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Abu-Jaber, Nizar. 2010. Jordan and the environmental challenge (الأردن والتحدي البيئي) Published by Dar Al Shorouk, Amman, with support from the Ministry of Culture. 216 pp. (in Arabic).

Refereed journal papers and book chapters

Abu-Jaber, N., Abunnasr, Y., Yahya, A. A., Boulad, N., Christou, O., Dimitropoulos, G., Gkoltsiou, K., Khreis, N., Manolaki, P., Michael, K., Odeh, T., Papatheodoulou, A., Sorotou, A., Sinno, S., Suliman, O., Symons, N., Terkenli, T., Trigkas, V., Trovato, M.G., Victora, M., Zomeni and Vogiatzakis, I. N., 2015. Travelling in the eastern Mediterranean with landscape character assessment. In Third International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (pp. 9535-01-9535-11). International Society for Optics and Photonics. [DOI]

Al Qudah, K., Abu-Jaber, N., Jaradat, R. and Awawdeh, M., 2015. Artificial rainfall tests, soil moisture profiles and geoelectrical investigations for the estimation of recharge rates in a semi-arid area (Jordanian Yarmouk River Basin). Environmental Earth Sciences 73:6677-6689. [DOI]

Hamarneh, C. and Abu-Jaber, N., 2013. Documentation and protection of the quarries of Gerasa. Levant 45 (1): 57-68. [DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N., al-Saad, Z., Shiyyab, A. and Degryse, P., 2012. Provenance of white marbles from the Nabatean sites of Qasr al Bint and Collonaded Street Baths at Petra, Jordan. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 12 (1): 21-29. [Full text]

Abu-Jaber, N., 2011. In search of a nuclear waste disposal site. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 5:315-321. [Full Text]

Abu-Jaber, N., al-Saad, Z. and Smadi, N., 2009. The quarryscapes of Gerasa (Jarash), Jordan. In Abu-Jaber, N., Bloxam, E.G., Degryse, P. and Heldal, T. (eds.), QuarryScapes: ancient stone-quarry landscapes in the Eastern Mediterranean. Geological Survey of Norway Special Publication 12, pages 67-76.[Abstract]

Ershaidat, N., Abu-Jaber, N., Al-Bataina, B., Shobaki, J. and Jaradat, A., 2009. Relationship between the effective diffusion coefficient of soil radon and groundwater recharge in semi-arid areas. Env. Earth Sciences 59:261-268 [DOI].

Abu-Jaber, N., Al Saad, Z., and al Qudah, M., 2009. Geomorphological and geological constraints on the development of Early Bronze chert industries at the northern rim of the Al Jafr Basin, Southern Jordan. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 9 (1): 17-27 [Abstract].

Al Qudah, K. and Abu-Jaber, N., 2009. A GIS database for sustainable management of shallow water resources in the Tulul al Ashaqif region, NE Jordan. Water Resources Management 23:603-615 [DOI].

Abu-Jaber, N., and Kharabsheh, A., 2008. Ground water origin and movement in the upper Yarmouk Basin, Northern Jordan. Environ. Geol. 54: 1355-1365. [DOI].

Abu-Jaber, N., Mustafa, H. and Melhem, D., 2006. Geology of the Dhaher (Bargish) Cave System, NW Jordan. Abhath Al Yarmouk, Basic Science and Engineering Series 15 (2): 351-363.[Abstract][Full article].

Kimberley, M.M. and Abu-Jaber, N. 2005. Shallow perched groundwater, a flux of deep CO2 and near-surface water-rock interaction in Northeastern Jordan: An example of positive feedback and Darwin's "warm little pond". Precambrian Research 137: 273-280.[DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N. 2004. Geochemical modeling of the effects of the proposed Red Sea-Dead Sea canal. Abhath Al Yarmouk, Basic Science and Engineering Series 13 (2): 269-281.[Abstract][Full article].

Abu-Jaber, N., Abu-Orabi, S., Gharaibeh, S., Malkawi, H., Momani, I., Qudah, M., and Yousef, N. 2003. Suitability of agricultural drainage water of the Safi area for potash production. Abhath Al Yarmouk, Basic Science and Engineering Series 12 (2b): 585-602.[Abstract][Full article].

Abu-Jaber , N., Abderahman, N., Azaizeh, W., Omari, H., Haddadin , G., Al Sokhny, K., Hamzeh, M., and Al Qudah, K., 2003. Investigation of shallow ground water in the Tulul al Ashaqif highlands, Jordan. Abhath Al Yarmouk, Basic Science and Engineering Series 12 (2A): 381-400.[Abstract][Full article].

Abu-Jaber, N. and Ismail, M., 2003. Hydrogeochemical modeling of the shallow groundwater in the Northern Jordan Valley. Env. Geol. 44: 391-399.[DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N., 2001. Geochemical evolution and recharge of the shallow aquifers at Tulul al Ashaqif, NE Jordan. Environmental Geology. 41: 372-383.[DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N., al Saad, Z. and Quraan, R., 2001. Provenance and technology of the Early Bronze pottery, p. 193-202 in : Zeidan Kafafi (ed.), Jebel Abu Thawwab (Er-Rumman), Central Jordan. The Late Neolithic and Early Bronze I occupations. Bibliotecha Neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis & Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University 3. Berlin, Ex Oriente.[Abstract]

Abu-Jaber, N., Hess, J. and Howcroft, W., 2001. Chemical erosion in the Lilburn cave system, Kings Canyon National Park, California. Ground Water. 39: 223-229.[DOI]

Bajjali, W. and Abu-Jaber, N., 2001. Climatological signals from paleogroundwater in Jordan. J. Hydrol. 243: 133-147.[DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N. and Al Saad, Z., 2000. Petrology of Middle Islamic pottery from Khirbat Faris, Jordan. Levant 32:179-188.[Abstract]

Dottridge, J. and Abu-Jaber, N., 1999. Groundwater resources and quality in northeastern Jordan: safe yield and sustainability. Applied Geography 19: 313-323. [DOI].

Eraifej, N. and Abu-Jaber, N., 1999. Geochemistry and pollution of shallow aquifers in the Mafraq area, North Jordan. Env. Geol. 37:162-170. [DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N., 1998. A new look at the chemical and hydrological evolution of the Dead Sea. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 62: 1471-1479.[DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N.S.,Jawad Ali, A. and Al Qudah, K., 1998. Use of solute and isotopic composition of groundwater to constrain the groundwater flow system of the Azraq area, Jordan. Ground Water 36: 361-365.[DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N., Jawad Ali, A., and Shinaq, R. 1997. Genesis of the Amman Formation silicified limestone of Jordan. Africa Geoscience Review 4: 381-393.. [Full text][Abstract]

Al-Shereideh, S., Saqqa, W. and Abu-Jaber, N., 1997. Petrology, microfacies and geochemistry of phosphate beds in the Upper Cretaceous Amman Formation, SE Irbid. Africa Geoscience Review 4: 405-415.

al Saad, Z., Abu-Jaber, N., and Bataineh, S., 1997. Provenance and technology of Late Neolithic pottery from Wadi Shueib, Jordan. in: Gebel, H.G., Kafafi, Z., and Rolefson, G. (eds.), Prehistory of Jordan II, Perspectives from 1997. Studies in early Near Eastern production, subsistance and environment 4. Ex oriente, Berlin

Abu-Jaber, N.S., Al-Bataina, B.A. and Jawad Ali, A., 1997. Radiochemistry of sediments from the southern Dead Sea, Jordan. Env. Geol., 32:281-284.[DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N.S., El Aloosy, A.S. and Jawad Ali , A., 1997. Determination of aquifer susceptibility to pollution using statistical analysis: A case study from Wadi Shueib, Jordan. Env. Geol., 31: 94-106.[DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N.S. and Wafa, N.A., 1996. Hydrochemistry of aquifers in the southern Dead Sea area, Jordan. Environmental Geol., 28: 213-222.[DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N.S., 1993. Uniformitarian geochemical constraints on the genesis of Jordanian Tethyan phosphorites. Mu'tah Journal for Research and Studies-Applied and Natural Sciences Series, 8 (4): 301-322.

Nasir, S., Abu-Rukah, Y., Sadooni, F., Abu-Jaber, N. and Duwairi, I., 1993. Pyrite nodules in Lower Cretaceous sandstone from Wadi Zerqa, North Jordan. Mu'tah Journal for Research and Studies-Applied and Natural Sciences Series, 8 (4): 323-339.

Abu-Jaber, N. and Kimberley, M., 1992. Origin of ultramafic-hosted vein magnesite on Margarita Island, Venezuela, Mineralium Deposita, 27: 234-241.[DOI]

Abu-Jaber, N.and Kimberley, M., 1992. Origin of ultramafic-hosted vein magnesite deposits. Ore Geology Reviews, 7: 155-191.[DOI]

Llano, M., Cardenas, J., Mayz, L., Guevara, P., Armas, A., Freon, P., Kimberley, M. and Abu-Jaber, N., 1991, Elementos de la fosa de Cariaco y los recursos icticos de nororiente Venezolano. Memoria Sociedad de Ciences Naturales La Salle, LI (135-136): 57-71.

Abu-Jaber, N., Kimberley, M. and Cavaroc, V., 1989. Mesozoic-Paleogene basin development within the eastern Mediterranean borderland. J. Petrol. Geol., 12: 419-436.[DOI]

Numerous abstracts in conference proceedings.

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