Here are some more lyrics, this time from a solo project known as
The Death Perception
I doubt this stuff will ever get recorded, but who knows
here goes...

Year of the Rat

the days are much longer
the only stability is founded on lies
all else is empty space
shrouded in a daily horror show
burning our history
to perfect their image
employed to erase our past
sleepless hollow nights
their eyes strangle the working class
we don't question
we just do
i'm going to burn it all down
and piss on the ashes

pigboy in blue

strength behind the badge
backed up by a gun
nightstick and a mace can
makes you invincible
it's you against me
you'll always win anyway
so write the ticket, i don't give a fuck


i can smell the scar tissue as it grows
another scale in my armor
hardened by less than pleasant trials
becoming one with the animal within
i'll tear your throat out
while you're blubbering apologies

healing hands that strangle hearts

step up to the podium false healer
let the sheep follow in your cold shadow
broadcast to millions of viewers
and let the pay-per-view healing begin
i await the day your god strikes you dead

castrate the rapist

you used the forceful approach
she was too weak to fight back
she was somebody's child
now she's somebody's victim
picked you out of the lineup
and crucified you on the stand
good luck in prison you fucking bottom dweller

beneath my skin

crawling snakelike
belly to the ground
to strike blindly and heartlessly
at the hand that feeds you
your crippled sense of morality
twisted beyond repair
spending your hateful days
embedded beneath my skin


i'll forever hold this against you
you'll suffer for the pain you've put me through
when you least expect it, you'll get what you deserve
an aluminum baseball bat to the back of your skull
i'd be more creative, but you're not worth my fucking time

fairweather friend

strayed from the path
bit the hand that fed you
breathing life into enemies
resurrecting that once dead sense of isolation
you were right about me all along
i was your only friend in the world
in turning me away, you fucked yourself
and you're right...
i won't be there to back you up


a few too many at the party tonight
took the backroads home
safer than cruising the highway
but that doesn't make you right
instead of hitting a tree
and only killing yourself
you killed someone close to me
and drove away like it was no big deal
there's no way to describe
the amount of suffering i wish upon you
maybe if it was your daughter
your wife
your mother
you would understand

idiot box

gouge out the eyes in protest of sight
nothing but contempt for what i'm force fed
media inflicted ignorance becomes infectious
spreading like plagues and leaving scars
the media constructs its own version of the truth
i don't want to hear any of this bullshit
this TV land celebrity soap opera
everything's blown out of proportion
while the real crimes go unnoticed and ignored
I've lost all interest in television
turn it off

only because you asked nicely

eviscerate the martyr
he wanted to die for his cause
sets himself up for the fall
might as well give him what he wants

once and for all

slave, it seems, i expose myself
clutching grasp imprisons me
peel the skin from my flesh
to escape the pain you've put me through
closer to you, i take you in
we are one in suffering
but i do it alone
and the hope i had in you caves in


you've become a thorn in my side
an outlet for all of my hatred
you've spread yourself across my being
i'm infected and you're my disease
i'll cut you out like the cancerous growth you are


bending like a reed in the wind
a new found talent for giving in
you've compromised your body
and sold your soul to the gutter
inject the vein with your savior
you can't live without the high
though your illusion insists that you're free
you're nothing but the needle's slave
i won't cry when they find you face down

last call

drown in your poison
pull yourself up on your crutch
remove yourself from pain
forgetting more with each taste
build up that liquid wall
to fully avoid yourself
separating you from you
so you'll never have to learn a fucking thing

no sense of loyalty

first sign of a better life
you flew the coop
leaving us behind to wonder why
you pick up and run
at every half-assed opportunity
i'll laugh when you come crawling back
realizing that you have no place here anymore

not in my school

trenchcoats and weapons
the weak arise
killed classmates and teachers
innocents and bystanders
too weak to stick up for themselves
they went home and got guns
too weak to answer for their actions
they took their own lives
i'd say that was the only positive aspect

you're the ones to blame

you had no idea that it could come to this
that your little boys could become such monsters
they were lonely and had nobody
now they're murderers
now they're dead and rotting six feet under
maybe you could have been better parents
then this massacre would never have happened
you can try to pin it on the music and movies
but deep down we all know it was you

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