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Adam Lee Rosol's
Twenty-eighth Month
May 13 - June 12 2001

The big event this month is our annual vacation trip to Nags Head. We went to the beach, visited the NC aquarium in Manteo, and generally enjoyed a peaceful week by the ocean.

Adam also finished his speech therapy this month, he's just about made up for the slow start that his many ear infections gave him. He's talking a lot these days.

Here's some pictures of him during his 28th month


" Daddy, you can shave anytime you want. That face is just too rough!" Daddy and Adam standing on the beach in Nags Head. Adam liked the beach, but he was a little afraid of the waves, especially after one knocked him over. Still, a little fear of the ocean at his age is a good thing, at least we weren't too worried of him diving in by himself!

more beachboys

" That's COLD water. Add some hot, please." Of course, since it's mid-May, even though the air temperature is mid-80's, the ocean temperature is still in the low 60's. Neighbors Dave and Aidan are playing in the surf, but Adam was too cold.


" I love my quacker float!" Maybe the water was kind of cold, but Adam loved hanging out in the pool with his dad. The quacker float is his favorite pool toy, it helps him to float without worring about swimming.

Huge tuna

" Mommy, I want to hold the BIG fish" One of our highlights of going to the outer banks every year is watching the charter fleet return with fish. Here, we were shocked to see someone bring home a 188 pound tuna. They asked Adam to get into the picture to give it some scale, Carol had to join in to control Adam, and the next thing you know, some fishing group has to explain "Honest honey, I have no idea who the blonde and the little boy are. We were fishing all day...".


"Daddy, don't hold me, I've got to run over to see what mommy is doing with that camera." Another Nags Head picture, this was taken outside the NC Aquarium on Manteo. Our Neighbors, Dave, Candee, and Aiden are hanging out with us.


" I don't see any alligators, this is a rip off!" Dave, Aiden, Daddy, and Adam stand in front of the alligator tank at the NC Aquarium.


" Look behind me? Daddy, I wasn't born yesterday, it was 28 months ago!" We did get to see an alligator or two, I think Adam kind of liked them, thought they were cute. No, he definitely will not have a lizard for a pet in this household.


" You got skunked, Mommy? Look, let me show you ONE more time how to do this." After seeing the fish being brought in early in the week, Carol and her family booked a charter to bring in some big tunas for themselves. Unfortunately, they were completely skunked. The only fish caught was a 500+ pound ocean sunfish, which is a protected species, and it was released as soon as the crew realized what it was.


" What is this thing?" I'm not completely sure, but I think Adam is holding a piece of a sea shell and looking at it pretty funny.

mommy surf

" Mommy, are you sure this stuff isn't dangerous?" Carol and Adam were walking in the surf. Adam was a bit afraid of the waves, but Carol got him to mostly forget about it and wave for the camera.

garrett birthday

" Look out Tony Stewart! Adam's got a skateboard" Actually, it was cousin Garrett's birthday, and his parents got him a skateboard, but Adam liked it a lot.

birthday 2

" Garrett, I'm gonna blow out those candles, and don't think you can sit there and look all innocent! " Another picture of Garrett's birthday. Doesn't Garrett look simply angelic?


" I'm related to ALL these people?" Here's a picture of Carol's family who were all in another building at Nag's Head. From left to right: Grandpa Bill, Cousin Samantha, Grandma Dolores, Adam, Mommy, Daddy, Cousin Garrett, Aunt Debbie, and Uncle Mark.

beaver pool

" Daddy, where's my Pina Colada?" Our next door neighbors, the Beavers, got a new inground pool this year. Here, Daddy and Adam are testing it to make sure that it is comfortable and cool.

beaver pool 2

" Fun!" As you can see, the pool was just in a big hole in the ground, it hadn't been backfilled yet, and the concrete pad still hadn't been poured. But it was good enough for Adam and Daddy, as well as Chris and Jake Beaver to have some fun.


" Do you like my goatee? I'm thinking of growing one of these! " We decided to move Adam's baths to the big tub in the master bath. Adam likes the swimming room, and the water jets are just wonderful for him.

big swimming ub

" Just going for a swim in the tub" Here, the water jets are on and Adam is having a good time swimming in the big tub.

Click here to see photos from his 29th month of life