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Learn how you can live a hppier and healthier life here at Life Is Great!

Plain and Simple, Life is Great!


Find Passion! It's a great thing to have.


1. Intense, high-wrought emotion that compels action. 2. A longing for something that promises enjoyment or satisfaction. 3. Sexual appetency     


I personaly would like to go with definition number two. Passion to me is that calling you hear inside yourself, Telling you when it's time to persue something that interest you very much.

My advice to anyone is that when ever you feel a tug at your soul sort of saying hey this could be a good thing for you. Stop and examine that tug and what it is telling you. It just might be turn out to be your calling in life, and always remember no one can realy give you passion it comes from inside you.

Notice: The views, comments and suggestions are only the opinions of the creator of this website.


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The Rail


Passion Story of the Month
Here you can learn someones passion story, and you just may be inspired by it. This months Passion story.
Pay it forward
Ever since I had seen the movie I have become a firm believer of the pay it forward system. This system to me is a great motivator and it also helps me to develope passion in my life. To learn about the pay it forward foundation Click Here.
E-Mail Me
If you would like to send me any comments, report any broken links, or request a link on my site. Feel free to send me an E-Mail me
· Pay it Forward
· Passion for Kids
· Passion Predictor


This is not a Bible preaching site what so ever. This is a site to help people feel good about them selves and there lives and many people feel that faith is a great asset to leading a peaceful life. I myself also feel faith is an excellent resource for living a happy and healthy life. So always remember life is great! .  

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This site is copyright © 2002 Mike Reilly / Round Guy Productions

Art work for this site was created by Mike Reilly

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