathias while gone to Raleigh"
Boger Jacob              177-         Bame Jocob               177-1820
Bost Jacob Senr          178-1820         *Richard Green
Blackwelder Jacob        178-1820         *Conrade Leytecher
    *Mathias                          Bost Volintine           179-1820
Barringer Paul Esq.      179-1820         *Paul Starnes
Barnhardt John Esq.      180-1820         *Joseph Starnes
Barnhardt Phillip        180-1820         *Isaac Howels
Blackwelder Isaac        180-1820     Blackwelder Caleb        182-1820
Brown Hiram              182-1820         *"your father"
    *Mise Haison                      Barnhardt Jacob (Cooper) 184-1820
    *Jno. Phillips                        *Moses
    *"wife"                           [Bon,s]John              184-1820
Boger Peter              186-1820     Barger Jacob             187-1820
Barringer Daniel         187-1820     Barger John Senr         187-1820
Bost Paul                188-1820     Barringer John (miller John)189-1821
Barger Samuel            190-1821         *Nathaniel
Boger Parson             190-1821     Barger John              190-1821
Barringer Caty (Widow)   192-             *Jacob
    *Christopher Leofler              Bushardt Jacob           193-1821
    *George Meyer                         *"his son"
    Moses                             Bost John (widow's son)  194-1821
Barger Jacob Junr        197-1821     Barnhardt Jacob Capt.    197-1821
Bost John (River John)   197-1821         *George
    *Charles                              *Mathias Leofler
Blackwelder David        199-1821         *Leyerle
    *George                           George Blackwelder       201-1822
Barger John              201-1822         *Mathias
Barringer Paul           202-1822     Buster? John             202-1822
    *Nelson                           Barger John Junr.        203-1822
    *"by the children"                Barnhardt George         204-1822
Barringer George         205-1822         *Daniel Heinsamon
Bost Abraham             206-1822     Blackwelder Daniel       206-1822
Bowers John              204-1822     Bast Jacob               207-1822
Barringer Caty (Widow)   207-1822     Barringer Jacob          208-1822
Barnhardt Christopher    208-1822     Barringer Christina widow209-1822
Barringer John           210-1822     Barringer Daniel         210-1822
    *Troutmans Match                  Boger Martin             210-1822
    *Plylers Match                    Barker Clanen?           211-1822
    *Frank, Mathias                   Barringer Mathias        213-1823
Barringer Paul General   214-1822         *"his son Mathias"
Barringer Jacob (Jinner) 214-1823     Barger John (Lamill John)216-1823
    *"for crying of Heinsamons sale"
    *George Miller                    Bratchead Josiah         217-1823
Bast Daniel              217-1823         *"by Mr Jacob Geortin"
    *"your wife".                     Bigger Johnson           219-1823
Bost Solomon             220-1823     Barnhardt Charles        221-1823
    *Peter Bonous                     Barringer Mathias        222-1823
Boger Peter              223-1823         *Plylers match
Barnhardt Adam           223-1823         *Betsy Shoes
Barringer John (D_unken? John)229-1823
Bost Caty                229-1823     

Castle Thomas 2-1792 Cridder Daniel 6-1792 Commins Benjamin 11-1793 Carter Saml. Jun 20-1793 *Samuel Allen *Delivered to Constable *Benj. Rasberry Carter Samuel Senr.20-1793 Carter Jacob 20-1793 Campbell Murdock Sch.master36-1793 Crowell George 40-1793 Carter Charles 48-1793 Cooper Joseph 65-1793 *John Shue *Wm. Johnston *Sam Carter Senr. Christman George 73-1794 Crowell Simon Senior 76-1794 Castlle Thomas 84- Campbell Thomas 97-1794 *Michael Wisser *Nathan Smith *Richard Honnicut Clay Moses 127-1818 *James Dicson, Clebe Dickson *Hiram Brown Carriker Moses 128-1818 Castel William 128-1818 Cline Jacob 130-1818 Cline Michael 145-1819 Culp George 145- *John Bost *William Clutts Leonard 148-1819 *Ra_____ Barringer Clutts John 154-1819 Cox William 155- *"son" *John Baringer *"father" Cox William 155- Culp Peter 155-1819 *your father Castel William 163-1823 *John Barringer *Henry Ridenhour Cariker Phillip 163-1819 Carl Moses 164- Carriker Henry 166-1819 *"his father" *Mathias Crothers John 169-1819 Culp John 174-1829 *Mr. Brown *Jacob Udy *John Phillips Cup Phillip 175-1820 Cauble Joseph 175-1820 Cuminor Christopher 177- Coleman Daniel 183-1820 *"a wheel for Peggy" *John Bost Coleman Joseph 184-1820 Cagle Benjamin 185-1820 *Mr. Wood Craton William 185-1820 Cooper Joseph 186-1820 Culp Widow 187-1820 Castel Thomas 188-1820 *"Mathias sent Jacob Hegler" *"Mr. Castels wife" *Frank Sides Clay Moses 191-1821 *"Peters boy" Carriker La__L 197-1821 Cagle George 198-1821 *Daniel Yeotan *"Montgomery County Court" Clark James 200-1822 Castel Peter 202-1822 *Kise Haison Ciminer Christian 203-1822 Carriker Andrew 205-1822 Carl Moses 205-1822 Carriker Henry 206-1822 Cress Henry 206-1822 *"by wife" *"cash at court" Culp Peter 208-1822 Castels Thomas 211-1822 *by Stephen Carriker Moses 214-1823 Carriker Phillip 220-1823 Cline David 222-1823 Criminor Christopher 222-1823 Clark Thomas 224-1824 Culp Peter 226-1824

Deam Jacob 4-1792 Dider George 17-1793 Daniel Paul 37-1793 *Jacob Herche *son Henry Dickson James 38-1793 Derr Ulrich 42-1793 *Major Smith *Charles Starns *Delivered to Constable Derr Martin 42-1793 Derr Andrew 47-1793 *Richard Hunnicutt *Major Smith *Philip Dorr Davis Jesse 47-173 Davies Sa_l 85-1794 Dickson Clebe 90-1794 *George Bast Deam Adam 97-1794 Dickson Clebe 101-1795 Davies Benjamin 103-1795 *"Mainor" *George Fisher Esqr *John Picker, Paul Furr, his fathers acount Dorr Andrew 115-1796 Dry Owen 124-1818 Dry Martin 124-1818 Dick John 132-1818 Dry Daniel (Owens son) 135-1819 *Nathan Almond Dry John 138-1819 Dulan Henry 138-1819 *"your son" Dry Phillip 140-1819 Dulan Henry 143-1819 Dry Andy 144-1819 *Daniel Miller *Mathias Side Dick John 149-1819 Dry Martin 152-1819 *Daniel Lowder *Paid to the Preacher *Almond's Muster Dry Charles 156-1819 Dry John 156-1819 *William Poplin *Daniel Missenhimer Dry John 156-1819 Dry Phillip 157-1819 Dry John (Martin's John) 159-1819 *Hartsels shooting match Dry Daniel 163- *Udies shooting match *Harkeys Shooting match *Toup shooting match *Geo. Smith *Paul Furr's match Dry John (Andrys son) 169-1819 Dry Daniel 172-1820 *William Hall *Peter Misinhimer *Mathias Dry Mathias 179-1820 Dry Owen 180-1820 *John Dry *Moses Carriker Dove Caller 183-1820 Deas Charles 186-1820 Dry George 201-1822 *Mathias Dry John 205-1822 Dry Jacob 207-1822 *Harkeys Match *Bogers shooting match *"promice to pay for Charlie" *Mathias Dry Daniel 208-1822 *Harkey *"for George by mose" Mr. Dorton 211-1822 *Klutts Match Dergain John 211-1822 Dry John (Owens John) 211-1822 *"Pd. in full in Raleigh" Dry Charles 212-1823 Dry Martin 213-1823 Dry Phillip 216-1822 *Daniel Misenhimer *Isom Honeycut Dry Mathias 217-1823 Dry Leonard 218-1823

Ehrenhardt George 78-1793 Eagle George 150-1819 Eafert Jacob 178-1820 *Mathias Side *Mr. Cagle *Francis Lingle

Freeman Charles 3-1792 Freeman William 3-1793 *Settled by his father Fink George 10-1793 Flert Jacob 12-1793 Freeman Clebe 30-1793 Freeman Alen 30-1793 Friesland George 45-1793 *"from sons Allen account" Folck William 50-1793 *"sons Charles account" *Major Smith Forr John 51-1793 *John Meissenheimer Junior *Tobias Kloz *Jacob Hegler Finck George 79-1794 File John 82-1794 Faggert Valentine 91-1794 Faggert Jacob Senr. 96-1794 *Sells Vendue Folk William 122- File Jacob 126-1818 Faggott Jacob 128-1818 Fesperman John 129-1818 File Philllip 130-1818 Fesperman Henry 131-1818 Fink David 134-1819 Finch Williamson 137-1819 Furr John 137-1819 *"your brother" Fisher Geroge 141-1819 Fesperman Michael 141-1819 Fisher John 141-1819 Furr John 145-1819 Fisher George 146-1819 Fink Phillip 151-1819 *"your son" Daniel Faggott 156-1819 Fink David 159-1819 Furr John (Bear creek John) 169-1815 Fesperman John 164-1819 Furr Henry (Little Henry)164-1819 *"my wife" *"father" Fink Jacob 167-1819 Fisher John (Leons Creek)172-1825 Fisher John (Leigises son) 175-1820 File George Junr 181-1820 *Michael Cline *"father" *"your fathers match by Danl Bost" Fundenburg Francis 181-1820 Freeman Anderson 185-1820 *"John your brother" File Phillip 186- *[R]att Roney File Jacob Junr. 188-1820 Fesperman Michael 188- *George File *John Shandy File George Senr. 191-1821 *Leyerlys Shooting Match Furr John 193-1821 *Samuel Bargers Shooting Match *John Shandy Faggot Jacob 195-1821 Faggot John 195-1821 Faggot Jacob 195 *"his father" Fisher Jacob (Georges son)198-1821 *"Walchers sale"

Gusko George Wm. 22-1793 Gerster Henry 30-1793 Garlock David 33-1793 *Green Durant *Pd. by Constable Gilbert Jamson 35-1793 Graff William 33-1793 *"put in hands of John Mainor, Constable" Greber Phillip 42-1793 Gray David 44-1793 Jacob Gurley 55-1793 *Harburd Sugg *Benjamin Thomas Griffin Thomas 64-179 Gurley James 67-1791 *Joshua Williams Esq. Green Needom (Deceased) 68-1793 Gregory Christian 71-1793 Green Richard 75-1794 *"Pd. by a wedder" *Wm. Polk Junior Gurdin William 80- Green Aaron 82-1794 *John & Benjamin Green Gray James Esqr. 95-1794 *Delivered to Constable *John Hopkins Gerlach George 96-1794 Gray William 98-1794 Green Jacob 100-1795 *Major Smith *Samuel Bonds Gerber Samuel 104-1795 *"For Wm. Phillips..To Mainor" Green Richard 112-1796 *Joshua Williams *Major Smith *John Hertzel Gotsels John, Lipe John 125-1818 Green David 125-1818 Gregory Christian 125-1819 Goodman George 125-1818 Gregory John 127-1818 Goodman Jacob 129-1818 Goodman Thomas 157-1817 Green William 1819-163 Green David 163-1819 *"your father *County Court Green William 163-1819 Goodman Michael 164 Green Aron 170-1820 *"Due father" Green Richard Junr. 177-1820 Geortan Jacob 179-1820 Gregory Christian 184-1820 Geortan John 184-1820 *"to son" *Drys Match Gregory C. 184-1820 Guillman Caty 185-1820 *"by moses your son" Gregory Christian 1885-1820 Goodman Henry 188-1820 Goodman Henry 192-1821 Green Jones 193-1821 Goodman Thomas 195-1821 *Goln Motley *Jacob *Ed Dekey Ser?



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