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Adam Lee Rosol's
Twenty-seventh Month
April 13 - May 12 2001

Adam really enjoyed attending an easter egg hunt, and eating easter candy this month. His speech therapy is going well, except that Miss Shannon was sick and missed two days.

Here's some pictures of him during his 27th month

car wash

" I'll rinse, you wash" Here Adam is helping daddy wash his car.

Mr Toad

" That is so cool! Thanks for finding him, Mommy. " While we were washing the car, mommy found a big toad for Adam to see.


" Look at him go!!!! " The toad got tired of being on display, and jumped. Got this picture of him in mid-hop!


" I heard Mr Turkey say gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble. " At the annual easter egg hunt, they have a petting zoo. Here Adam is checking out the turkeys and chickens.


" More eggs! " Mommy is helping Adam pick up the easter eggs and candies.

the haul

" Ok, two more baskets like this and we'll be through." While this was all they got, it was a heck of a lot of free candy for a little boy and his mom.


" Look at all this chocolate. I bet I can stuff it all in my mouth at once! " Adam enjoyed seeing all the chocolate and toys he got for easter.


" I dunno. Are you sure this is good candy?" Here Adam is looking at some Peeps from his easter basket. I don't think he's quite sure that they're edible.


" Bubbles!" Adam's easter toy was a big bubble wand. He loves it.

Click here to see photos from his 28th month of life