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Orange is actually my favourite colour, but the site looks better in blue than in orange

My Specifications

Name : Jason (Jeice) Frost

Age : 15

Favourite Game : Banjo - Kazooie

So you want to know more about my site, eh? Well I started making RareLair on the 16th of May 2001 and the new layout on the 4th of July with the use of a Web Page Designer named Dreamweaver, it's pretty good, probably better than Geocities and Homestead. Anyway, I was inspired by other Nintendo related sites to make my own so I decided to do just that. But

Rare Lair™'s History and Me
most game sites are all about a single game, mine is on a developer company named "Rareware", I'm sure you've heard of them. Rare have made games that have world record sales, like the Infamous "GoldenEye 007" and "Banjo-Kazooie" and they only develope for Nintendo consoles since Nintendo own more than 50% of Rare. Sorry, but my site does not show any of the old
called Pasadena High because we just had a name change for some reason. I have around 85% of Rare's games on the Nintendo 64 and they all kick anus/ass. I like watching Dragonball Z and my favourite Z-fighter at the moment is Gohan, but I also like Trunks, but his father Vegeta is a bit of

Rareware games like "Donkey Kong Country" and "Killer Instinct", RareLair only has the latest from Rare.

Well now it's time to read about me, pretty interesting stuff... My name is Jason Frost but I prefer to be called Jeice, that's pronounced Jase. I live in Adelaide, Australia and I'm in year 10 and I'm 15 years old and studying at Daws Road High, now

Rare Lair Menu
Rare Lair Affiliates
Antz Entertainment
BKT World
BT Hive
Donkey Kong Fortress
Smash Bros. Melee
Melee HQ... coming soon
Nintendo Ave
Nintendo Zone
Pure Nintendo
Rareware Archives
Rareware Here
Rareware Lair
Rareware UK
The Nintenden
Become an affiliate and be my obedient slave in my dungeon forever... scratch that last part actually. Ahem...
Gamecube Previews
dick I reckon but everyone likes him because he's crazy and angry all the time, I gotta admit he's pretty strong though. I can tell you that I will take care of this site and update RareLair as often as I can. Banjo-Kazooie is my favourite Rareware game of all time, it's even better than Banjo-Tooie! Strange, huh? But true! What can I say, except Banjo-Kazooie is a classic.
Game Boy Advance Previews
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> Rare Lair Forum
> Rare Lair History
> Tower of Tragedy
:: Starfox Adventures Dinosaur Planet ::
:: Kameo : Elements of Power ::
:: Donkey Kong Racing ::
:: Banjo-Kazooie Grunty's Revenge
:: Diddy Kong Pilot
:: Sabre Wulf
:: Donkey Kong Coconut Crackers