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Expand the mind. Read!

"About Reading"

 I have to tell you, I love to read. Reading is one of the finer pleasures in life.   


I find the more you read the more relaxed you become.

So that's why I just had to make a page for books. I personally like to read self-help books, and Art books that help me on my journey for a happy life. To me books fall into the same category as music. There is alot out there, and you can read about how people feel and how you can use that information to better your life.

It is impossible for this page to obtain all the information about books that you may want know. Look at it this way it is a starting point. So read, read, read and maybe you just might see that Books Are Great!

Notice: The views, comments and suggestions are only the opinions of the creator of this website.


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Authour of the Month
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Book of the Month
Not only is he the Author of the Month His bookThe Mastery of love is a book you will want to read over and over again.
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This is not a Bible preaching site what so ever. This is a site to help people feel good about them selves and there lives and many people feel that faith is a great asset to leading a peaceful life. I myself also feel faith is an excellent resource for living a happy and healthy life. So always remember life is great! .  

  Round Guy's Top Picks:    Life is Great | Brain Candy | Learn to draw | Art is Geat | Music is Great | Health is Great
This site is copyright © 2002 Mike Reilly / Round Guy Productions

Art work for this site was created by Mike Reilly

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