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Seventh Day Baptist



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Fellowship Covenant

Article 1.
We agree to accept the Bible as our only rule of faith and practice, for all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that we may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. We also agree that the foundation of our gathering is our mutual belief that Jesus has atoned for our sins on the cross, rose from the dead, and because He lives today and forever, His promises of eternal life are trustworthy and secure to the believer.

Article 2.
We agree, according to our measure of faith, to walk in faith that shows itself by love, loving one another as Christ loved us and our neighbor as ourselves. We also agree to cherish liberty of thought as an essential condition for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Article 3.
We agree, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to keep the Ten Commandments, God’s eternal moral law, including the seventh day Sabbath, which is a sacred time, a gift of God for all people, initiated at creation for worship and rest.

Article 4.
We agree to refrain from judging one another in areas of doctrine and conduct that fall outside the limits of this covenant and are not specifically addressed by Scripture. Doctrine and conduct outside the limits of this covenant are to be determined by diligent personal study of the Word of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We also agree to resolve all disputes and offenses according to Christ’s rule and the order of the Gospel, making every effort to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.

Article 5.
We agree that for membership in this Fellowship we require an acknowledgement that the Seventh Day Baptist Statement of Belief is an accurate and general statement of basic beliefs held by us; and that, further, this covenant binds us together for the common purpose of developing a fellowship of Christians for the glory of God and that He is personified in Jesus Christ and in the indwelling Holy Spirit. We also agree in water baptism by immersion; in profession of faith by testimony or letter; in the renewal of our allegiance to our risen Lord through the participation in the Lord’s Supper; as requirements of entering into this covenant.

Article 6.
We will labor, seeking God’s blessing, to establish a Seventh Day Baptist Church in the Asheville community. We agree, to the best of our ability, not to forsake the assembling of ourselves, to meet together on the Sabbath and at such other times as the Fellowship may meet. In addition, we promise to faithfully bear the burdens and expenses of the Fellowship as God may give us the ability and faith.

Article 7.
We agree to accept the commission of Jesus Christ to promote evangelism, missions, and religious education so that the availability of salvation from sin through Christ may be known throughout the whole world.

We joyfully enter into this covenant with one another in the love and fear of God.


Adopted September 2, 1995
As Revised August 7, 1999
