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At one point in time, I thought I found the love of my life. I was wrong. Yet, for almost 3 years I had joy brought to my life in ways that were unbelievable. Now they are nothing but memories. Through good times, bad times, sick times, and down times, the good times always out numbered the bad. My heart seeks greatly to love, love the way it once loved. But yet, through all it's pain, caused by heart breaks it had turned and locked its self away. To shield its self from further pain. My dream is to find someone. One, someone that can unlock it and set it free. Someone that will let this love stuck heart run free and love the way it once did. Someone that will hold it, shelter it, feed it, trust it and warn of all harm. Yet until that day it will stay this way, locked away. Struggling to learn a way to live each day with out the need of another.


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