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  Home > Other Services > User Experiences > Share Your Experience  

This section of the site give you the user the opportunity to share your pregnancy experiences with other site users. Feel free to share your experience on any birth topic you would like. Some of the more common ones are the pregnancy itself, labour/birth and/or the postpartum year.

For many women, talking about birth is part of the  healing process and it is also a great way for a community to share their precious experiences. 

You can remain anonymous, or post your name if you would like. Don't feel pressured either way. Also, we usually post the users email address at the bottom of their submission so that any users who may have further comments can easily ask them. If you would not like your email address posted on the internet then please check the appropriate  box at the bottom of the page.

I would like to remain anonymous:

Please do not post my email address:



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