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  • Bard
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  • Rogue
  • Shadowkinght
  • Shaman
  • Warrior
  • Wizard

  • Allianced with Wyrd Angles


    Donations Loans Withdraws


    We are glad to assist any member in need of a loan. The only pre-requisites are that you are a full-time member who has successfully passed their trial membership and are in good standing with the guild. You are not required to have donated X amount of items to the guild and theoretically there is no limit to the amount you may request to be loaned. The process works like this: You first need to present your request to a guild banker; Sacrificess. After a short time spent acquiring information as to the reason for the loan, how much, etc. It the banker, who will decide upon the terms of the loan including the amount to be offered as well as the means and time frame in which the loan is to be repaid. You will then be presented with these terms and can either accept or refuse them. Theres no harm done in refusing the terms of a guild loan. Acceptance, however, expresses your understanding of and agreement with the loan as it was presented. Any changes made after the loan has been accepted will require a petition made to the banker detailing the reason for the change and a new resolution on how the loan is to be repaid. If this is not agreed upon by the banker, the current terms of the loan will still apply and must be adhered to. Loans from the guild are offered without interest. Your only responsibilities are to use the money for the purpose expressed to us, and to have repaid your loan within the time frame agreed upon. Guild loans can serve a variety of purposes from assuring you will be able to cover the cost of your next set of spells to making significant headway on a trade skill youre trying to master. While we cannot spend time considering requests for monies used to purchase items in EC, we are more than willing to help guild members with their financial needs when possible. If you are soon to find yourself in need of cash, please dont hesitate to ask the guild bank for assistance.