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Adam Lee Rosol's
Twenty-Ninth Month
June 13 - July 12 2001

This was a pretty domestic month. We visited with friends, attended a 4th of July parade, and did a lot of playing on the swing set. Adam LOVES the swing set.

On the health front this month, Adam managed to get infected with pink eye at day care. We took him to the doctor, got an antibiotic, and Adam was fine a few days later. While at the doctor, we found that our little man now weighed a whopping 37 pounds.

Here's some pictures of him during his 29th month

betty party

" I love parties. The best part is playing with ribbon!" Carol and Adam drove to Pittsburgh for her best friend's mothers 60th birthday. Adam had a great time visiting with Heather and her family, and had a good time dancing at the party.

water play

" I'm just a dancing fool!" Here's Adam really getting down and dancing at Betty's party.

Mom & bomb

" Thanks for taking me to this great party mom, I'm having a fun time." Carol and Adam take a minute to pose at the party.

Aye Aye

" Dave, doesn't this boat go any faster?" Something else interesting this month was Adam's first boating trip. Our neighbor Dave took his boy Aiden (about a year younger than Adam) and Adam and his dad for a boat ride. Here, Adam "steers" the boat while Dave is off swimming.


" Trucks! A language all boys understand " Connor, about a year older than Adam, and his family came to visit Adam. They swang on the swing set, and played with trucks. Both boys shared nicely, which is pretty unusual for that age group.


" Another picture?" Just a quick picture of Adam and his mom in front of the garage.

big chair

" This chair is pretty big. Usually, mommy or daddy fill one up by themselves, but there's room to share this one!" For summer 2001, the city of Charlotte held a "Chairs on Parade" arts festival. They got about 100 artists to do a variation on the theme of an oversized rocking chair (about 1 1/2 scale), and then they placed these chairs all around town. Here, Carol and Adam are posing on a huge chair in front of the downtown library.


" I got Crabs!" While we were downtown, we stopped in Discovery Place for some play and to learn. Here, Carol is handing Adam a hermit crab from the touch pool. He also got to touch a sea urchin and a starfish.


" USA! USA!" We went to the 4th of July parade in Harrisburg, NC again this year, and Adam had a ball waving his flag and trying to grab every piece of candy that someone on a float threw anywhere near him.


" This is great, I'm riding a horse!" We went to Dan Nichols park in Rowan county, and let Adam ride the carousel again. He had a really good time. We also rode the train, and visited a small zoo they have there.

Climbing the playhouse

" If anyone needs me, I'll be up in my fort! " Here's Adam's favorite toy, his backyard swing set. Here, he's climbing up into his fort where he can use the steering wheel to drive the whole thing "to the beach", which is where he always tells us he's going when we ask where he's driving.


" Hey, mommy, I have the camera over here. Turn around!" Carol and Mattie, the mad cat, pose for a couple of photographers.


" Mommy, don't enjoy my toys so much!" Carol shows that she still knows how to swing! Actually, I sometimes wonder just whose toy this is.

Click here to see photos from his 30th month of life