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Wheel of Time Barbies:
Raevyn Tsornin's Accepted Project

Amyrlin Barbie:


Amyrlin Barbie Limited Edition 1 of 1 and her seven striped stole goes on sale on Ebay later this week with her special Gaidin Ken and his extra long and extra broad sword!
The winner receives a special ring to wear.


Aes Sedai Barbies:

You can specially order her in whichever Ajah color you choose. One Warder Ken comes with each Barbie. (Attn: Warder Ken not available with Red Ajah Barbie)


Blue Ajah Barbie:


Blue Ajah Barbie comes with her own cause; certificate of Authenticity included! Also a special button on her back makes her eyes narrow to give the cold, icy AS stare when pressed.


Brown Ajah Barbie:


Brown Ajah Barbie comes with extra candles for late night study and her own series of WoT books with each new edition mailed to your house.


Gray Ajah Barbie:


Grey Ajah Barbie comes with the novel War and Peace(extra shipping and handling required.


Green Ajah Barbie:


Green Ajah Barbie comes with perfume and a Domani dress.(attn: Green Ajah Barbie comes with one Warder. Additional Warder Ken must be purchased separately)


Red Ajah Barbie:


Red Ajah Barbie comes with a thick wool blanket for cold, snuggle-less nights and your choice of thumping stick or willow switch.

Available with Willow Branch:



White Ajah Barbie:


White Ajah Barbie comes with a copy "Logic for Dummies" for Ken so he can understand his white Aes Sedai.


Yellow Ajah Barbie:


Yellow Ajah Barbie comes with newly discovered remedy for forkroot tea and tea cups.


Black Ajah Barbie:


Since Rumors persist of a Black Ajah Barbie, we have come up with a model, which includes a handbook of how to use compulsion. Though honestly, they don't exist!


Warder Ken and Aes Sedai Barbie:



Accepted Barbie:


Accepted Barbie comes complete with Great Serpent Ring, Accepted's Banded dress, and a book on Classroom Teaching Techniques.


Novice Barbie:


After a hard day of scrubbing pots, Novice Barbie still has that first day glow! She comes with two sets of Ajah colored hair ribbons(one for you and one for her), rose scented handcream, and a box of chocolates.


Cairhein Barbie:


Cairhein Barbie, in contrast to her Andoran counterparts, loves to wear the elaborate up-dos for everyday. This particular Barbie is of a middle or lower house as she has only a few stripes across the bodice of her dark colored gown. Also, there is a hint of lace at the neck and sleeves.


Domani Barbie:


Domani Barbie has her body hugging gown with sheer shawl. In the interest of keeping it a family suitable site, we opted not not make her gown equally as sheer. We want parents to feel comfortable letting their children come here.


Atha'an Miere Barbie:


Atha'an Miere Barbie is set for her day in port, complete with nice baggy pants, shirt, and sash. Although, once out to sea, Barbie will discard her shirt just like the men!!!


Elayne Barbie:


Elayne Barbie comes in full regalia, ready to assume the Rose Crown - whenever that may be. Her gown is of the typical Andoran style: note the ornate embroidery. While most Andoran gowns have a more square neckline, this regal piece is befitting a Queen!


Morgase Barbie:


Morgase Barbie is also ready for either her own return to the throne or her daughters ascendence. In normal everyday court activity or in her own sitting room, Morgase would be more likely to wear her hair down.


Lanfear Barbie:


And we had to have at least one forsaken. Meet Lanfear Barbie. With her black hair and white shimmering gown, she is ready to seduce Rand or be puched through a doorway anytime!


Raina Sedai Barbie:


Last but not least - Raina - because she asked!!


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WoT is property of RJ. All barbies are tm of Mattel.