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Welcome to the Diablo 2 portion of this site, I hope you enjoy your stay.

As you may have noticed the Diablo section of the site is very small and non-comprehensive. This is because the game has died out for the most part. Everybody plays with maxed out characters and can kill anything in a single hit, this is not gameplay, this is boredom.

The Diablo II section of this site will be far more comprehensive with time and will eventually contain files for downloading, graphics, complete resource guides for anything Diablo 2 related, and hopefully a message board.

The CHEATS section of the Diablo 2 site contains programs and strategies for both singleplayer and online gaming. I do not promote cheating, I feel that gamers should play legitimately to make the game more challenging. I do however promote Programs such as MousePad's MaPHaCk, and various MODS that can make the game more challenging and interesting. After all once you've had a Level 99 Character of each type the game can become somewhat boring without a little modification.

Enjoy the site, and I hope you find it informative and helpful.


My Diablo 2 Cheats and other Resources Page

Please Take a moment out of your day and vote for me on Diablo Top List. Thank You if you did.

If you're a game developer, that would like their game put on this site, please email me about it, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

A final note. All of the content on this site is copyright of it's respective owner(s). If you have not been addressed directly as the owner of said content, it is non-intentional, and you may contact me to have the content updated with your name, and applicable copyright information. So for all of you people looking to steal the content out there, please give the creators a break, and acknowledge their hard work. Or they may have to kill you. Thanx...
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