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First Person View:
While playing, hold Triangle+Square+Start. The game will pause. Press Start to resume the game with the new camera angle. (To return to Default View, pause the game and resume)

Fixed Camera View:
While playing. hold Circle+X+Start. The game will pause. Press Start to resume the game with the camera fixed at the pre-location. (To return to Default View, pause the game and resume)

Change Background:
Highlight an emblem and enter the Edit Screen. Then, hold L1+R1 and press Select. This changed the menu background to match the emblem you highlighted.

Continue From Armored Core: Project Phantasma:
Insert a Memory Card with a Project Phantasma saved game on it. Go to the loading screen, and it should appear yellow. Load the file and you can start with the same parts and money that were obtained in the saved game.

Energy Shooting Machine Gun:
Defeat Bibs in the Sub Arena. The gun is very powerful, but only have 500-rounds.

Flame Shell:
Defeat one of the earlier opponenets in the Master Arena. The Flame Shell shoots a rocket that sets the target on fire and reduces AP.

Radar-12 Head:
Defeat the 3rd opponent in the Master Arena. The Radar-12 is the best head in the game.

Mine Dispenser:
Complete the Fromsoft Ex Arena. It shoots out floating proximity mines.

Special Rocket:
Complete the Guest Ex Arena. It shoots out a blue object that disables the target's FCS.

Stealth Unit:
Complete the Master Ex Arena. It takes you off the radar.

Enhanced Balancer Part:
Complete the Champion Ex Arena. It reduces recoil that accurs from firing a heavy weapon.

New Laserblade:
Get PROGTECH to sponsor you in the Sub Arena. You will receive 50,000 credits and the new laserblade, which shoots out a laserblade projectile.

New Laser-powered Sniper Rifle:
Get PROGTECH to sponsor you in the Arena. You will receive 50,000 credits and the new laser-powered sniper rifle, which does 3800 damage.

Bonus Ex Arenas:
At the Ex Arena selection screen, you will see four sets of question marks at the bottom of the screen. These arenas are unlocked after you meet a certain requirement.
FROMSOFTWARE: Complete all leg-specific arenas.
Guest and Champion: Complete all missions.
Master: Get 100% in the overall Under System.

Armored Core AC: Project Phantasma AC: Master of Arena AC 2 AC 2: Another Age

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