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Seoul-Searching Experience 7th - 21st Nov 2001

feel seoul good!

Text: Lynn L.

Photography: Lynn L.



the experience

the thoughts

the pics


autumn colors

subway culture

special thanks


map source





Why Seoul, Korea?

Good question. One that I had been asking myself before I decided to embark on this trip. I was actually deciding on Vietnam as a bid to complete my South-East Asian trip. Alas, the September 11 incident in the U.S. shook me greatly and finding no suitable travel companion, I decided to discard this plan.

I thought that I would stay put in Singapore for this vacation but during my study week ( before my exams ), the travel bug came on again. The question is again, where? A number of choices sprung up - Australia, Taiwan or Malaysia. Yet not one of these choices was good as I would be making my way there in a year's time. Korea came to my mind when one backpacker friend, Jasmine told me to join her in her Korea trip in December. I was elated of course BUT I was unwilling to go on the peak season period where you would meet with numerous tourists. It would be chaotic! So, then, my friend, November is the best time to go. 

Why the solo act?

Trust me. I didn't want to do it alone. I know the many implications along with it- the most important one being the rise in expenses if you do it alone. This is indeed a heartache especially if you are still a student. I tried to ask my friends if they are interested. But because of work commitment, they could not. I was disheartened, of course and at one point decided not to go as planned. But I remembered a homegrown celebrity ( Sharon Au )once said that if she were to wait for a companion to travel, she could never go because none could fit into her schedule. I guess my situation is the same as her.

The main reason why I wanted to do the solo act is because I need some time to myself. The year 2001 was a very busy year and I lost track of myself, having little time to reflect. Going alone would help to know more about myself and is a life-affirming experience. It may sound silly but that sense of elation when I am able to get into my bunk on a Chinese train, to jog along the Japanese streets at midnight, to cycle along a Cambodian village and waving to the kids and to make contacts with the locals made me feel strong, capable and thankful that I had such oppotunities. Solo travelling would be lonesome but exciting. It is about pleasing yourself: doing what you want, when and where you feel like it and not having to worry about fitting in with anyone else's plans the way you do at home. You are more daring in the way you deal with strangers when you are alone and you are more likely to be alert to the surrounding as you digest your feelings: savour, reflect and relate it to yourself rather than dilute it by sharing it with someone from your own background. Of course, friends have warned me about the dangers of solo travelling. I find that these fears are unfounded because if you have done it before, you would know that there would be more fun than danger. Of course, one has to take precautionary actions like not walking along deserted lanes and not wearing skimpy attire ( I thought these are commonsense?). Don't worry, it is cold in Korea so I am going to pile up! 

The preparation

To date, I used the shortest period of time to plan for this trip. Since I had only decided to go one month before the actual date, preparation was a rush. Coupled with my study week, I could not devote full attention to the planning. 

However, credits must be given to the invention of email and the Internet for without them, I would not be able to make bookings of accommodation nor to do readings of the country. I went to the library to borrow loads of travel magazines and on top of that, I got hold of the travel bible - Lonely Planet on Korea. The Korean National Tourism Organisation also sent me their travel guides ( only upon request!).

It was however a hassle without a solid itinerary. I found myself unable to decide to cross states or to stay within Seoul thus making the booking of accommodation really troubling. In the end, I decided to do all the later stage of the travelling plans in Seoul. I need to concentrate on my exams!

Since I am not working, finances is really a headache. In a modern city like Seoul, money is power and you will get to enjoy much more things that comes with your purchasing power. Alas, I am only a poor backpacker thus every cent counts. I closed 2 of my bank accounts which have been left untouched for many years and used them for my expenses there. Sigh! For once, I could understand how those people who embark on the RTW trip would feel. Giving up everything for the love of travelling. Too many sacrifices!

Two important things that I feel everyone should have are the ISIC and the YHA cards. They cost $25 and $22 respectively. Get them to have discounts to museums, theatres, accommodations and what not. 

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Seoul-Searching Experience 2001

feel seoul good!



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