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About the Blue Ajah;
Melana Sedai's study
Application to join the Blue Ajah
Who's Blue?
Blue purpose!
Blue Quiz--based on the WoT-series
Blue Quiz--based
on the Tarvalon.Net
Blue Ajah

List of Blue Amyrlins

Information from our eyes and ears;
Cultural Guide
Art Gallery
How to's
Visit the Blue Ajah Playground

Visit the New Blue Ajah Shop

Welcome to the home of the Blue Ajah.

The Ajah where the Sisters dedicate themselves to different causes...
but where there's still a common goal.
A Brown sister once said;

"You Blues. Always so ready to save the world that you lose yourselves."

But as long as there is a world to save, we will dedicate our lives to fight for it. We do it in our own ways... different ways. But we still work together and help each other, and that makes us a strong and close sisterhood.

May the Creator shelter you all in the palm of his hand,
Melana Sedai, Head of the Blue Ajah!

Atarah Sedai
Karassa Sedai
Melana Sedai
Mellyn Sedai
Mhor Sedai
Moradi Sedai
Raevyn Sedai
Rebekah Sedai
Rissa Sedai
Viviana Sedai
Accepted Arwen
Accepted Egere
Accepted Lyoness
Accepted Padraigin
Accepted Tricia

And our Warders:
Gwynidon Gaidin
James Gaidin
Janos Gaidin
Jasin Gaidin
Sataere Gaidin


What's up with the Blues?!

Once again Melana Sedai is back to give YOU the latest and hottest details on the going-on’s in the Blue Ajah!! And this time with some help from her Blue sister, Atarah Sedai! Do you wanna know what happened this month? RAFO!!
Member Quotes:

"Adi said kickin rad!!!!! That is so kickin rad!!!!!! " -Rissa

"No matter what anyone decides, I am not putting diapers on all my pigeons! " -Bekkah

"lol, I'm using the computer at school...I feel so...evil! …erm...I better go now before I get in trouble." -Atarah

"You are a very violent man, Jasin. I think you need anger management classes." -Tricia

"Watch out for T-rexes on the prowl, roaming hordes of puppies and twhap-happy Aes Sedai!" -Janos

"what is up with ya'll and brownies?" -Gwynidon

"Errr.... ask straight out?? ....but... are you sure that’s Aes Sedai-ish enough???" -Lana

"I hope you will be able to deal with the fact that the 'retired' cheese that you were being so mean to, actually retired into part of your room. He is getting very smelly in his old age, don't you think?" -Bekkah

"Fishy comes out of the head/Fishy comes out of the head/oh oh oh oh/What a weird head it must be" - Adi

"The orange dogs will love you as long as you are nice to the kitchen chairs." -Rissa

"Its ok hon, when Adi gets sick we can give her to Lana for Healing. *evil grin*" -James

"Lana - are you showing Red stripes???" "Lana with Red stripes? That's scary...." "I'm all for using Lana's new found red-stripe to beat the crap out of msn!" -Raevyn, Rissa and Bekkah

"I think I would hurt myself if I tried that sword swallowing stunt. Now if the sword were entirely made of chocolate, that would be ok. cause I like chocolate." -Kara

“Expedition to Seanchan Continues 3"

Well, from the looks of it, this great epic might take longer to finish then the Wheel of Time-series itself… but we’re not complaining. Cuz who would want to know the ending at once and consequently miss all the countless cozy sunsets we’ve witnessed so far? But now I’m blabbering, let’s get on with the story!!

We’re still in Seanchan… of course. Cuz we’ve almost not moved from the spot this last month… we just started walking again a couple of days ago, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to tell though!!

Cuz we were admiring this very pretty and cozy sunset… and then we suddenly saw an advertisement coming across it. We thought it was hella weird, and as we studied the advertisement closely, we learnt that it told us to save the cozy sunset for Moradi Sedai (who was absent at the moment). So we found a bottle, and one of the newer sisters climbed a long ladder of Air to reach the sunset, and putting it in the bottle to keep it all fresh for Adi. But the evil night wasn’t going to let the sunset escape that easily, and a battle commenced between the brave Blue sister, and the great evil that is the night!

But she defeated the night with much help from the sunset who didn’t want to set this time, and we were all very happy. And the sunset who was rather sleepy by now, not being used to not set and stuff, took a nap in his bottle. So the rest of us were veeewy quiet… and started hunting rabbits in the high grass. Go figure!

And finally, Moradi returned to us, and we gave her the bottle and there was much rejoicing. And then we decided to get moving again… as soon as we’d had some lunch. Cuz food is important at missions such as this. So we ate brownies, and then we continued our journey…and finally reached the walls of a great city. But we weren’t sure whether it was real or a mirage, so we did a mirage-check, bringing out a catapult, and sending a big rock at the wall.

Now some of us fear that the Seanchan might take the mirage-check the wrong way, while others are worried that there might not be any brownies left. And brownies are vital to our stay with the Empress… so we better have some brownies left!!! Be sure to check in again next month for a new update on this very exciting adventure!

The Wonderful and Not So Edible Adi-Doll

Having one of our favorite Blue sisters being away from us for a couple of weeks or so, some of us had to come up with a substitute so that we wouldn’t miss her too much. That’s very logical, isn’t it? So Mellyn Sedai brought in a doll that looked just like Adi, only it was made of plastic, and didn’t bite when you patted it. And when Adi returned, we decided to give it to her. But all she wanted to do, was eat it. *shakes head sadly* Even when told that it was only made of plastic and air, and with no spices at all, she still wanted to gobble it down as if it was made of horse-meat. So we switched our cozy doll with an identical yet different Adi-doll, gave her a bottle of ketchup and left her to it. And now she’s sharing it with Alfred, the neon-green s’redit. And I can’t wait till Mell finds out!!*lol*

Busy Blues...uh huh!

You wanna know what the Blue Aes Sedai has been doing the last couple of weeks? Well, it all started with Mellyn sitting all silently in a thread waiting for others to notice her. And one by one, her sisters literally stumbled over her, and joined her on the floor… and we all sat there for several days, only two of us knowing why. We enjoyed ourselves immensely though, eating popsicles and generally just …uhm… sitting there waiting… and then!! Then Mellyn brought out the thing we’d all been sitting there waiting for! A twisted doorway ter’angreal…which is both blue and red!!! We have yet to figure out how it works though, and where it leads, but what has been decided, is that the Warders will go through it first!*nods and smiles*

Surprise for Adi

Yep, with Adi gone, we couldn’t let the chance get away to make a surprise for her when she returned, to show her how much we all care.*lol* So we redecorated her room, cuz we’re generally very nice! We painted the walls, bought new lamps, dyed all her dresses and all carpets and rugs and …basically everything that could be dyed… and put up balloons and streamers, and attached some new stripes to her bestest shawl. So when she came home and opened her door… a wonderful cozy red room was what she saw.*grins* Why she decided to move out is still a mystery though…

The Case of the Untraditional Name

So, by now you've probably realized that the Blues have recently added two Warders to the collection (and what fine torture vic...Warders...they are...). But do you know about the newest Blue plot *involving* one of those Warders? Of course you don't, because I haven't told you yet! *grins* Where to start?

Let's start at the beginning. Over time, the Blue Ajah has faithfully kept up with their 'Warder name' tradition. Tradition, you ask? Why, yes. The tradition of bonding Warders who's names start with the letters 'Ja.' Just check for yourselves...Janos, James, Jasin...Gwynidon. This could ultimatley wind up being a Mellyn Sedai once stated, "But...without Ja type names, we'll get hopelessly confused!!!" You can see the problem.*nods*

Of course, this doesn't mean that everyone agrees with the...tradition. Some even think that having so many Warders with 'Ja' names is even...*gasp*...confusing! But...well, tradition, is, after all, tradition.

So what was there left to do but...change his name? This wonderful idea was first suggested by Karassa Sedai, and after that, to Gwynidon's dismay, all of the Blues decided to join in the fun.

First, we began by compiling a list of possible names. Suggestions included: JaGwyn, Jawyn, and, much to Raevyn Sedai's horror, Jasmine (or Jasmi for short). Finally, the name of Jawyn was settled and mostly agreed upon. (His Aes Sedai did not exaclty agree; she claims that he's practically perfect, and she likes him as he is.) But still, this is just another another case solved wonderfully by the Blues!

Older Issues

Member Quotes:

"Hey! Just because the disease just lost his grandfather to the froghating whale it doesn't mean more cucumbers will start to rebel! Silly people!" -Adi

"Lana loves me. And she loves Alfred. And she made me Alfred emoticon coz she loves me. And I love Alfred emoticon coz she made him for me. " - Mellyn

"*sits with Melly, Lana, and Kara* is there a reason we are sitting in the middle of the Hallway?" -Raevyn

"Why would a duck hijack a thread Adi?"
"*sigh* It's *not* trying to hijack this thread. It's trying to hijack a minivan full of mice!!!!!!!" -Jasin and Kara

"Silly Adi!" -Bekkah

"I don't know if I am normal but does being sane count??? Well I think I am but I may not be.... as you know that all crazy people consider themselves sane while all sane people questions their saneness - therefore I just answered my own question and I am undoubtedly sane!!!! I think....." -Mhór

"Welcome to the insanity, Gwynidon... you'll fit right in! " -Egere

"What is it with the Blue Sisters and picking Warders with "J" names so far?" -Viv

"Good cause or not, no eating Bekkah's pets!!" -Lana

"Well if she dies from the lack if pijun soup you know who to blame!!" "I think it's a bigger chance that she SURVIVES from the lack of it!" -Adi and Lana

"muddy buddies are chex with chocolate, peanut butter, lots of sugar....yeah, that's about it." "Are people actually fed this as a replacement for a healthy breakfast?" -Tricia and Adi


What's New in the Blue Ajah:

Here, we'll tell you about updates on the site,
and any changes in the Blue Ajah!


Janos Gaidin's Blue Tip:

Before patting Melana’s head, put on a glove. Because if she bites, all your limbs might fall off… and that could be a bad thing… so my tip; put on a glove first!

Mellyn Sedai and Melana Sedai's Cause:
Getting a channeling strength of 12 cuz… well… that would be cozy!*nods*

Blue Theory:
Lana’s theory on how to make Mother realize that she and Mell should have a channeling strength of 12; Invite Mother to a party in the Blue Halls, give her lotsa 'special' Blue brownies... and then put forth our demand which will, at that point, sound like the greatest idea she ever heard, and then...voíla!! (psst, might have some regrettable side-effects… our advice; don’t try this at home!!)

March 24, 2003

I've created a new quiz to help young women looking for an Ajah to decide whether the Blue Ajah is the right one for them, and I've also taken the old quiz and renovated it a little bit.

March 18, 2003

The New Blue Forum is up and running, thanks to Mellyn Sedai. You'll find a link to it higher up on the page, but remember, you have to be logged into ezboard for it to work. Have fun!! And thanks bunches Mell!!*hugs*

March 17, 2003

Today I've added a form for the Blue Aspirants to fill out, with much help from Karassa Sedai. Thank you!! *huggles her muchly*

March 14, 2003

I have moved all the files our HQ is consisting off over to, and made a couple of changes while doing so. Some old pages with a whole lot of wrong info on them were taken away, while other totally new pages were added, among them, my new study (which isn't quite finished yet) and some new cultures in our culture-secion.

March 10, 2003

With the bondings of Kara and Jasin, and Raevyn and Gwynidon, we suddenly had two more male members in the Blue Ajah. Congrats to you all! May you find as much happiness in your bond as I have in mine!

March 10, 2003

As I was promoted to HoA, it only felt right to give up my old job and give someone else a chance to do something for the Tower. And today, Mellyn Sedai got the job, and I know she'll be a wonderful Tower Voice!! Congrats Mell *hugs*

March 8, 2003

My new position was officially announced. And I started finishing what James and Bekkah had already begun; moving the Blue HQ from Angelfire to YAY!!

Older News

If you have any questions or comments please contact Melana Sedai.



If you wish to join the Blue Ajah, please fill out this application!


 The information on this site is in no way, shape, or form approved or regulated by Robert Jordan, TOR, or anyone else. It is a fan site, and is for fun only.

Background by Marie.

Some Graphics from The Wheel of Time Art Gallery

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